../ path catch http not https issue - wordpress

I'm using WordPress, DNS is CloudFlare.
When I enter my site seo.whoops.com.tw, it will get mixed content, but I have used Auto SSL Rewrite by CloudFlare, also I installed real simple SSL of the plugin, but the issue still exists.
After that, I check the reason is due to the theme main CSS using ../image.jpg as path and the site is catching HTTP:// not https://, but I really don't know how to fixed it(I know I can just change path with fixed URL, but due to updated after, I don't want to.)
I just notify the theme author and they say it's not wrong, so I came here to ask someone who can give me a tip.


Create new site on WordPress multisite, https:// not applied

So the story begin, I installed new WordPress multisite for my client with ssl applied. Then, it should have https://. The ssl perfectly well done, where do I know it? because all http:// now redirect to https://. I don't have any issue with ssl. I use subdomain for the multisite.
Issue came when I try create new site. It's created the new site but have a non https://. Looks like this http://test.thesite.com/ instead https://test.thesite.com/. This behaviour makes all things programmatically content (e.g. create menu) have non https:// also. This is problem because even can redirect to https:// it makes the redirect always working, where it doesn't need to be like that if the url already have https://. FYI: it's working great in local environment.
I also have searched for it but no luck, only when I asked friend, he have same problem with me. He said it's a is_ssl() function that I need to rewrite the original one on a theme functions. But the issue raised again, it's a super admin level not on theme level, how can I inject it on super admin level. Or maybe anyone have suggestion for me what to do?
So then, finally I try to investigate myself. It's a feature not a bug. The condition itself not allow user to have a https even they install wildcard ssl and forced to ssl. It will never happen the subdomain multisite install having ssl by nature, except you edit manually the url in the network site management. There is condition that only subfolder/subdirectory will have ssl. Not sure what the reason behind it. But the problem solved and time to move on. You can use plugin for this.

Insecure stylesheet WordPress

Im having problems with WordPress, I'm getting this error everywhere in the site, wp-admin, home dir and etc. I can't find a way to fix it because I cant see the valid URL of it. Error looks like this, I received it while trying to edit widget in widgets area wp-admin:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://somesite.com/wp-admin/widgets.php' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://somesite.com/?ver=1.11.4'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Maybe anyone had similar problem, please help!
That error is generates by Google Chrome any time a website with SSL certificate (a website that uses HTTPS) try to call a URL without HTTPS, in your case you are calling somewhere in the code the URL "http://somesite.com/?ver=1.11.4" (probably in the menu or in the header).
There is a Wordpress plugin called "SSL Insecure Content Fixer" that can help you out in this problem, basically that plugin replace all the string "http://somesite.com/..." with "https://somesite.com/...".
So check it out, I think it will help you.
Problem was with redirects. If anyone has similar problems. Try to look at your server and htaccess redirects. Otherwise this was not your problem.

Why WordPress image link in not appearing after activating SSL?

I've successfully added SSL on my WordPress website and it's every URL is working well with https URL but there seems all images is missing. In dashboard, all images URL is converted to https URL but in front-end they are not showing any URL it just seems like
Please anyone could help me to solve this issue?
This is likely because the URLs to the images are now http, and may be being blocked by browser security settings. There's a handy plugin I often use to help sort out issues like this called Really Simple SSL:
This plugin manages the URLs to include the correct protocol, etc. You may need to change any hard-coded URLs in your theme that do not use https however.

How can I do a 301 Redirect from HTTPS to HTTPS via .htaccess

I've done a bunch of research and have tried a lot of code to accomplish the following task and I am not having any luck. I am trying to forward the following:
from: https://www.oldwebsite.com
to: https://www.newwebsite.com
The reason behind the domain change was rebranding and SEO purposes. We do not have the old hosting available anymore, but I have added oldwebsite.com as an alias to the newwebsite.com. We are using GoDaddy's Wordpress hosting/installation.
Please note, the non-SSL (http://) forwards to the newsite.com with no issues; when someone clicks on an existing link with https://oldsite.com that is when the link breakage occurs. GoDaddy has recommended added the old domain as an alias (completed) and modifying the .htaccess file to perform the redirect, but it doesn't work.
Anyone have experience solving this issue?

WooCommerce Force SSL Creates 404

So, I've read a few articles/blogs on this issue, but here's mine:
When I activate "Force SSL" in Woocommerce settings, I get a 404 on any pages that have HTTPS.
I have a dedicated SSL certificate on my domain, and that is no problem. It is not caused by plugins, I have tested that.
I've heard that you need to modify the "default-ssl" file on your server. You apparently need to modify your htaccess file to match the settings of your "default-ssl" file. If this is not accessible on a shared hosting server, then this is not a viable solution for anyone who doesn't have a VPS or access to root level SSH.
I've also been told that you need to reset your WP permalink settings to default. This is bad for SEO and quite frankly, an "I failed" non-solution.
If there is a way to get around this problem that can be fixed by having access only to cPanel and FTP, then answer this question. If it is definitely not possible via these means, please tell me why.
I'm not sure whether this is something that is going to benefit others, but if you're on shared hosting, testing on a subdomain is a bad idea. Rather test on "www.yourdomain.com/testing/", as opposed to "testing.yourdomain.com". Don't ask me why, the nerdy reasons I will leave to the back-end guys who answer my questions with grammatically unintelligible questions and down-votes.
You can have custom domains on your Woocommerce site after all. Don't test on a subdomain.
