What can I use to represent data? - xamarin.forms

I'm doing a project at work where I'm taking the value of 8 sliders, running the values through a formula, then displaying that value on the screen. I would like to accompany with a type of vertical graph/bar that will span a grid. I tried using progress bars, which I ran into issues with both expanding the progress bar to the height of the grid, and displaying the value once the value went backwards. I had the same layout issues with the slider, once rotated -90 degrees the slider won't expand the height of the grid. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could try or and objects that I haven't thought of?

I've been happy using Syncfusion to chart data in Xamarin.Forms. It sets up fast and comes with lots of friendly defaults so you can see right away whether it's working. Link to Syncfusion. If you want to see it used for real I'm using it in my app over here.
It sounds like from your question and the comments that while you're intent on charting data you're also very set on using a Grid to do something. From many experiences I've had in the past I would warn you to be careful about blaming the graphing/charting/drawing library for things going haywire when the problem could very well be that you are using the wrong layout or using it in the wrong way.


visIgraphLayout causing display issues for shiny app

I can share the code if needed but it felt like a lot to share to start, so I'll try to explain narratively. I am creating an interface to display network data (as you might have guessed from the title). My first issue has been going on for a few days where visIgraphLayout is not laying out my visual correctly. Regardless of using "full" or "square" as the "type", the network map extends beyond the edge of the display space. When I resize the interface window, then the map will snap to full. Why won't it simply resize automatically? If it matters, I do have the output space in a box element. Also, I have the layout styles working off radiobuttons, and when I switch between styles the map goes beyond the edges again.
Part 2 begins. While the above problem is annoying, it was livable. However, a new wrinkle popped up. I added some font size control to my visNodes code - i.e., radiobuttons set to switch between off (0), small (5), standard (14), and large (40) font size options. Once I implemented this code, when I resize the interface window, now the network map disappears completely after initial load. If I select a new label option, it will redraw but beyond the edges of the space.
All the issues resolve themselves if I ditch the visIgraphLayout, but then I lose the layout functionality which I really like.
I hope this is clear enough. I really appreciate any insights the community might provide. Be well.
I think I have figured out an answer. Long story short, certain pieces didn't work and play well with others. Went through and build it again, and all it good.

Focus a new client in the `awful.layout.suit.max` layout

I am coming from i3 and I only used two layouts tiled and stacked. I am currently looking for a way to get the stacked layout into awesome.
It seems that awful.layout.suit.max is very close to what I want. The problem that I have is that I can't seem to focus any clients.
awful.client.focus.bydirection doesn't seem to do anything with the max layout. I looked at how awful.layout.suit.max and awful.layout.suit.max and there doesn't seem to be anything special.
So I assume awful.client.focus.bydirection doesn't work because the clients are stacked. awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) doesn't seem to do anything.
How would I select a new client in the awful.layout.suit.max layout?
Try my Collision module. It has all the necessary logic to support geometric navigation. This includes rather hacky tricks to work with all default layouts.

Issue with Bourbon / Neat Grid - grids dont align correctly

I am new to Bourbon / Neat framework, and the past 2 days i've been setting my environment up, but i am having issues configuring the Grid.
The issue is that no matter how much i try, there are some spacing issue when it comes to the grid, there is a small space in between columns in the grid, which is giving me a headache, and i have no idea what is causing it.
As you can see from the image, the right column, is slightly on the left, is this a common occurrence in neat?
Thank you in advance.
If you are using the visual grid, this can be off by a few pixels. Please see the documentation here:
The overlaid grid may be few pixels off depending on the browser's
rendering engine and pixel rounding algorithm.
Hope this helps

Dojo Graph Tooltip Arrow Appears Incorrectly

For some reason, the arrow on the tooltip for each graph point appears below the actual label(see image). I have tried doing everything to move it and can not figure out why this is happening. The tooltip is generated automatically by dojo's chart library. It appears fine in the demos.
Does anybody have an idea why?
I am using Dojo 1.7.2.
The code is question is
this.linePlotName is part of the object that the method below resides in.
var anim = new dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip(newLineChart, this.linePlotName);
I had the same issue after I upgraded my Dojo from 1.6 to 1.7.2, but this issue was actually a bug and it is fixed now in 1.7.3: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/15016
Upgrade and it should be fine.
It's hard to say, without seeing what else is going on in your code. However, it's important to keep in mind that the tooltip's behavior is influenced by the widget/div/frame it's contained in. If there's not enough room to render the tooltip graphic on top of the plot line, it will be drawn under it. Try increasing the size of the container the chart is contained in, and try increasing the size of the chart itself, so there's plenty of room above the plot line for the tooltip to appear, or even try just scrolling up/down. It's best to rule out the easy fixes first. :) If that doesn't work, please comment, and we can go from there...

Flex Spark TitleWindow bad redraw on dragging

I have a problem with redrawing in flex 4. I have a spark titleWindow, and if i drag it faster, it looks like it's mask is one frame late after the component.
it's easily visible with 1pixel thin border, because it becomes invisible even with slower movement.
You can try it here (what is not my page, but it's easier to show you here than uploading example):
If you move in direction up, you see disappearing top border. in another directions it's not that sensitive as it has wide shadow, and it's not very visible on shadow.
On my computer i see it on every spark TitleWindow i have found on google, although it's much less visible with less contrast skins, without borders or with shadows.
Do you see it there? i had never this problem with halo components. It's doing the same thing with different skins. I tried to delete masks from skin, cache component, skin even an application as bitmap with no success.
I also turned on redraw regions in flash player, and it looks like it's one frame late after titlewindow too.
Does anyone know why is it doing this or how can i prevent it?
Thank you
no answers? really?
I have been facing the same problem and I was really pissed that I couldn't find any answer.
The problem with me was, that I tried to center the component "component.x = (parent.width - component.width) / 2" and then draw that component programatically. The problem was, that component.x is a Number which can lead to floating values like 10.5 or similar. And it looks like that bitmapFill function rounds floats DIFFERENTLY than drawRect function, which makes exactly the 1px line around the objects (but ONLY when parent.width is an odd number). Strange thing for me was, that I only called the Draw function once, but still this line keep recurring ...
Doing Math.floor(component.x) solved the issue.
P.S.: I think that you can also help your issue by setting cacheAsbitmap=true on the dragged object ...
Jan Prazma
