How to give empty value for argument in POST request for hyperledger composer rest server - r

I am trying to make a post request via R using the httr package to composer rest server. I have written a code and then created the composer rest server from it. These are my details
Request URL : http://localhost:3000/api/nl.amis.registry.fruits
Body: {
"$class": "nl.amis.registry.fruits",
"Id": "9",
"name": "orange",
"description": "string",
"count": ""
First, I have tried with the composer rest server. For my purpose, I needed the count to be blank and the value will be appended by another API call. I was able to make the transaction successfully with the count: "". This I was able to check in the test section of the composer playground. The remaining code works fine which appends the count variable later on.
Now I am writing an R code to make a similar transaction through POST request. Here I am facing an error that "count cannot be blank" and returns with error 422 Unprocessable entity. The content type I was used was application/json. While using the "count":{} , the post request process fine and i am getting "count":[object Object] in the response. But the later on code which does the appending will do something like count:"[object Object],1" wherein I am expecting "count":"1". Everything works fine while using the test in composer playground but while trying to access externally via rest API is creating the problem. Please help.

you can use an Optional keyword to declare a count in an asset of the model file. using Optional keyword you can post an empty value of count.
for example:
asset fruits identified by Id {
o String Id
o String name
o String description
o String count optional


Submitting time data to wikibase with `wbcreateclaim` results in "invald-snak" error

I am currently trying to populate a wikidata instance via POST requests. For this purpose I use the requests library in Python together with the MediaWiki API.
So far I managed to create claims with different datatypes (like String, Quantity, Wikidata items, Media ...). The general scheme I use is this (with different value strings for each datatype):
import requests
session = requests.Session()
# authenticate and obtain a csrf_token
parameters = {
'action': 'wbcreateclaim',
'format': 'json',
'entity': 'Q1234',
'snaktype': 'value',
'property': 'P12',
'value': '{"time": "+2022-02-19T00:00:00Z", "timezone": 0, "precision": 11, "calendarmodel": ""}',
'token': csrf_token,
'bot': 1,
r =, data=parameters)
Every attempt to insert data of type time leads to an invalid-snak error (info: "invalid snak data.").
The following changes did not solve the problem:
submitting the value string as dictionary value (without the single quotes),
putting the numeric values into (double) quotes,
using a local item for the calendarmodel ("http://localhost:8181/entity/Q73"),
adding before and after keys in the dictionary,
omitting timezone, precision, calendarmodel and combinations thereof,
formatting the time string as 2022-02-19,
submitting the request with administrator rights (though the error message does not
suggest a problem with insufficient user rights).
Do you know, what I'm doing wrong here? What must the value field look like?
I am aware of the fact that special libraries or interfaces for exist for these tasks. But I do want to use the Wikidata API directly with the requests library in Python.
Thank you very much for your help!
Installed software versions:
MediaWiki: 1.36.3
PHP: 7.4.27
MariaDB 10.3.32-MariaDB-1:10.3.32+maria~focal
ICU 67.1
It works if the value string is generated from the dictionary via json.dumps().

Kronos API v2 - including multiple query parameters in a request

I am trying to access the Time Entries object via the Kronos API v2.
The documentation says that there are two required Query Parameters: start_date and end_date.
I am able to query the endpoint including one of the parameters at a time but am not able to enter both. And, I find the documentation quite lacking.
The root of the endpoint is:{cid}/time-entries
Here are things I have tried to suffix to the above endpoint:
?start_date=2019-11-01 end_date=2019-12-01
I also tried including quotes around the dates.
Everything results in some 400 level error when querying the API. With most of the above suffixes, it recognizes start_date but not the end_date. In this case, the error is:
{'code': 400, 'message': 'Missing required: end_date'}]
Note, above {cid} is replaced with the company's id.
In summary, how should I include two query parameters in the Kronos API?
The first option is correct.{cid}/time-entries?start_date=2019-11-01&end_date=2019-12-01
should work just fine.
Could you provide full URL you set in request?

How can I fix a 501 error from the clockify API?

I'm getting a 501 response from the clockify API when trying to create a Time Entry using CreateTimeEntryRequest
I've verified I can query the API and get data from it, so I'm using the correct X-Api-Key, I've resolved a few issues with bad datetime formats, but I'm still getting the error.
URL I'm posting to:
My POST request header looks like this:
{"x-api-key": REMOVED, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
The body of the request is (For example):
{"start": "2019-01-28T14:53:04Z", "billable": false, "description": "Test Time Entry", "projectID": null, "taskID": null, "end": "2019-01-28T15:53:04Z", "tagIds": []}
I'm getting:
{"message": "Entity not created.", "code": 501}
And the time entry is not being created.
I expect some kind of success message
It has something to do with the "End" variable. If you remove it, it'll work. This of course means the timer will be running (also you will get a 400 error if you already have a timer running), so if you want to stop it, you'll have to immediately call PUT /workspaces/{workspaceId}/timeEntries/endStarted or if you want the stop time to be at some point in the past, you'll have to update the timer with PUT /workspaces/{workspaceId}/timeEntries/{id}. However the update doesn't seem to work either (same issue). My guess is they made a change to the endpoint (perhaps renamed the "end" variable), because I'm about 75% sure I used this API within the last month or so and it worked.
Hopefully someone from Clockify will see this and give an update. I had a similar issue happen with the "me" field in the GetSummaryReportRequest object. It stopped working and removing the field fixed it.

AWS API Gateway - change to 404 if query returns nothing

I have a Dynamodb table with a few fields - my_id is the PrimaryKey. In the API gateway I set up a response with a method that takes in a parameter {my_id}.
Then I have an Integration Request mapping template that takes the passed in parameter and queries the table to return all the fields that match.
Then I have an Integration response mapping template that cleans up the returned items the way I want.
This all works perfect.
The thing I can't figure out how to do is if the parameter that is passed in doesn't match anything in the table, how do I get it to change from a 200 status into a 404?
From what I can tell when the passed in parameter doesn't match anything it doesn't cause an error, it just doesn't return anything.
It seems like I need to change the mapping template on the Integration response to first check if the params are empty and then somehow tell it to change the response status.
I can find info about this type of thing with people using Lambda, but I am not using Lambda - just the Dynamodb table and the API Gateway.
You can use Mapping Template to convert the response that you get from DDB and overrride the response code. You can get more details in the link
If you are using cloud formation, you can do this by using below snippet
- StatusCode: "200"
application/json: |
"payload" : {
- StatusCode: "200"
application/json: |
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
#set($context.responseOverride.status = 200)
#set($context.responseOverride.status = 404)
Api gateway currently supports mapping the status code using the status code of the integration response (Here dynamodb response code). The only workaround is to use a lambda function which outputs different error messages that can be mapped using a error regex

AWS API/Lambda POST capabilities

I am trying to create a API/Lambda process which takes a comment and posts in into my RDS Aurora database.
The comment field in the database is set as TEXT type
The lambda function posts the comment to the database
The API method is POST
A mapping template has been set u to map the request body into the lambda function
All work perfectly until I start to try and post large comments. (A large paragraph, maybe 500 characters)
The body looks as follows:
"comment":"long comment"
When I run it in Lambda, I can post massive comments, however when I try and do it through the API Gateway I get an error
Endpoint response body before transformations: {"stackTrace": [["/var/task/", 38, "handler", "raise Exception('Internal Error: Unable to post the comment.')"]], "errorType": "Exception", "errorMessage": "Internal Error: Unable to post the comment."}
I would suggest to use the test invoke feature on API Gateway console. From there, you can see the payload before transformed and after transformed. That might be a bit on debugging.
