Why is it not possible to execute compile-file in parallel? - common-lisp

I have a project that has a lot of files that are not managed by ASDF and are compiled manually. These files are completely independent and being able to compile them in parallel seemed like a way to reduce compilation time to me. My plan was to compile these files in parallel and then sequentially load produced FASL files. But after I parallelized compilation, I saw that there was literally zero performance improvement. Then I went to SBCL sources and found that compile-file takes a world lock, which essentially sequentializes the compilation.
My question is, what's the reason that compile-file takes this lock? While loading FASLs in parallel could indeed lead to some race conditions, it seemed to me that compilation of Lisp files should be independent and parallelizable.

The compiler is accessible from the language. You can do compile-time programming, have compiler macros etc. Just as an illustration, there is (eval-when (:compile) …). You cannot rule out compile-time effects in general, and this would have to be thread safe everywhere. I guess that the effort to make this robust is much bigger than one was willing to invest.
You might be able to start multiple Lisp images for parallel compilation, though. You just need to handle the dependency graph while orchestrating that.
UPDATE: I just stumbled upon a conversation that seems to imply that SBCL is closer to getting rid of that lock than I thought: https://sourceforge.net/p/sbcl/mailman/message/36473674/


How do I know where in my Haskell Program an Exception can be Thrown?

I'm working on a 1-10k line personal Haskell project, and I'm using various IO-libraries such as Network.HTTP.Conduit inside workers spawned with Pipes.Concurrent.
I just realized that some of these IO libraries are throwing exceptions in edge cases.
Is there any way for GHC to give me compile-time warnings about uncaught exceptions? What is the best way to find out the exceptions a library can throw?
Just answering my own question as it stands in 2018. Hopefully this will improve over time.
At compile-time, there is no way to know which parts of your Haskell program can throw exceptions. Some libraries choose to return Either/Maybe monads to deal with edge cases safely and others choose to throw exceptions.
Personally, I believe this makes Haskell a lot less attractive to run in production, especially since these exceptions will rarely have stack traces.

How to use Common Lisp sort of like a smalltalk image

I would like to have my Common Lisp (SBCL + GNU Emacs + Slime) environment be sort of like a Smalltalk image in that I want to have a big ball of mud of all my code organized in packages and preferably projects. In other words I have messed about a bit with save-lisp-and-die and setting Lisp in Emacs to bring up the saved image. Where I get lost is the appropriate way to make it work with Swank.
I believe it is required to put swank hooks inside my Lisp image before save-lisp-and-die. But it seems a bit fragile as on change to either my SBCL version or Slime version it seems to throw a version mismatch.
Am I missing something? Do people work this way or tend to be more separate project as a loadable set of packages under ASDF?
I really miss the Smalltalk way and feel like per project ASDF is a bit clunkier and more rooted in the file system. In comparison it reminds me too much of every other language and their app/project orientation. OTOH it seem a bit more stable-ish re-versions of depended upon packages. Well, the entire versioning hell across languages is another matter.
Any hints how to do what I want or why it isn't such a good idea would be much appreciated.
Common Lisp implementations like SBCL support images. The idea of saved memory appeared early in Lisp in the 60s.
Smalltalk took that idea from Lisp. In many Smalltalk implementations images might be portable (OS, runtime, ...) - especially when using machine independent byte code. SBCL OTOH compiles to native machine code.
Managed source code
Smalltalk added the idea of managed source code. Smalltalk often uses a simple database plus a change log to store source code. One Lisp doing something similar was Xerox Interlisp - but with slightly different approaches.
Other Lisp implementations / IDEs don't support managed source code that way - only the Xerox Interlisp variants - AFAIK.
In Common Lisp the use of defsystem facilities like ASDF and IDEs like GNU Emacs + SLIME is much more file system based. Code resides in multiple systems, which are files in a directory with a system description.
It's not even clear that it's meaningful to load a newer version of a system into a Lisp system where an older version is loaded. One might be able to arrange that, but there is nothing preventing me from messing that up.
Updating Lisp
Updating a Lisp like SBCL from one version to another might
make the saved image incompatible to the runtime
make the compiled code in FASL files incompatible with the runtime
You might save an image with the runtime included/bundled. That way you have the right combination of image and runtime.
But when you update the runtime, you usually/often need to regenerate a new compatible images with your code loaded.
Since SBCL brings releases once a month, there is a temptation to update regularly. Other implementations might use different strategies: LispWorks is an example. LispWorks is released much less often and publishes patches between releases, which are loaded into the released version.
Updating SLIME
I have no idea if it would be possible to update a loaded SLIME (a SLIME which has been already loaded in an earlier version into a Lisp system) by loading a new version on top. Probably a good idea to check with the SLIME maintainers.

Rust on grid computing

I'm looking to create Rust implementations of some small bioinformatics programs for my research. One of my main considerations is performance, and while I know that I could schedule the Rust program to run on a grid with qsub - the cluster I have access to uses Oracle's GridEngine - I'm worried that the fact that I'm not calling MPI directly will cause performance issues with the Rust program.
Will scheduling the program without using an MPI library hinder performance greatly? Should I use an MPI library in Rust, and if so, are there any known MPI libraries for Rust? I've looked for one but I haven't found anything.
I have used several supercomputing facilities (I'm an astrophysicist) and have often faced the same problem: I know C/C++ very well but prefer to work with other languages.
In general, any approach other than MPI will do, but consider that often such supercomputers have heavily optimised MPI libraries, often tailored for the specific hardware integrated in the cluster. It is difficult to tell how much the performance of your Rust programs will be affected if you do not use MPI, but the safest bet is to stay with the MPI implementation provided on the cluster.
There is no performance penalty in using a Rust wrapper around a C library like a MPI library, as the bottleneck is the time needed to transfer data (e.g. via a MPI_Send) between nodes, not the negligible cost of an additional function call. (Moreover, this is not the case for Rust: there is no additional function call, as already stated above.)
However, despite the very good FFI provided by Rust, it is not going to be easy to create MPI bindings. The problem lies in the fact that MPI is not a library, but a specification. Popular MPI libraries are OpenMPI (http://www.open-mpi.org) and MPICH (http://www.mpich.org). Each of them differs slightly in the way they implement the standard, and they usually cover such differences using C preprocessor macros. Very few FFIs are able to deal with complex macros; I don't know how Rust scores here.
As an instance, I am implementing an MPI Program in Free Pascal but I am not able to use the existing MPICH bindings (http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/MPICH), as the cluster I am using provides its own MPI library and I prefer to use this one for the reason stated above. I was unable to reuse MPICH bindings, as they assumed that constants like MPI_BYTE were hardcoded integer constants. But in my case they are pointers to opaque structures that seem to be created when MPI_Init is called.
Julia bindings to MPI (https://github.com/lcw/MPI.jl) solve this problem by running C and Fortran programs during the installation that generate Julia code with the correct values for such constants. See e.g. https://github.com/lcw/MPI.jl/blob/master/deps/make_f_const.f
In my case I preferred to implement a middleware, I.e., a small C library which wraps MPI calls with a more "predictable" interface. (This is more or less what the Python and Ocaml bindings do too, see https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocamlmpi/ and http://mpi4py.scipy.org.) Things are running smoothly, so far I haven't got any problem.
Will scheduling the program without using an MPI library hinder performance greatly?
There are lots of ways to carry out parallel computing. MPI is one, and as comments to your question indicate you can call MPI from Rust with a bit of gymnastics.
But there are other approaches, like the PGAS family (Chapel, OpenSHMEM, Co-array Fortran), or alternative messaging like what Charm++ uses.
MPI is "simply" providing a (very useful, highly portable, aggressively optimized) messaging abstraction, but as long as you have some way to manage the parallelism, you can run anything on a cluster.

Experimental support for keeping the Scala compiler resident with sbt.resident.limit?

I've just noticed in the code of sbt.BuiltinCommands that there's a Java command line setting - sbt.resident.limit that (quoting Experimental or In-progress):
Experimental support for keeping the Scala compiler resident. Enable
by passing -Dsbt.resident.limit=n to sbt, where n is an integer
indicating the maximum number of compilers to keep around.
Should an end user know the switch? Where could it be useful? Is the feature going into a mainstream use or is it so specialized that almost of no use?
We've experimented with keeping Scala compiler instances in memory to reduce the time it takes to perform incremental compilation. Our findings showed us that the improvements to speed were not as large as we expected. The complexity of resident compilation is really large due to issues like memory leaks or sound symbol table invalidation.
I think it's very unlikely we'll finish that experimental feature in any foreseeable future so I think we should remove any references to resident compilation mode from sbt sources.
I created an sbt ticket for tracking it: https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/1287
Feel free to grab it. I'm happy to assist you with any questions related to cleaning up sbt code from resident compilation mode.

JIT compilers for math

I am looking for a JIT compiler or a small compiler library that can be embedded in my program. I indent to use it to compile dynamically generated code that perform complex number arithmetics. The generated code are very simple in structure: no loops, no conditionals, but they can be quite long (a few MB when compiled by GCC). The performance of the resulting machine code is important, while I don't really care about the speed of compilation itself. Which JIT compiler is best for my purpose? Thanks!
Detailed requirements
Support double precision complex number arithmetics
Support basic optimization
Support many CPUs (x86 and x86-64 at least)
Make use of SSE on supported CPUs
Support stack or a large set of registers for local variables
ANSI-C or C++ interface
Cross platform (mainly Linux, Unix)
You might want to take a look at LLVM.
Cint is a c++(ish) environment that offers the ability to mix compiled code and interpreted code. There is a set of optimization tools for the interpreter. ROOT extends this even further by supporting compile and link at run-time at run-time (see the last section of http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cint-prompt), though it appears to use the system compiler and thus may not help. All the code is open source.
I make regular use of all these features as part of my work.
I don't know if it makes active use of SIMD instructions, but it seems to meet all your other requirements.
As I see that you are currently using the compile to dynamic library at link on the fly methond, you might consider TCC, though I don't believe that it does much optimization and suspect that it does not support SIMD.
Sounds like you want to be able to compile on the fly and then dynamically load the compiled library (.DLL or .so). This would give you the best performance, with an ANSI-C or C++ interface. So, forget about JITing and consider spawning a C/C++ compiler to do the compilation.
This of course assumes that a compiler can be installed at the point where the dynamically generated code is actually generated.
