Experimental support for keeping the Scala compiler resident with sbt.resident.limit? - sbt

I've just noticed in the code of sbt.BuiltinCommands that there's a Java command line setting - sbt.resident.limit that (quoting Experimental or In-progress):
Experimental support for keeping the Scala compiler resident. Enable
by passing -Dsbt.resident.limit=n to sbt, where n is an integer
indicating the maximum number of compilers to keep around.
Should an end user know the switch? Where could it be useful? Is the feature going into a mainstream use or is it so specialized that almost of no use?

We've experimented with keeping Scala compiler instances in memory to reduce the time it takes to perform incremental compilation. Our findings showed us that the improvements to speed were not as large as we expected. The complexity of resident compilation is really large due to issues like memory leaks or sound symbol table invalidation.
I think it's very unlikely we'll finish that experimental feature in any foreseeable future so I think we should remove any references to resident compilation mode from sbt sources.
I created an sbt ticket for tracking it: https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/1287
Feel free to grab it. I'm happy to assist you with any questions related to cleaning up sbt code from resident compilation mode.


Why is it not possible to execute compile-file in parallel?

I have a project that has a lot of files that are not managed by ASDF and are compiled manually. These files are completely independent and being able to compile them in parallel seemed like a way to reduce compilation time to me. My plan was to compile these files in parallel and then sequentially load produced FASL files. But after I parallelized compilation, I saw that there was literally zero performance improvement. Then I went to SBCL sources and found that compile-file takes a world lock, which essentially sequentializes the compilation.
My question is, what's the reason that compile-file takes this lock? While loading FASLs in parallel could indeed lead to some race conditions, it seemed to me that compilation of Lisp files should be independent and parallelizable.
The compiler is accessible from the language. You can do compile-time programming, have compiler macros etc. Just as an illustration, there is (eval-when (:compile) …). You cannot rule out compile-time effects in general, and this would have to be thread safe everywhere. I guess that the effort to make this robust is much bigger than one was willing to invest.
You might be able to start multiple Lisp images for parallel compilation, though. You just need to handle the dependency graph while orchestrating that.
UPDATE: I just stumbled upon a conversation that seems to imply that SBCL is closer to getting rid of that lock than I thought: https://sourceforge.net/p/sbcl/mailman/message/36473674/

JIT compilers for math

I am looking for a JIT compiler or a small compiler library that can be embedded in my program. I indent to use it to compile dynamically generated code that perform complex number arithmetics. The generated code are very simple in structure: no loops, no conditionals, but they can be quite long (a few MB when compiled by GCC). The performance of the resulting machine code is important, while I don't really care about the speed of compilation itself. Which JIT compiler is best for my purpose? Thanks!
Detailed requirements
Support double precision complex number arithmetics
Support basic optimization
Support many CPUs (x86 and x86-64 at least)
Make use of SSE on supported CPUs
Support stack or a large set of registers for local variables
ANSI-C or C++ interface
Cross platform (mainly Linux, Unix)
You might want to take a look at LLVM.
Cint is a c++(ish) environment that offers the ability to mix compiled code and interpreted code. There is a set of optimization tools for the interpreter. ROOT extends this even further by supporting compile and link at run-time at run-time (see the last section of http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cint-prompt), though it appears to use the system compiler and thus may not help. All the code is open source.
I make regular use of all these features as part of my work.
I don't know if it makes active use of SIMD instructions, but it seems to meet all your other requirements.
As I see that you are currently using the compile to dynamic library at link on the fly methond, you might consider TCC, though I don't believe that it does much optimization and suspect that it does not support SIMD.
Sounds like you want to be able to compile on the fly and then dynamically load the compiled library (.DLL or .so). This would give you the best performance, with an ANSI-C or C++ interface. So, forget about JITing and consider spawning a C/C++ compiler to do the compilation.
This of course assumes that a compiler can be installed at the point where the dynamically generated code is actually generated.

Memory problems in ASP.NET

I got problems with memory in my asp.net application. The problem is that I can't see any problems when running it locally (between 100-200mb) but on the production system I get 503-errors because of the memory limit (512mb) being reached (running it on shared hosting).
How can I pin down the problem? I don't think that I have access to the current memory usage, at least I have not found any way and the company who hosts my site says that there is no way.
I have absolutely no experience tracking down memory leaks. :)
Use a trial version of RedGate's Memory Profiler
or JetBrains dotTrace
Both tools are very simple and easy to use and do a great job of identifying protential memory leaks etc.
Most common sources of leaks are missed dispose calls, or poor management of event handlers... depending on the size of your code base, you may be able to just "spot" the trouble spots, but I find using a tool speeds up the process greatly as both will present before/after snapshots of the object graphs so you can see what is and is not being cleaned up by th GC.
Good overview of memory management:
I don't know that this is completely answerable here, but here's a start for you... The other answers are addressing specific memory issues, but tirst, you need to understand how memory is allocated and deallocated (reserved, used, and released) by the computer, the .NET runtime and in turn, your program.
Then you need to understand your code well enough to understand which functions happen on a per-user bases, and look at how much memory is being used. From there, you can get into your code and track down issues, but you need a firm understanding of the basics.
If I were you, I'd start with this article, and plan on spending some more time researching and learning. Hoefully, this article will not only answer questions, but give you enough knowledge to ask more specific/better questions. It's a good article, and I believe it will really help you, but it's not the whole kit-n-kaboodle. There's a quite a bit to learn.
The article is a bit old, and I'm assuming you're using more recent tools, so when you're done digesting that article, jump to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182372.aspx to learn about the Visual Studio Profiler.
This isn't necessarily an answer to your problem, per se, but more of a suggestion as to how to track things like this down.
One thing that I've found helps in tracking down these sorts of issues is to build into your application some sort of instrumentation. It could start as simple as providing a cache of sorts to keep track of pages request durations. This could be accomplished by creating a static cache class to hold either all (not recommended) or just long-running requests that you define (a safer approach) and have it all triggered in the OnBegin and OnEnd events (an HTTP module would be ideal). You could then create a basic dashboard page to list the contents of the cache to see potential places for trouble.
First things first... 503 is not only because of memory. If your application crashes 5 times in 5 minutes, due to rapid fail the application pool gets shut down and you get 503 - Service unavailable error.
500 MB odd memory seems pretty less to me and hence, memory could be adding to your problem. If it is 503 error, it means you have troubleshoot the issue from a crash perspective. Link
If you are having memory issues, you will typically get Out of memory exceptions, in which case, you should take multiple memory dumps of your process (w3wp.exe) and analyze it. Link has many posts on how you should analyze the memory dumps for memory leak. Right now, it would be too early for you to call it a memory leak.

Advantages of a build server?

I am attempting to convince my colleagues to start using a build server and automated building for our Silverlight application. I have justified it on the grounds that we will catch integration errors more quickly, and will also always have a working dev copy of the system with the latest changes. But some still don't get it.
What are the most significant advantages of using a Build Server for your project?
There are more advantages than just finding compile errors earlier (which is significant):
Produce a full clean build for each check-in (or daily or however it's configured)
Produce consistent builds that are less likely to have just worked due to left-over artifacts from a previous build
Provide a history of which change actually broke a build
Provide a good mechanism for automating other related processes (like deploy to test computers)
Continuous integration reveals any problems in the big picture, as different teams/developers work in different parts of the code/application/system
Unit and integration tests ran with the each build go even deeper and expose problems that would maybe not be seen on the developer's workstation
Free coffees/candy/beer. When someone breaks the build, he/she makes it up for the other team members...
I think if you can convince your team members that there WILL be errors and integration problems that are not exposed during the development time, that should be enough.
And of course, you can tell them that the team will look ancient in the modern world if you don't run continuous builds :)
See Continuous Integration: Benefits of Continuous Integration :
On the whole I think the greatest and most wide ranging benefit of Continuous Integration is reduced risk. My mind still floats back to that early software project I mentioned in my first paragraph. There they were at the end (they hoped) of a long project, yet with no real idea of how long it would be before they were done.
As a result projects with Continuous Integration tend to have dramatically less bugs, both in production and in process. However I should stress that the degree of this benefit is directly tied to how good your test suite is. You should find that it's not too difficult to build a test suite that makes a noticeable difference. Usually, however, it takes a while before a team really gets to the low level of bugs that they have the potential to reach. Getting there means constantly working on and improving your tests.
If you have continuous integration, it removes one of the biggest barriers to frequent deployment. Frequent deployment is valuable because it allows your users to get new features more rapidly, to give more rapid feedback on those features, and generally become more collaborative in the development cycle. This helps break down the barriers between customers and development - barriers which I believe are the biggest barriers to successful software development.
From my personal experience, setting up a build server and implementing CI process, really changes the way the project is conducted. The act of producing a build becomes an uneventful everyday thing, because you literally do it every day. This allows you to catch things earlier and be more agile.
Also note that setting build server is only a part of the CI process, which includes setting up tests and ultimately automating the deployment (very useful).
Another side-effect benefit that often doen't get mentioned is that CI tools like CruiseControl.NET becomes the central issuer of all version numbers for all branches, including internal RCs. You could then enforce your team to always ship a build that came out of the CI tool, even if it's a custom version of the product.
Early warning of broken or incompatible code means that all conflicts are identified asap, thereby avoiding last minute chaos on the release date.
When your boss says "I need a copy of the latest code ASAP" you can get it to them in < 5 minutes.
You can make the build available to internal testers easily, and when they report a bug they can easily tell you "it was the April 01 nightly build" so that you can work with the same version of the source code.
You'll be sure that you have an automated way to build the code that doesn't rely on libraries / environment variables / scripts / etc. that are set up in developers' environments but hard to replicate by others who want to work with the code.
We have found the automatic VCS tagging of the exact code that produce a version very helpful in going back to a specific version to replicate an issue.
Integration is a blind spot
Integration often doesn't get any respect - "we just throw the binaries into an installer thingie". If ithis doesn't work, it's the installers fault.
Stable Build Environment
Prevents excuses such as "This error sometimes occurs when built on Joe's machine". Prevents using old dependent libraries accidentally when building on Mikes machine.
True dogfooding
You inhouse testers and users have a true customer experience. Your developers have a clear reference for reproducing errors.
My manager told us we needed to set them up for two major reasons. None were really to do with the final project but to make sure what is checked in or worked on is correct.
First to clean up DLL Hell. When someone builds on their local machine they can be pointing at any reference folder. Lots of projects were getting built with the wrong versions of dlls from someone not updating their local folder. In the build server it will always be built of the same source. All you have to do is get latest to get the latest references.
The second major thing for us was a way to support projects with little knowledge of them. Any developer can go grab the source and do a minor fix if required. They don't have to mess with hours of set up or finding references. We have an overseas team that works primarily on a project but if there is a rush fix we need to do during US hours we can grab latest and be able to build not have to worry about broken source or what didn't get checked in. Gated checkins save everyone else on your team time.

Why does the Adobe Alchemy Tool create faster running flash byte code than the flex compiler?

I have seen a few blog entries on this and have had a discussion or two with my team mates but I would like to see what the stack overflow community thinks.
So why does the Adobe Alchemy Tool create so much faster running flash byte code than the flex compiler?
Also, when will the flex compiler be able to make similar performance gains?
Will it require programmer specific use of special Array's or something of that nature to get the same performance?
Alchemy is an implementation of LLVM in ActionScript. Simply put, it's an virtual machine that uses a ByteArray as it's memory store.
The C code compiled by Alchemy has direct access to "memory" (via some opcodes introduced in Flash 10), allowing it to chunk memory around at it's leisure (including pointers to objects). This results in some, but by no means all, code running faster. Some types of code will actually run slower in Alchemy due to it being a VM running on top of the AVM (another VM).
Additionally, Alchemy does not have native access to ActionScript classes and must access them through interop classes.
The alchemy tool creates code that uses instructions in the flash player that aren't available to the regular compiler (and the talk is that these instructions were exposed especially for alchemy).
Whether the regular compiler will eventually make similar gains, hopefully. It's been proven a few times that the compiler creates substandard code, and there are a couple of projects which optimise the generated code. These may shame Adobe into improving.
Chances are, no, there won't be anything special a programmer needs to do to get these performance gains (though check out the optimising blogs, writing loops in a particular way means they can be optimised better).
