wordpress backend redirect to blank page after changing to https - wordpress

thanks in advance for your help! :)
my webpage is running on cloudflare and I activated the flexible ssl certificate. I ran into some redirect errors and also could not log into the admin panel. so I installed a plugin called "cloudflare flexible ssl" which prevents the redirect loop happening.
However, every time I am saving something in Wordpress (posting smth, activating plugins, installing plugins, actually every action you can perform) it redirects to a blank page. When I go back, everything got saved/the action was executed. I tried to turn on the debug log but it did not work.
Anyone got an idea how to proceed? Do you need any more information?
for example: when trying to activate the preview function it shows that it wants to get to that page
But it opens this one
thanks again!

If you changed your Hosting to a https URl, you have to change all URLs in your Wordpress Installation to https.
(Wordpress Adress and Site Adress)


how to access to wordpress dashboard?

hey there i hosted my site on AWS and it was all okay when i used ssl insecure content but unfortunately i deactivated that plugin by mistake and it made me logout of my admin panel.
So, now when i try to access my dashboard by typing correct username it is not allowing me to sign in into it. please help me in this. The first image shows how my login page looks (different from each time) and a popup box that appears when i try to login in my account and after clicking on it it reverts me back to same login page. please do help me i am depressed now.
First thing, better to attach the valid SSL certificate as it's not only about your dashboard but the end-user will also face the same issue when they try to access your website.
Or if you think that you were able to access your website with that plugin, then do the following
Ssh to your instance
install the plugin from the command line that you have removed and it will start working back.
wp plugin install <plugin-name>
This is because your wordpress site is attempting to load your assets over HTTP rather than HTTPS.
Your SSL comes back as valid when running SSL labs so there is no need to worry about your SSL being invalid.
This will come down to your site actually loading on HTTP behind the load balancer so it is not aware it should be loaded over HTTPS.
There is a small change you can make that fools your blog into believing that it should return HTTPS urls. At the top of your index.php file add the following
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
By doing this only HTTPS urls will be rendered on your site allowing it to be fully accessible as intended.
This is happening because of SSL Issue. Do the Following
Install Really Simple SSL Plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-ssl/
Change Site Url and Home URL Prefix from http:// to https://
Note:- Disable SSL and Install Plugin First in order to be Succesfully run it

Wordpress site - too many redirects when selecting link

I have looked at similar questions but still receive the redirect error.When landing on a homepage URL the site resolves and displays for example http://www.test.co.uk . When selecting any link ie. http://www.test.co.uk/products the browser throws a "Too many redirects" error and the site become unusable. The only way I can get it back up is by clearing cookies and cache and trying again. What I find really confusing is that copying the http://www.test.co.uk/products link or manually typing the URL in resolves the URL correctly and I don't get "too many redirects" error. It only happens when I select a link.
I have tried the following:
Renamed the "plugins" directory to "plugins1" to disable the plugins
Reverted to the default wordpress ".htaccess" file
Ensure the site settings URLS matched in wp-admin area
SSL is enabled on the site but not configured to be used anywhere, all links (that I'm aware of reference http://)
Checked any redirects on the hosting via CPANEL (none exist)
Added these to the wp-config file
define ('WP_HOME','http://www.test.co.uk');
I'm not sure whats changed in the last couple of days but we think a plugin got updated. Would disabling the plugins prove that its nothing to do with plugins?I'm new to WordPress so apologies if I got some terms wrong.
Any suggestions I could try looking at would be helpful.
try to set Home url and site url to http://www.test.co.uk from your WP admin panel

WP WooCommerce Webhook URL is not triggering in Live environment

I installed wordpress (with woocommerce) plugin in this location
Then create a my php file for webhook in this location
I put this webhook url into webhook settings inside woocommerce with when order is created.
As I save the settings webhook was triggered because I'm creating a folder when ever someone creates order from front side of wordpress site.
This is the code inside my file.php
mkdir('foldername', 0777, true);
The issue is that when someone creates an order its not triggering the url, because if it was triggered then I will see the folder created by my code into my file location but its not exist. Its mean url was not hit(triggered) successfully.
The same thing is working fine in my localhost environment. I'm struggling this from several days and I'm unable to find the solution inside stackoverflow/google.
There is nothing critical in my woocommerce status;
PHP version okey 5.6
Latest wordpress version till current date.
Latest woocommerce plugin till current date.
Any help will be appreciated, thank you guys!
Sorry guys, I have fixed the issue myself, my website has SSL and all my URLs are forcefully redirecting to https and I have putted the URL in webhook as non https, so my server were trying to move that URL and this way it was giving 302 Error.
Issue is now fixed after putting https in the webhook URL.
Thank you guys!

Admin dashboard in wordpress 404 error

I've tried everything on the web to fix this, but when I type http://www.hotel-lopera.eu/wp-admin it doesn't open.
I've tried updating it, making some changes in my cPanel and it still doesn't work...
Can you help me?
Your admin url is http://www.hotel-lopera.eu/hotel-admin
it looks you may be using a plugin or htaccess redirect to redirect wp-admin to hotel-admin. But i am not sure what it could be.
I found this by guessing simply by typing http://www.hotel-lopera.eu/login/
and it redirected me to hotel-admin

Wordpress clone on Dreamhost

So I created a new subdomain on Dreamhost. One-click installed Wordpress. Fresh Copied the olddomain.com to newdomain.com exported all the tables with the drop attribute to the new wordpress database via phpmyadmin. Then followed this post to update the urls.
The site doesn't load, giving me this error message:
The page isn't redirecting properly
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.
I would make sure to check the 'www' rules in Fully Hosted (from the web panel: Manage Domains > Web Hosting > Edit), compared with your site URL settings in the WordPress dashboard. Make sure those aren't conflicting first.
If you need further assistance, just let me know the domain name and I can take a look. Please also feel free to start a LiveChat from the panel or submit a ticket; our support team is here to help 24/7!
Ellice S
DreamHost Staff
I finally ended up creating an empty site and then using the WP Duplicator plugin. Worked like a charm!
