Admin dashboard in wordpress 404 error - wordpress

I've tried everything on the web to fix this, but when I type it doesn't open.
I've tried updating it, making some changes in my cPanel and it still doesn't work...
Can you help me?

Your admin url is
it looks you may be using a plugin or htaccess redirect to redirect wp-admin to hotel-admin. But i am not sure what it could be.
I found this by guessing simply by typing
and it redirected me to hotel-admin


Wordpress Login page redirects back to itself

I’m trying to log in to wordpress dashboard but it redirects back to login page causing 302 error.
I’ve tried all solutions suggested in the internet including clearing caches, deactivating plugins and themes, changing url in wp-confing.php and deleting .htaccess file but none of above did't help… How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance!
Open your domain manager backup your site from cpanel and reinstall wordpress using cpanel. I think it should work

Wordpress 404 error on

My WordPress site having issue so not able to reach out to the, it's redirect to 404 error. I have been tried out for delete ".htaccess" file however it's not working.Cache and cookies of the browser also have been clear out. Would need some advise how can I reach out to my
I have been tried for using Disable plugin however it's also not working from my end to redirect on my side
Usually, a 404 error on /wp-admin/ is caused due to missing .htaccess in your website's root directory, so first thing first, make sure that you have a valid WordPress .htaccess ( ).
After that, make sure that you do not have a plugin for a custom admin login as it might also cause this behavior. If the issue still persists after that, try accessing the admin login page at:
If none of the above work, you should ask your hosting provider for further help.

How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

wordpress backend redirect to blank page after changing to https

thanks in advance for your help! :)
my webpage is running on cloudflare and I activated the flexible ssl certificate. I ran into some redirect errors and also could not log into the admin panel. so I installed a plugin called "cloudflare flexible ssl" which prevents the redirect loop happening.
However, every time I am saving something in Wordpress (posting smth, activating plugins, installing plugins, actually every action you can perform) it redirects to a blank page. When I go back, everything got saved/the action was executed. I tried to turn on the debug log but it did not work.
Anyone got an idea how to proceed? Do you need any more information?
for example: when trying to activate the preview function it shows that it wants to get to that page
But it opens this one
thanks again!
If you changed your Hosting to a https URl, you have to change all URLs in your Wordpress Installation to https.
(Wordpress Adress and Site Adress)

How to fix Redirect URL is not valid ! error when trying to access wp-login.php?

When I try to access the wp-login.php page, I get the following error:
"Redirect URL is not valid !"
I've tried everything here
clear cookies
deactivate all plugins
revert back to the Default Theme
delete .htaccess file
update site URL
But none of the above did anything. I thought that deactivating all plugins would solve the issue because not too long before this issue started I had just installed and begun configuring the WP Cassify plugin. However, when I went to rename the plugins directory, I did not see the WP Cassify plugin listed, which is weird.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else I can try to fix this issue?
I fixed this by renaming the wp-cassify plugin (and essentially deactivating it by doing so).
That simple!
