I have this problem whenever I insert image in a post, the image is not showing in the wordpress editor. I checked the console and there are no occuring errors.
You have this in your code src="", so the source of the image is empty. It should have the URL of the image, which you want. Insert the URL/path and you will see the image.
For example:
<img src="path/to/image.png">
I have a new website built on latest Wordpress. My issue is in posts, its not showing images automatically when I scroll through, but when I move mouse pointer, its showing a magnifying glass (means there is an image below) and when I click on it, image is come-up on top but not on the post. It looks like only if the image is bigger than the area in post, its doing this because I can see images on other posts where image is smaller.
One example of a post that has issue:
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you all.
Your Image path is wrong:
Your site image path is: 
actual image path is: https://icdn7.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/hp-envy-curved-34-review-9-1500x1000.jpg
You can add image again and add the same path in your website section.
Make sure Your Problem is solved
I'm having a problem with my product image loading with the background image. An example to what Im referring to can be found here https://www.dontcursekids.com/product/not-for-kids-tee-2/ .
I have tried deleting the product image from each individual product (which I'm assuming works the same way a featured image works) and it disappeared from the product's page background. However, it also deletes the thumbnail on the shop page and replaces it with a default picture. I've tried numerous ways with CSS, and several plugins, but I still can't remove it from the background of the product page, and keep my thumbnail of for the preview. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
If you look in the sourcecode on line 233, that's where the background image is set. You can remove that line in inspector (right click -> inspector in firefox/chrome), and you will see that it goes away, which will tell you that this line is the problem. I don't know how this line got there or how you've tried to edit css (through plugins?), but I assume somehow you injected that line of code there, or it could be in your theme files. Either way, this is the line you have to delete.
I am building a website in WordPress and I am facing an issue with gallery images. I used the plugin FooGallery to show the Grid Images and I also added the onclick to the FooBox to show the larger image.
But the problem is when I click on the image it is showing in two image box. first one is maybe WordPress default and second is the FooBox.
Link for the gallery: http://www.3rdeyeholographic.com/void/
Open this link and click on any one image and see what happen. It will show two image box but I want only one which is good in UI.
Try removing trx addons plugin to remove one of the popup.
I'm displaying the content in wordpress, I'm usint the_content inside of the loop and everything is working great, I get an image and the text of the post.
The only thing that I don't want is that the image link would take you to the attachment page, I want the user to be directed to post permalink.
You can control the nature of the image inserted into the post via the Visual Editor. Click on the image, and select "Edit Image". Then, find the option for "image links to" (file, page, or none). Change from "page" to either "file" or "none".
Edit the post and change the URL the image points to. You can do this by clicking the little edit icon when you click on the image.
Alternatively, remove the image link altogether.
I've created my own plugin for WordPress, but it's not completely functional. My goal is to add an additional button to the Post Editor that allows you to insert an image (that you upload from your computer, and automatically gets modified after upload) into the post.
When you click on the button, my popup that I created in my plugin shows up. I go through the upload process and the image is uploaded and modified. Now, how do I insert the image into the post?
This is my code so far:
function insertHeader(imageURL){
text = '<div style="text-align:center;"><img src="'+imageURL+'"/></div>';
tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('content', 'mceInsertContent', false, text);
But obviously it doesn't work. I can't seem to find a good tutorial that shows you how. I've got this far just by looking at other plugins.
try getting idea from the media-upload.php and upload.php of wp-admin