Connect to a remote BizTalk server using Powershell Extensions for BizTalk - biztalk

How can I connect to a remote BizTalk Server using BiztalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions.
This is how I start to run a script on current server:
Add-PSSnapIn -Name BiztalkFactory.PowerShell.Extensions
#NOTE: Must be in 32-bit version of Powershellto use this SnapIn
cd "Biztalk:\Applications"
Would it be something like this? Would it have to be in the same domain?
cd "Remote1\\Biztalk:\Applications"
Also, if BizTalks SQL server for the BizTalkMGMTDB is not on same server as BizTalk, how do we handle this? Seems like I did it a prior company, but cannot find the answer today.

Found the answer in one of my old posts: Attempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the 'BizTalk' provider failed
Apparently if SQL and BizTalk are on different servers, you have to add this line:
New-PSDrive -Name BizTalk -Root BizTalk:\ -PsProvider BizTalk -Instance MySqlServer -Database BizTalkMgmtDb
Just replace "MySqlServer" with your server name.


Azure DevOps Pipeline Task to connect to Unix Server and execute commands

I am seeking to set up a Release Pipeline in Azure DevOps Services that will deploy
an application to a Unix server, where it then executes some unix commands as part
of the deployment.
Would appreciate some guidance on which pipeline Task(s) I can set up to therefore
achieve the following objectives:
Connect to the Unix server.
Execute the required Unix commands.
By the way, the Agents are currently installed on Windows hosts but we are looking to
extend that to Unix servers in due course, so a solution that fits both setups would
be ideal, even though the former is the priority.
You can check out task SSH Deployment task.
Use this task to run shell commands or a script on a remote machine using SSH. This task enables you to connect to a remote machine using SSH and run commands or a script.
If you need to copy files to the remote linux server. You can check out Copy Files Over SSH task.
You probably need to create a SSH service connection. See steps here to create as service connection.
In the end, due to concerns raised about the install of private keys on the target server which is part of the SSH Deployment setup, we opted for the use of Deployment Groups which has enabled us to set up a persistent connection to our Linux server.

ORA-12541: TNS: no listener in SSIS

We have oracle oledb connections in SSIS packages that are working well on windows server 2008.
We moved them to windows server 2012 and installed the needed softwares. We installed oracle client (oraoledb driver), moved tnsnames.ora, ldap.ora and sqlnet.ora to %Oracle_Home%\Network\admin path, add %Oracle_Home% and %Oracle_Home%\bin to path variable.
But on server 2012 oracle connections are giving this error ORA-12541: TNS: no listener. Where as on server 2008 same oracle connections are working fine.
Looked so much across internet but found these solutions:
Check tnsnames.ora
Check listener is running
Check path variable contain oracle home, oracle_home\bin
I don't see a problem with tnsnames.ora because same file is present on both window servers. Correct path variables are also set. Listener is also running (since SSIS on server 2008 is connecting). And I am able to ping oracle db server from both machines.
Can anyone suggest anything that we may try.
To put a formal answer in here.
Basic troubleshooting steps with SSIS:
Use the database native tools to check connectivity
In this case for Oracle that is SQLPLUS.EXE
If you have an issue with native tools then it isn't an SSIS issue
Check that you can resolve the host by using PING <hostname>.
If that doesn't work try PING <ip address>
If ping works, check the port with TELNET <host> <port>
If that doesn't work, either the service is not listening or you need to get your network guys to open the port
This goes for any network service
SQL Server (default port 1433)
a web server (default port 80 for unencrypted comms)

How can I connect to a SQL Server using SSMS 2016?

I'm a rookie so I'm not really acquainted with how this really works. I've downloaded SQL Server 2016 and once I log onto the Management Studio, it asks me to connect to a particular server.
I've no idea what server I should connect to. I've tried everything. Turned the firewall off, used cmd commands, (tells me that my access has been denied), registered a new server from within the studio (but nothing shows up in the Server Name drop-down) I'm really confused.
What server should I connect to?
Make sure that the server has TCP connections enabled (either following this guide or by specifying /tcpenabled=1 flag to the installer).
Make sure you have remote access enabled (sp_configure N'remote access',N'1')
Make sure the firewall is configured to let you through or just disable it (only do so if the SQL Server is installed in a disposable VM): netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
I wrote a blog post on how to install SQL Server properly.

SFTP adapter in BizTalk2013R2, is it possible to produce a log?

Iur BizTalk appears received duplicated messages from the partner SFTP site, we are trying to find out if it is the partner's fault posted the duplicated files or if it is BizTalk magically introduced the duplication. Unfortunately the SFTP site log was purged. In FTP adapter, it has an option to configure a log path for this kind of purpose, but it seems not available for the BizTalk SFTP adapter.
Any thought?
answer is this is not yet implemented
Logging is not available in BizTalk 2013 R2, it will however be available in BizTalk 2016.
BizTalk Server 2016 What's New
SFTP adapter supports more SFTP servers, and has more encryption ciphers and logging. It also uses WinSCP to connect to SFTP servers.

Can't add new SQL database - error 26 - web developer 2010

My whole project is a Default.aspx and a web.config. When I go to add new item > SQL Server Database, I get this error:
I have looked around the internet for the past couple of hours and I just can't find anything (please keep in mind I am still a beginner so simple, detailed explanations are very welcome).
This error means either:
a) You do not have Sql Server Express installed.
b) Sql Server is installed but isn't running, use Start -> View Local Services to start it up.
c) Sql Server is installed and running, but is not configured to allow connections. Use Start -> Sql server configuration manager to enable TCP/IP or named pipe connections.
d) Sql Server is installed and running and allows connections, but your firewall software is not configured to allow connections to Sql Server.
d) You have mistyped the Data Source value in your connection string, the default instance name for Sql Express is usually ".\SQLEXPRESS"
Configuration Tool Screenshot:
