How to verify if atom package launched properly in atom editor - atom-editor

I installed linter-php and also tried to configure it in config.cson as following
executablePath: "C:\xampp\php"
but I don't see any indication that something that is related to linter affects atom display. How can I verify that this package (or any package in general) is working properly when atom is running?

To answer your question: you can find all active packages by running atom.packages.activePackages in Atom's developer console.
However, your problem could be caused by providing an invalid path. Backslashes need to be escaped in CSON, so your config should look like this:
executablePath: "C:\\xampp\\php"


I am not able to find 'script' package in atom text editor

I recently installed atom text editor and start using it. I want to use it mainly to run Python codes. for that, I am trying to install a few packages like 'script'. I am not able to find this package.
Have you tried downloading it directly from the site and opening it with atom
Make "Atom" as Default atom:// Protocol Handler by clicking on the "Settings" and "URI Handling" then go to the link, you will find the package and install it

Customize R linters in VSCode

I'm trying to customize the linter settings in VSCode for R but I'm a little confused.
I've checked just about every source available, from SO questions to the lintr package vingette, but I'm stumbling on an issue. It could be that since I'm not a programmer I'm just not understanding something basic but essential.
A question about line length linter 80 characters
Disable R-linting in VScode
How to change the line length preference for warnings in Diagnostics? #3
Specify linters in lintr::lint
lintr github page
Lint R code in Visual Studio
lintr v2.0.0
Using lintr
It seems like I need to create a .lintr file in the folder that my script is in. Or possibly make changes in the .lintr file in the lintr package ~lintr/R/ folder?
I guess I'm just confused on the .lintr file. I tried creating files called "lintr", ".lintr" and "ScriptName.lintr", then added the following line to it, as described in the above sources:
linters: with_defaults(line_length_linter=line_length_linter(120L))
Then I reopened the script but whatever I do, lintr continues to default to 80 spaces. I think I'm doing something wrong with the .lintr file but I'm not sure what. I also tried changing file called "lintr" in the lintr package directory, but I can't save the file because it has no extension type (though it appears to be in the Debian Control Field Format, whatever that is). Windows keeps giving me a prompt to save as "txt".
I'd appreciate any step-by-step instructions to get past this issue.

Argument to path.dirname must be string: juno-julia-run package

I installed JuliaPro on my Windows 10 Desktop. Whenever I open JuliaPro, I see a deprecation warning though I have not coded anything.
Please find the below image, for more details.
Will it be a problem if I disable juno-julia-run package?
I had the same problem, found an answer in discord.
You should write something and save it as .jl file and then restrart Atom.
The problem would have solved by then

atom julia syntax highlighting

im trying to set up an editor syntax highlighting scheme for julia in atom, (using juno although i do not know if that is relevant).
i have googled around for two hours and tinkered around in atoms' settings and in the specific settings too.
i've found mentions about running scripts (juno) etc but i think this is not a solution, a simpler way must exist.
i had expected to be able to find someones stylesheet for julia, adapt it with my preferred colors and plug it into atom...
please, i would be grateful if someone could indicate how to do this: configure colors in editor - syntax highlighting for julia (perhaps with juno). thanks!
If you install Juno with Atom the Julia syntax highlighting will just work. Perhaps something did not get installed? Here are the installation instructions that I have tested on lots of students:
Download and install Atom (available at
Start Atom and press Ctrl + , ( Ctrl key + comma key ) to open the Atom settings screen.
Select the Install tab.
In the Search packages field, type uber-juno and press Enter .
You will see the uber-juno package developed by JunoLab—click Install to install the package.
However, sometimes the Atom installation gets stalled. In that case you need to stop Atom, delete the .atom folder that is usually found in your user home folder and restart Atom. On very rare occasions I also had to reinstall Atom as well.
Finally, note that as of today the recommended IDE for Julia is VS Code and the support for Atom Juno development has stopped.

Let atom editor recognize external APIs

I'm trying to set up a python like environment with Atom-editor on a Linux machine.
I find the autocomplete-python package that uses jedi.
In the settings of the package I tried to add some python path where the APIs are (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/) but then the autocompletion doesn't recognize these libraries (for example the PyQt ones)
Am I missing something?
For anybody having the same issue please look here.
Basically everything should work out of the box, but if it does not -- try to configure path to python executable with which you have installed your external module. If it's still fails to complete -- try to configure extra path to python modules. (usually your site-packages directory)
