I am having a problem running Gluon SceneBuilder 8.5.0 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I am presently using Java 8, and have downloaded and installed the latest 64-bit deb. I have also downloaded the executable jar and used that with the java -jar command in a terminal window, but the problem described below occurs whether the program is run from the installed shortcut or from the terminal.
I start SceneBuilder empty (with no project file open). I can click through the various menus (File, View, Insert, Modify, Arrange, Preview, Window, Help) with no difficulty, and use the available functions in those menus.
However, as soon as I click the Edit menu, SceneBuilder freezes. After about 15 seconds, the SceneBuilder window darkens, and then returns (to normal brightness) after about 15 seconds. From the point of clicking the Edit menu and while the window is darkened, the entire computer is frozen. When the SceneBuilder window returns, the computer is usable. After several of these cycles, the Edit menu will appear. Clicking the Edit menu again causes the SceneBuilder window to go dark and not return. The only option at this point is to click the X in the corner of the SceneBuilder window to force quit the program.
If I open a file with SceneBuilder, basically the same thing happens, I can use the menus (except for Edit). However, if I click on any objects, like a button or container, the freezing cycle described above starts.
According to Help>About Scene Builder, there should a log file created in /tmp, but I don't find one there. My java version is shown below:
java version "1.8.0_191"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
Any ideas what is going on? Obviously, SceneBuilder is not usable like this.
Apparently something in the system (Java VM perhaps) became corrupted. Just for the hec of it, I rebooted the PC, and SceneBuilder is working much better now!
I build static Qt 5.10.1 with mingw32.
Ref: https://github.com/arkceajin/QtDemos/blob/master/windows-build-qt-static/windows-build-qt-static.ps1
For testing purpose, build an empty QML project, it could run perfectly in QtCreator.
But if I copy the release build to another Win10&7 PC which doesn't contain the Qt environment, it will crash after the windows appeared. I'm guessing something missed inside QML.
I found No qmlscene installed appears in the Qt Versions tab, not sure it relates to the issue or not.
These two files did generate in the build folder.
Found the similar issue: https://forum.qt.io/topic/42145/i-can-t-run-static-qt-qml-app-on-another-computer
Update 2:
Problem solved but I want to know why.
Here is I tried:
Connect a Win PC using remote desktop from another Win PC, run a static build QML program, then it crashed immediately after the Window appeared.
Directly login into the same local machine, run the same static build QML program, successful run.
Using the remote desktop run dynamic link QML program with Qt libs, successful run.
So the problem is Windows remote desktop, but I can't find the doc or bug report about it, if you have any idea or guessing, please help me.
Somehow, when I run webstorm in Awesome-wm, the file menus open in seperate dialogs with the title "win32", but the submenus are unreachable, because they open in the top left, rather than where the cursor is at that moment.
Is anyone familiar with this behaviour or knows some sort of fix to it? Would be greatly appreciated!
This most likely is related to the JavaRuntime. There is a bug report #Jetbrains about this behaviour:
Switching the boot jdk from the built-in Jetbrains JDK to OpenJDK should help. If not already done, install OpenJDK. In the IDE press ctrl-shift-A and enter "Switch Boot JDK". In the dialog, select openjdk, then restart the IDE. After installing openjdk you might have to reboot first to have openjdk available in the dialog.
More about it here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/switching-boot-jdk.html
I have a BBB running Debian 3.18.13-bone70. I have made a Qt application that works great. I would like this application to run on startup.
Currently, I have made a script, placed it in /etc/init.d and made a symbolic link to it in /etc/rc5.d/S05application. This all functions correctly.
The issue that I'm having is when my system boots up, I see my application briefly (<1 second) before the CLI login screen appears and hides my application.
I've tried playing around with the startup script location (moving it to rc2.d, but the same issue persists.
I have a splash screen that times out after 10 seconds, and it moves on to the next screen. After moving to the next screen the application is never hidden again. I would like to see the splash screen the entire time and hide the CLI login screen entirely. How could I go about doing this?
export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=tslib:/dev/input/event1
export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/lib/ts
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1
/home/root/./Scanscale -qws
This is the script that I use to start the application. The Qt window service is used when I start the program.
I'm running Debian 7 using the Debian 7 image from http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian from March 1, 2015. This is maintained by Robert Nelson, I'm not sure if it's a yocto build or something else.
Furthermore, it doesn't appear to be an X issue. I've stopped loading X, I no longer boot into the application and just sit on the command line waiting to log in. The system flickers at about the same point in time. Any thoughts?
I should probably also mention that I'm running it on a 4.3" LCD cape, not on the HDMI interface.
You weren't specific about your system and what else is running on it. For example, is it a yocto build and does it run the sato user interface, or is it more traditional X server with a display manager, window manager, etc? Either way, there is a session-specific file which directs what programs get launched when the Xserver starts up. Using matchbox, that file is .matchbox/session. With X, it's usually xinit, which is driven by .xinitrc or .xserverrc. Also, look at startx as another poster mentioned. The latter can either be in your home directory or /etc/X11. Depending on your system and configuration, likely one of those methods, customized, is what you're looking for. See man xinit for more info.
I have a very weird problem. Ive got a an Ubuntu 14.04 running on VirtualBox 4.3.20 r96997. I installed QT Creator a while back and was working with it fine until today. Now when I try to start it, the screen is completely unresponsive, and it endes up freezing (just the QT Creator screen, ubuntu keeps working fine)
I have read in a couple of places that this could be because the welcome mode doesnt play nice with virtualbox 3d hardware acceleration:
Why does Qt Creator 3.0.0 Welcome Mode not work in VM?
But im starting ubuntu with the 3d hardware acceleration disabled, and Ive also tried starting it direcly from the terminal by going to the install folder and doing:
./qtcreator -noload Welcome -noload QmlDesigner -noload QmlProfiler
But it also freezes. And the weird thing is that it worked yesterday, and I havent installed any updates or changed the system, it just appears to have stopped working.
Any suggestions?
In the ~/.config/QtProject folder is a lock file (QtCreator.ini.lock). This is the reason why QtCreator freezes. By removing only this file QtCreator will not freeze any more and all the configurations / settings are still there.
Posting my comment as an answer, since OP confirmed it works.
Delete the configuration directory for QtCreator - it's somewhere in ~/.config/
I'm trying to install subclipse 1.6.x onto Aptana Studio 3 (build It isn't working cause once I've clicked that I accept the licence agreements the finish button doesn't light up.
I've tried rolling back the configuration history, closing and reopening and installing 1.8.x. 1.8.x worked once, but isn't compatible with my SVN repo so that's no use.
Any guesses/solutions?
Thanks in advance
There is a bug in Eclipse where the Finish button does not show up. It was fixed, but maybe Aptana is not using the latest version. I seem to recall you could click Back and then Next and the button would enable.
Here are some Eclipse bugs on this:
For me I found that there were sub-packages which couldn't be installed.
Bad Components:
Revision graph
These were identified as bad on the sub-components selection screen, however, when this is done, and the licenses are accepted, the "Finish" button does not get highlighted.
I Found that if you remove this bad components on the initial "Available Software" screen (and not on the sub-componets selection screen) and continue, that you the "Finish" button gets highlighted and you can proceed with installation.