Beaglebone Black, Qt Application, and startup procedure - qt

I have a BBB running Debian 3.18.13-bone70. I have made a Qt application that works great. I would like this application to run on startup.
Currently, I have made a script, placed it in /etc/init.d and made a symbolic link to it in /etc/rc5.d/S05application. This all functions correctly.
The issue that I'm having is when my system boots up, I see my application briefly (<1 second) before the CLI login screen appears and hides my application.
I've tried playing around with the startup script location (moving it to rc2.d, but the same issue persists.
I have a splash screen that times out after 10 seconds, and it moves on to the next screen. After moving to the next screen the application is never hidden again. I would like to see the splash screen the entire time and hide the CLI login screen entirely. How could I go about doing this?
export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=tslib:/dev/input/event1
export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/lib/ts
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1
/home/root/./Scanscale -qws
This is the script that I use to start the application. The Qt window service is used when I start the program.
I'm running Debian 7 using the Debian 7 image from from March 1, 2015. This is maintained by Robert Nelson, I'm not sure if it's a yocto build or something else.
Furthermore, it doesn't appear to be an X issue. I've stopped loading X, I no longer boot into the application and just sit on the command line waiting to log in. The system flickers at about the same point in time. Any thoughts?
I should probably also mention that I'm running it on a 4.3" LCD cape, not on the HDMI interface.

You weren't specific about your system and what else is running on it. For example, is it a yocto build and does it run the sato user interface, or is it more traditional X server with a display manager, window manager, etc? Either way, there is a session-specific file which directs what programs get launched when the Xserver starts up. Using matchbox, that file is .matchbox/session. With X, it's usually xinit, which is driven by .xinitrc or .xserverrc. Also, look at startx as another poster mentioned. The latter can either be in your home directory or /etc/X11. Depending on your system and configuration, likely one of those methods, customized, is what you're looking for. See man xinit for more info.


Mouse not clicking the intended image using sikuli library for robot framework on virtual machine (azure)

i am currently running robot tests using sikuli library(for a desktop application) on a virtual machine in azure.
I have problems with mouse not clicking intended image. and i get the error below.
[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]
but after move is `L(210,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]`
Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.
[log] CLICK on L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152] (562 msec)
Could someone help me how to solve this issue. i tried running the script as an admin and also checked resolution but still doesnt work.
Any help would be appreciated. thanks.
That message is thrown usually because lack of privileges. If you tried running the program vía command line, try to create a new user with Administrative privileges. Later, execute the program with Shift + Left Click --> Run as ... and enter the new credentials. That should work.

windeployqt.exe not working ? Application does not start

I have a simple application using
QT += core gui network webkitwidgets
I've used windeployqt.exe to generate the 32 bits release on my win-10 64 bit computer. When I put the folder on a win-7 64 Bit desktop and double-click the app.exe, it never starts.
I can see it in the task manager, but I can't kill it, and if I try I cannot close the explorer folder in which I double clicked anymore.
I've checked the usual platform, ICU, qwindows.dll, and so on.
EDIT Precisions:
I've compiled with default 32 Bit kit: "build-Test-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MinGW_32bit-Release" with "mingw492_32"
I have a package "release" generated by windeployqt.exe using the --webkit switch. I start a command prompt:
> set path=
> set mingw=
Then I make sure that no Qt/Mingw things exists anymore in my environment variables.
I also rename "c:\Qt" into "c:\ __Qt".
I move my release folder on my desktop.
I start release\test.exe ( from the clean path shell )
Everything runs fine! So The release/test.exe has everything it needs without the path/mingw variable.
But as soon as I put the folder on another windows machine ( 7 instead of 10 ) it never starts.
I tried dependency walker. It shows a lot of "API-MS-WIN*.dll" missing...
It even shows much more missing dlls on the "good" machine than on the bad one !!!
Every single "missing dll" on the "bad" target machine is actually in system32 on this machine.
Thanks for advice, every advice is welcome, I'm a bit desperate... :)
It seems to be related to the machine itself. I have successfully deployed this (very small) app to 2 non developer machine on win7 and win8 respectively. But the above "bad machine" still resits running it...
The problem seems not to be general but related to this one particular machine. Hence, feel free to close or move to the appropriate forum as it is not related to Qt/windeplyqt. If I figure out a solution, and question is closed, I'll simply add a last edit. Safe Boot and malwarebyte are my next actions.
After a long investigation.
Do not believe dependency walker, it used to be a top notch tool but it is now outdated.
If there is a missing dll, the system will prompt you with "cannot load dll xxx.dll" anyway.
Your best shot in case a soft runs on machine X but not on Machine Y is:
start in safe mode ( run: msconfig --> diagnostic startup )
turn off any antivirus or non microsoft/driver software,
"run as administrator".
If you can run with step 3. Then proceed by elimination:
run without admin rights,
Start anti spyware, etc...
Add appropriate exception to your antivirus if it is the root cause.
If the antivirus is not the root cause, run process monitor on both machines. Then compare, what Failed on one machine and not the other ? Read the windows event log and compare any error messages on both machines.
run sfc /scannow to check disk
run a complete anti spyware scan/ pc-repair tool ( malwarebytes, combofix, ... )
Make sure you really have the very same package on both machines, make sure you are not trying to run an exe on mac OS, make sure your computer is on.
Call the oracle, you are in the matrix...
In my case the problem was Avast and it was solved by adding appropriate exception.

Raspberry Pi Custom SD Card Image

I have a project uses Qt GUI which works on raspberry-pi2; however I don't want users to interact with the operating system. I just want that the only application appears on the screen (from boot to shutdown) to be is my application. Actually the retropie project has done what I actually want. So I want to prepare an minimal SD Card image like that. Is there any tool or way to do that?
You can use openembedded for this.
Creat file that describe packages for your image, at your case base system + qt,
plus create description of package of your program, that include .service file for run you program at start with systemd. The command MACHINE=raspberry-something bitbake your-image
I'd just use the init scripts to run your application as soon as possible and make it handle all user inputs (keyboard and mouse) properly, without giving any way to the user to close it.

How to respond to desktop startup notification with Qt

I have a Qt application, running under Xfce and other Linux desktops, which works well, except that the circulating "startup notification" icon is not dismissed when the app starts up, so that it persists for some time after the app main window is showing and complete.
I would assume that either the QApplication would by default dismiss the notification when the main window event loop starts, or I would call some method to do so. I can't find anything relevant in the Qt API documentation, or with google searches on Qt startup notification.
How can one dismiss the startup notification, in a Qt application.
Doesn't adding of
to the .desktop file of your app solve the problem?.In KDE,
works; perhaps XFCE has a similar variable.
The startup notification is sent automatically inside Qt when the first window is first shown (see src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.cpp), but obviously, due to a bug, it does not work if there are quotes or the escape character (\) in the .desktop file in the path to the program.
In addition, if Terminal=true is presented, the environment variable DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID is deleted by xterm and does not reach your application, so it is better not to enable both Terminal and StartupNotify flags at the same time.
Was tested on MATE.

Problem with Flex unit testing in IntelliJ

I have some problems running FlexUnit tests in IntelliJ.
Every time I execute test, Internet Explorer (which is not even set as default browser) pops up and blocks unit test, i.e. blocks it as add so I must allow access through that dumb top bar and then another confirmation and then finally test runs. Is there any way to reconfigure it to another browser or to run it some other way so I just hit the Run button on Idea and I can see results right away?
Thank you for help
As you are using Windows have a look at the first comment by Alexander Doroshko in this bug report:
Current behavior:
if 'Use system default browser' is selected at Settings | Web Browsers | Default Web Browser then swf/html is started in default OS application (either default browser of standalone Flash player)
if default browser is overridden in IDEA then it is always used both for swf/html.
It would be more convenient if standalone Flash player is used for swfs independently of this setting as soon as it is OS default program for sfws.
I recommend to configure the stand alone flashplayer executable for executing unit tests. As you can also see from the report this has been improved in IDEA 10.
