Increase number of buttons for XTEST pointer? - xserver

I'm playing around with evrouter and I'm getting an error when trying to generate a button press for button number greater than 10. My Logitech Mouse reports 20 buttons but the Virtual core XTEST pointer only reports 10.
$ xinput get-button-map "Logitech Performance MX"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 11 12 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
$ xinput get-button-map "Virtual core XTEST pointer"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How can I increase the number of buttons for the XTEST pointer?
(X.Org X Server 1.19.2)


Pairing People in R with Loop

I am trying to create pen-pal pairs in R. The problem is that I can't figure out how to loop it so that once I pair one person that person and their pair are eliminated from the pool and the loop continues until everyone has a pair.
I have already rated the criteria to pair them and found a score for every person for how well they would pair for the other person. I think added every pair score together to get a sense of how good the pair is overall (not perfect, but good enough for these purposes). I have found each person's ideal match then and ordered these matches by most picky person to least picky person (basically person with the lowest best-paired score to highest best-paired score). I also found their 2nd-8th best match (there will probably be about 300 people in the data).
A test of the best-matches is below:
indexed_fake apply.fin_fake..1..max. X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
14 14 151 3 9 8 4 10 12 2 6
4 4 177 9 5 8 7 11 3 10 12
9 9 177 4 11 3 6 10 7 12 5
5 5 179 7 4 11 3 12 10 8 5
10 10 179 12 10 2 9 3 5 6 4
13 13 182 8 1 12 11 10 5 3 2
1 1 185 7 1 3 8 6 13 2 11
7 7 185 1 12 5 7 4 6 9 11
3 3 187 12 3 8 5 9 1 2 10
8 8 190 8 12 13 3 4 11 1 6
2 2 191 6 12 11 10 3 4 5 1
6 6 191 2 11 7 1 6 9 10 8
11 11 193 12 6 9 5 2 8 11 4
12 12 193 11 3 8 7 12 10 2 5
Columns X1-X8 are the 8 best pairs for the people listed in the first columns. With this example every person would ideally get paired with someone in their top 8, ideally maximizing the pair compatibility as another user mentioned. Every person would get one pair.
Any help is appreciated!
This is not a specific answer. But it's easier to write in this space. You have a classic assignment optimization problem. These problems can be solved using packages in R. You have to assign preference weights to your feasible pairings. So for example 14-3 could be assigned 8 points, 14-9; 7 points, 14-8; 6 points...14-6; 1 point. Note that 3-14 would be assigned no points because while 14 likes 3, 3 does not like 14. The preference score for any x-y, y-x pairing could be the weight for the x-y preference plus the weight of the y-x preference.
The optimization model would choose the weighted pairs to maximize the total satisfaction among all of the the pairings.
If you have 300 people I can't think of an alternative algorithm that could be simply implemented.

How to create a vector in R in the pattern (0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3...len(list/2))

I am trying to create an index for a data frame. Each team playing has its own row, but I would like to add a column to use as an index so that the first two teams have the index 'Game 0', the next two teams have the index 'Game 1' until the length of half the list. In python the code would look as follows:
for i in range(0,int(len(teams)/2)):
gamenumber.append('Game '+str(i))
gamenumber.append('Game '+str(i))
I am unfamiliar with R so any help would be appreciated!
This will give you a list of paired index numbers:
> teams=1:100
> data.frame("Games"=sort(c(1:(length(teams)/2), 1:(length(teams)/2))))
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 5
10 5
11 6
12 6
13 7
14 7
15 8
16 8
17 9
18 9
19 10
20 10 #etc.
Assuming teams is a data.frame with an even number of rows:
rep(1:(nrow(teams)/2), each=2)

Coloring dgCMatrix image by factor in R

I am trying to color a sparse matrix image according to a grouping factor. I know the solution is related to matrix coloring in the lattice package but I have troubles to handle it.
I have a list of hits on an app list. Every hit is related to a user and a app at a specific time.
- On the y axis are users sorted by first install of the app
Every user then has a new line for his pages hits
- On the x axis is the time
Points are hits
Here is a preview of the data:
indexUser indexInstall time
1 1 1 3
2 1 1 17
3 1 1 19
4 1 1 32
5 1 1 81
6 1 1 86
7 1 1 124
8 1 1 231
9 1 1 233
10 1 2 249
11 2 3 4
12 2 3 6
13 2 3 7
14 2 3 15
15 2 3 25
16 2 3 32
17 2 3 45
18 2 3 74
19 2 3 75
20 3 4 36
21 3 4 37
22 3 4 113
23 4 5 69
24 4 5 70
25 4 5 71
I then create a sparse matrix as the full dataset is way larger than that (10000+ x 1000)
sM <- sparseMatrix(i=dat$indexInstall, j=dat$time, x=1)
And show an image of it:
I want to color every lines according to the indexUser column. For example to plot user 1 in blue and all others un red
Thanks in advance

Smart way to convert polars to Cartesian coordinates with numpy

I have an array of Cartesian coordinates produced from polars in a usual way:
for k in range(0, Phi_term):
for j in range(0, R_term):
X[k,j] = R[j]*np.cos(phi[k]);
Y[k,j] = R[j]*np.sin(phi[k]);
The problem is that the zeroth element of such an array corresponds to the origin of the polar circle. I would like to have an array of the same elements but starting in the top right corner. For example, elements in the current array distribute in the following way (for the upper half):
11 10 9 6 7 8
14 13 12 3 4 5
17 16 15 0 1 2
(imagine it's a circle). What I want to get is the grid starting with the zeroth element:
0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17
though preserving the values, i.e. the value of the 11th element of the initial array is now the value of the 0th element of the new array.
Is there any smart way to perform such a transformation in numpy?
def quasiCartesianOrder(arr, R_term, Phi_term):
# deal with odd phi count by starting from top of top spike.
rhsOddOffset = 0
if Phi_term % 2 == 1:
rhsOddOffset = R_term
for r in xrange(0, R_term):
yield (Phi_term + 1)/2 * R_term - r - 1
# 'rectangular' section, starting down 11 o'clock and up 1 o'clock.
phiBaseLeft = Phi_term / 2 + rhsOddOffset/R_term
phiBaseRight = Phi_term / 2
for phiLine in xrange(0, Phi_term / 2):
# down 11
base = (phiBaseLeft + phiLine) * R_term - 1
for idx in xrange(base + R_term, base, -1):
yield idx
# up 1
base = (phiBaseRight - phiLine ) * R_term
for idx in xrange(base - R_term, base):
yield idx
14 13 12 6 7 8
17 16 15 3 4 5
20 19 18 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20
11 10 9 14 13 12 6 7 8 17 16 15 3 4 5 20 19 18 0 1 2
The style is a generator, so that you can iterate. If you just want the indices themselves, call list with the returned generator, and you should be able to use that with numpy's index arrays stuff.

Finding Bridges in undirected Graph?

A bridge in a graph means if we remove it the graph will be disconnected !
so i want to know if there is way to find all bridges in a graph :
here is an example :
12 15
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
3 5
4 6
6 7
6 10
6 11
7 8
8 9
8 10
9 10
10 11
11 12
Output :
2 4
4 6
11 12
If you have the visiting number vn[v] and low number low[v] for each vertex v in graph G, then you can find if an edge is bridge of not (while unwinding the dfs recursive calls) using the following condition
if (low[w] > vn[v]) then (v,w) is a bridge
