How to display Google Analytics active users in commandline - google-analytics

Is it possible to fetch active users value on site from google analytics in linux command line ? I need real time stats for that purpose.

Yes, but it will involve you working with the API which requires authorization:


Get access to clients data using API

Is it possible to make a platform where client can sign up and log in using their Google accounts, and accept that their Google Analytics data will be used for calculations.
They should accept the use only once, and then the program should download and process the Google Analytics data every day.
Please point me in the correct direction for documentation
Yes, you need to create a project in Google Cloud Platform, then go to : API and Services > Library > Google Analytics API. (This is to get analytics from an user). Then you need to create a project inside Firebase, allowing email authentication and you will be able to do your task.

How Does Firebase Analytics count New Users in Web App

We have a web app that users log into using Firebase Auth. According to our the authentication section of our firebase console, we have 690 user that have created accounts, and we believe that is correct.
According to our Firebase Analytics console, we have 2,100 new users in the past 90 days. I think I understand that Firebase Analytics tracks users with a device ID (?). So, if this were a iOS app, an uninstall and install would trigger a a new user counted in analytics. But, how does this work on a web app? Cookie? Some kind of browser id? A session?
So, I think if we want to track unique users accurately, we would use the set the user id, with this:
Which according to the docs linked above, 'Use gtag 'config' command to set 'user_id'. So it does this:
Which allows the users to be tracked across sessions. Therefore, users should not double count.
Notice that the setUserId section in the firebase analytics docs does not have a web section (although the setUserID function does exist in the javascript sdk as shown tow links above)
So... would it then work to get the user id (uid) when they log in ( And then use the setUserId method to set the id?
It's unclear because the documentation does not seem to be in one source. I am just trying to put it all together
You are correct that you can use the setUserId API (across iOS, web and Android) in order to identify the same user across platforms. Note that you'll need to:
Set the default reporting identity to "By User-ID then Device" in the Reporting settings for Google Analytics in the Firebase console (see attached screenshot and docs for more info).
Make sure you are following the Privacy Policy when using the User ID.

Retrieve the list of events from Google Calendar API of a domain with super administrator Google G suite account

Using Google Calendar API:
I succeed to retrieve the list of events from a single google account.
However, I can't do that within a domain (for example that have many users accounts even using a super administrator Google Suite account.
Could you please tell me what I missed ?.
Big Thanks.
You should refer to that thread

Analytics API: I can't use two different API credentials on my PC

I've 2 different API keys enabled on 2 different accounts. One professional and the second private and I don't want to link the 2.
My problem is that I've been working with the professional API credentials for almost 3 months and everything works fine. Now, I've created a new account with a new Analytics account and my problem is that I can't use the new API directly with my new Analytics account.
I can't make my script to authorize the new user and I receive an error that says that the user does not have sufficient permissions for this profile.
I managed to make it work by adding my private account as a user in my professional Analytics account. It seems like I can't make another account authorization even if I'm using a different API created on another account. It's like the connects to the first account authorized on my PC.
Is there any way to reset the authorization on my PC each time I want to use one of the API?
Thank you,
EDIT: I'm running a Python script that uses the Analytics API and the only time I have a prompt to authenticate it's the first time I use the application on a new PC. After that, the script runs without any prompt, The credentials are those of the API (client ID and Client secret) and I'm not using them directly but I'm using the client_serets.json file generated on the Google dev console.
I have figured it out. You'll have to navigate to this url and remove the service you want to remove.

Create a demo account that's usable with the Analytics Reporting API? [Google Analytics]

I need to test some things with a Google Analytics View, but the default demo account that Google offers does not allow user to use the Analytics Reporting API :
You cannot use the demo account with the Analytics Reporting API. Attempts to do so result in a permissions error: (403) insufficientPermissions.
I just need to replicate a view with different data already.
Thanks for helping.
You cannot replicate views with data. A view will always start empty.
However you can simply register a Google Analytics account and send lots of bogus data (either by setting up a web page with tracking code and call it repeatedly, or set a cron job to fire call via the measurement protocol) (this will happen in realtime, so you need to wait a few days before you have enough useable data. There is not way to bulk-create hits for a longer timeframe).
If you just want to test the API it probably matter that much what data you use, so a mock account should work just fine.
