split join data.table R - r

Join DT1 (as i in data.table) to DT2 given key(s) column(s), within each group of DT2 specified by the Date column.
I cannot run DT2[DT1, on = 'key'] as that would be incorrect since key column is repeated across the Date column, but unique within a single date.
Reproducible example with a working solution
DT3 is my expected output. Is there any way to achieve this without the split manoeuvre, which does not feel very data.table-y?
DT1 <- data.table(
Segment = sample(paste0('S', 1:10), 100, TRUE),
Activity = sample(paste0('A', 1:5), 100, TRUE),
Value = runif(100)
dates <- seq(as.Date('2018-01-01'), as.Date('2018-11-30'), by = '1 day')
DT2 <- data.table(
Date = rep(dates, each = 5),
Segment = sample(paste0('S', 1:10), 3340, TRUE),
Total = runif(3340, 1, 2)
# To ensure that each Date Segment combination is unique
DT2 <- unique(DT2, by = c('Date', 'Segment'))
iDT2 <- split(DT2, by = 'Date')
iDT2 <- lapply(
function(x) {
x[DT1, on = 'Segment', nomatch = 0]
DT3 <- rbindlist(iDT2, use.names = TRUE)

You can achieve the same result with a cartesian merge:
DT4 <- merge(DT2,DT1,by='Segment',allow.cartesian = TRUE)
Here is the proof:
> all(DT3[order(Segment,Date,Total,Activity,Value),
c('Segment','Date','Total','Activity','Value')] ==
[1] TRUE


R fast cosine distance between consecutive rows of a data.table

How can I efficiently calculate distances between (almost) consecutive rows of a large-ish (~4m rows) of a data.table? I've outlined my current approach, but it is very slow. My actual data has up to a few hundred columns. I need to calculate lags and leads for future use, so I create these and use them to calculate distances.
set_shift_col <- function(df, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols, byvars = NULL){
df[, (paste0(data_cols, "_", shift_dir, shift_num)) := shift(.SD, shift_num, fill = NA, type = shift_dir), byvars, .SDcols = data_cols]
set_shift_dist <- function(dt, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols){
stopifnot(shift_dir %in% c("lag", "lead"))
shift_str <- paste0(shift_dir, shift_num)
dt[, (paste0("dist", "_", shift_str)) := as.numeric(
.SD[,data_cols, with=FALSE],
.SD[, paste0(data_cols, "_" , shift_str), with=FALSE]
), use.names = FALSE),
method = "cosine")
), 1:nrow(dt)]
n <- 10000
test_data <- data.table(a = rnorm(n), b = rnorm(n), c = rnorm(n), d = rnorm(n))
cols <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
set_shift_col(test_data, "lag", 1, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lag", 2, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lead", 1, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lead", 2, cols)
set_shift_dist(test_data, "lag", 1, cols)
I'm sure this is a very inefficient approach, any suggestions would be appreciated!
You aren't using the vectorisation efficiencies in the proxy::dist function - rather than call it once for each row you can get all the distances you need from a single call.
Try this replacement function and compare the speed:
set_shift_dist2 <- function(dt, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols){
stopifnot(shift_dir %in% c("lag", "lead"))
shift_str <- paste0(shift_dir, shift_num)
dt[, (paste0("dist2", "_", shift_str)) := proxy::dist(
.SD[,data_cols, with=FALSE],
.SD[, paste0(data_cols, "_" , shift_str), with=FALSE],
method = "cosine",
pairwise = TRUE
You could also do it in one go without storing copies of the data in the table
test_data[, dist_lag1 := proxy::dist(
as.data.table(shift(.SD, 1)),
pairwise = TRUE,
method = 'cosine'
), .SDcols = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')]

Add multiple columns to multiple data tables (frame) at the same time

I have a couple of tables with identical column names but different row sizes.
some of the columns are Dates and I would need to extract the year, months, day from them as factor and as numeric values and create within every table those new columns.
What I need is a function which creates this faster than manually addad as in the example below.
StartDate <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-19"), length = 20, by ="days")
EndDate <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-19"), length = 20, by ="days")
dt1 <- data.frame(x = sample(1:20, 20, TRUE), y = sample(1:20, 20, TRUE), StartDate, EndDate )
StartDate <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-19"), length = 25, by ="days")
EndDate <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-19"), length = 25, by ="days")
dt2 <- data.frame(x = sample(1:40, 25, TRUE), y = sample(1:40, 25, TRUE), StartDate, EndDate )
StartDate <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-19"), length = 30, by ="days")
EndDate <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-19"), length = 30, by ="days")
dt3 <- data.frame(x = sample(1:40, 30, TRUE), y = sample(1:40, 30, TRUE), StartDate, EndDate )
My manual solution:
dt1[, year := as.factor(year(EndDate)), by = year(EndDate)]
dt1[, year_num := year(EndDate), by = year(EndDate)]
dt1[, months := as.factor(month(EndDate)), by = month(EndDate)]
dt1[, months_num := month(EndDate), by = month(EndDate)]
dt1[, days := x]
dt1[, weekday := weekdays(EndDate), by = weekdays(EndDate)]
dt2 .....
dt3 .....
I learned I would need to get all the datasets in a list with mget, then use lapply to loop over the list elements but I got some errors. Not sure how to make it.
Any help on this?
Thank you
You are on the right track. You need to get all the data in a list and iterate over it through lapply. However, I don't think the operations that you want to perform need to be grouped by month, year or week. You can perform them directly on each data table.
list_data <- mget(paste0('dt', 1:3))
list_data <- lapply(list_data, function(x) {
x[, c('year', 'year_num', 'months', 'months_num', 'days', 'weekday') :=
list(as.factor(year(EndDate)), year(EndDate), as.factor(month(EndDate)),
month(EndDate), x, weekdays(EndDate))]

Calculating the mean of the absolute value of all numerical columns

I want to calculate the mean of the absolute value of all numerical columns for the example dataset DT:
DT <- data.table(panelID = sample(50,50), # Creates a panel ID
Country = c(rep("Albania",30),rep("Belarus",50), rep("Chilipepper",20)),
some_NA = sample(0:5, 6),
some_NA_factor = sample(0:5, 6),
Group = c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20),rep(3,20),rep(4,20),rep(5,20)),
Time = rep(seq(as.Date("2010-01-03"), length=20, by="1 month") - 1,5),
norm = round(runif(100)/10,2),
Income = round(rnorm(10,-5,5),2),
Happiness = sample(10,10),
Sex = round(rnorm(10,0.75,0.3),2),
Age = sample(100,100),
Educ = round(rnorm(10,0.75,0.3),2))
DT [, uniqueID := .I] # Creates a unique ID
DT[DT == 0] <- NA # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11036989/replace-all-0-values-to-na
DT$some_NA_factor <- factor(DT$some_NA_factor)
I tried to calculate the means and the absolute means as follows:
mean_of_differences <- DT[,lapply(Filter(is.numeric,.SD),mean, na.rm=TRUE)]
mean_of_differences <- as.data.frame(t(mean_of_differences))
mean_of_differences <- round(mean_of_differences, digits=2)
mean_of_absolute_diff <- DT[,lapply(Filter(is.numeric,.SD),function(x) mean(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE))]
mean_of_absolute_diff <- as.data.frame(t(mean_of_absolute_diff))
mean_of_absolute_diff <- round(mean_of_differences, digits=2)
The mean of Income for the absolute differences is however negative (as it is for the normal mean), which obviously is not possible. If I look at my code I don't understand what I am doing wrong. What am I overlooking?
Here is a solution using data.table. It (i) identifies numeric columns and (ii) obtains the mean of the absolute value of each numeric column.
dt = data.table(
num1 = rnorm(100),
num2 = rnorm(100),
strv = sample(LETTERS, 100, replace = T)
numcols = colnames(dt)[unlist(lapply(dt, is.numeric))] # Which columns are numeric?
# > numcols
# [1] "num1" "num2"
meandt = dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x) mean(abs(x))), .SDcols = numcols]
newcols = paste('mean_abs_', numcols, sep = ''); colnames(meandt) = newcols
# > meandt
# mean_abs_num1 mean_abs_num2
# 1: 0.8287523 0.8325123

Bin data within a group using breaks from another DF

How to avoid using the for loop in the following code to speed up the computation (the real data is about 1e6 times larger)
id = rep(1:5, 20)
v = 1:100
df = data.frame(groupid = id, value = v)
df = dplyr::arrange(df, groupid)
bkt = rep(seq(0, 100, length.out = 4), 5)
id = rep(1:5, each = 4)
bktpts = data.frame(groupid = id, value = bkt)
for (i in 1:5) {
df[df$groupid == i, "bin"] = cut(df[df$groupid == i, "value"],
bktpts[bktpts$groupid == i, "value"],
include.lowest = TRUE, labels = F)
I'm not sure why yout bktpts is formatted like it is?
But here is a data.table slution that should be (at least a bit) faster than your for-loop.
library( data.table )
setDT(df)[ setDT(bktpts)[, `:=`( id = seq_len(.N),
value_next = shift( value, type = "lead", fill = 99999999 ) ),
by = .(groupid) ],
bin := i.id,
on = .( groupid, value >= value, value < value_next ) ][]
Another way:
setDT(df); setDT(bktpts)
bktpts[, b := rowid(groupid) - 1L]
df[, b := bktpts[copy(.SD), on=.(groupid, value), roll = -Inf, x.b]]
# check result
df[, any(b != bin)]
# [1] FALSE
See ?data.table for how rolling joins work.
I came out with another data.table answer:
library(data.table) # load package
# set to data.table
# Make a join
df[bktpts[, list(.(value)), by = groupid], bks := V1, on = "groupid"]
# define the bins:
df[, bin := cut(value, bks[[1]], include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE), by = groupid]
# remove the unneeded bks column
df[, bks := NULL]
Explaining the code:
bktpts[, list(.(value)), by = groupid] is a new table that has in a list al the values of value for each groupid. If you run it alone, you'll understand where we're going.
bks := V1 assigns to variable bks in df whatever exists in V1, which is the name of the list column in the previous table. Of course on = "groupid" is the variable on which we make the join.
The code defining the bins needs little explanation, except by the bks[[1]] bit. It needs to be [[ in order to access the list values and provide a vector, as required by the cut function.
All data.table commands can be chained in a -rather unintelligible- single call:
df[bktpts[, list(.(value)), by = groupid],
bks := V1,
on = "groupid"][,
bin := cut(value,
include.lowest = TRUE,
labels = FALSE),
by = groupid][,
bks := NULL]

Subset data.table columns independently

I'm starting with the below table dt and try to subset its column by the list keys:
randomchar <- function(n, w){
chararray <- replicate(w, sample(c(letters, LETTERS), n, replace = TRUE))
apply(chararray, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
dt <- data.table(x = randomchar(1000, 3),
y = randomchar(1000, 3),
z = randomchar(1000, 3),
key = c("x", "y", "z"))
keys <- with(dt, list(x = sample(x, 501),
y = sample(y, 500),
z = sample(z, 721)))
I can get the result I want by using a loop:
desired <- copy(dt)
for(i in seq_along(keys)){
keyname <- names(keys)[i]
desired <- desired[get(keyname) %in% keys[[i]]]
The question is - Is there a more data.table idiomatic way to do this subset?
I tried using CJ: dt[CJ(keys)], but it takes a very long time.
What about building a mask and filter dt on this mask:
dt[Reduce(`&`, Map(function(key, col) col %in% key, keys, dt)),]
