Join DT1 (as i in data.table) to DT2 given key(s) column(s), within each group of DT2 specified by the Date column.
I cannot run DT2[DT1, on = 'key'] as that would be incorrect since key column is repeated across the Date column, but unique within a single date.
Reproducible example with a working solution
DT3 is my expected output. Is there any way to achieve this without the split manoeuvre, which does not feel very data.table-y?
DT1 <- data.table(
Segment = sample(paste0('S', 1:10), 100, TRUE),
Activity = sample(paste0('A', 1:5), 100, TRUE),
Value = runif(100)
dates <- seq(as.Date('2018-01-01'), as.Date('2018-11-30'), by = '1 day')
DT2 <- data.table(
Date = rep(dates, each = 5),
Segment = sample(paste0('S', 1:10), 3340, TRUE),
Total = runif(3340, 1, 2)
# To ensure that each Date Segment combination is unique
DT2 <- unique(DT2, by = c('Date', 'Segment'))
iDT2 <- split(DT2, by = 'Date')
iDT2 <- lapply(
function(x) {
x[DT1, on = 'Segment', nomatch = 0]
DT3 <- rbindlist(iDT2, use.names = TRUE)
You can achieve the same result with a cartesian merge:
DT4 <- merge(DT2,DT1,by='Segment',allow.cartesian = TRUE)
Here is the proof:
> all(DT3[order(Segment,Date,Total,Activity,Value),
c('Segment','Date','Total','Activity','Value')] ==
[1] TRUE
How can I efficiently calculate distances between (almost) consecutive rows of a large-ish (~4m rows) of a data.table? I've outlined my current approach, but it is very slow. My actual data has up to a few hundred columns. I need to calculate lags and leads for future use, so I create these and use them to calculate distances.
set_shift_col <- function(df, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols, byvars = NULL){
df[, (paste0(data_cols, "_", shift_dir, shift_num)) := shift(.SD, shift_num, fill = NA, type = shift_dir), byvars, .SDcols = data_cols]
set_shift_dist <- function(dt, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols){
stopifnot(shift_dir %in% c("lag", "lead"))
shift_str <- paste0(shift_dir, shift_num)
dt[, (paste0("dist", "_", shift_str)) := as.numeric(
.SD[,data_cols, with=FALSE],
.SD[, paste0(data_cols, "_" , shift_str), with=FALSE]
), use.names = FALSE),
method = "cosine")
), 1:nrow(dt)]
n <- 10000
test_data <- data.table(a = rnorm(n), b = rnorm(n), c = rnorm(n), d = rnorm(n))
cols <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
set_shift_col(test_data, "lag", 1, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lag", 2, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lead", 1, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lead", 2, cols)
set_shift_dist(test_data, "lag", 1, cols)
I'm sure this is a very inefficient approach, any suggestions would be appreciated!
You aren't using the vectorisation efficiencies in the proxy::dist function - rather than call it once for each row you can get all the distances you need from a single call.
Try this replacement function and compare the speed:
set_shift_dist2 <- function(dt, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols){
stopifnot(shift_dir %in% c("lag", "lead"))
shift_str <- paste0(shift_dir, shift_num)
dt[, (paste0("dist2", "_", shift_str)) := proxy::dist(
.SD[,data_cols, with=FALSE],
.SD[, paste0(data_cols, "_" , shift_str), with=FALSE],
method = "cosine",
pairwise = TRUE
You could also do it in one go without storing copies of the data in the table
test_data[, dist_lag1 := proxy::dist(
as.data.table(shift(.SD, 1)),
pairwise = TRUE,
method = 'cosine'
), .SDcols = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')]
I have a couple of tables with identical column names but different row sizes.
some of the columns are Dates and I would need to extract the year, months, day from them as factor and as numeric values and create within every table those new columns.
What I need is a function which creates this faster than manually addad as in the example below.
StartDate <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-19"), length = 20, by ="days")
EndDate <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-19"), length = 20, by ="days")
dt1 <- data.frame(x = sample(1:20, 20, TRUE), y = sample(1:20, 20, TRUE), StartDate, EndDate )
StartDate <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-19"), length = 25, by ="days")
EndDate <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-19"), length = 25, by ="days")
dt2 <- data.frame(x = sample(1:40, 25, TRUE), y = sample(1:40, 25, TRUE), StartDate, EndDate )
StartDate <- seq(as.Date("2014-01-19"), length = 30, by ="days")
EndDate <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-19"), length = 30, by ="days")
dt3 <- data.frame(x = sample(1:40, 30, TRUE), y = sample(1:40, 30, TRUE), StartDate, EndDate )
My manual solution:
dt1[, year := as.factor(year(EndDate)), by = year(EndDate)]
dt1[, year_num := year(EndDate), by = year(EndDate)]
dt1[, months := as.factor(month(EndDate)), by = month(EndDate)]
dt1[, months_num := month(EndDate), by = month(EndDate)]
dt1[, days := x]
dt1[, weekday := weekdays(EndDate), by = weekdays(EndDate)]
dt2 .....
dt3 .....
I learned I would need to get all the datasets in a list with mget, then use lapply to loop over the list elements but I got some errors. Not sure how to make it.
Any help on this?
Thank you
You are on the right track. You need to get all the data in a list and iterate over it through lapply. However, I don't think the operations that you want to perform need to be grouped by month, year or week. You can perform them directly on each data table.
list_data <- mget(paste0('dt', 1:3))
list_data <- lapply(list_data, function(x) {
x[, c('year', 'year_num', 'months', 'months_num', 'days', 'weekday') :=
list(as.factor(year(EndDate)), year(EndDate), as.factor(month(EndDate)),
month(EndDate), x, weekdays(EndDate))]
I want to calculate the mean of the absolute value of all numerical columns for the example dataset DT:
DT <- data.table(panelID = sample(50,50), # Creates a panel ID
Country = c(rep("Albania",30),rep("Belarus",50), rep("Chilipepper",20)),
some_NA = sample(0:5, 6),
some_NA_factor = sample(0:5, 6),
Group = c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20),rep(3,20),rep(4,20),rep(5,20)),
Time = rep(seq(as.Date("2010-01-03"), length=20, by="1 month") - 1,5),
norm = round(runif(100)/10,2),
Income = round(rnorm(10,-5,5),2),
Happiness = sample(10,10),
Sex = round(rnorm(10,0.75,0.3),2),
Age = sample(100,100),
Educ = round(rnorm(10,0.75,0.3),2))
DT [, uniqueID := .I] # Creates a unique ID
DT[DT == 0] <- NA # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11036989/replace-all-0-values-to-na
DT$some_NA_factor <- factor(DT$some_NA_factor)
I tried to calculate the means and the absolute means as follows:
mean_of_differences <- DT[,lapply(Filter(is.numeric,.SD),mean, na.rm=TRUE)]
mean_of_differences <- as.data.frame(t(mean_of_differences))
mean_of_differences <- round(mean_of_differences, digits=2)
mean_of_absolute_diff <- DT[,lapply(Filter(is.numeric,.SD),function(x) mean(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE))]
mean_of_absolute_diff <- as.data.frame(t(mean_of_absolute_diff))
mean_of_absolute_diff <- round(mean_of_differences, digits=2)
The mean of Income for the absolute differences is however negative (as it is for the normal mean), which obviously is not possible. If I look at my code I don't understand what I am doing wrong. What am I overlooking?
Here is a solution using data.table. It (i) identifies numeric columns and (ii) obtains the mean of the absolute value of each numeric column.
dt = data.table(
num1 = rnorm(100),
num2 = rnorm(100),
strv = sample(LETTERS, 100, replace = T)
numcols = colnames(dt)[unlist(lapply(dt, is.numeric))] # Which columns are numeric?
# > numcols
# [1] "num1" "num2"
meandt = dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x) mean(abs(x))), .SDcols = numcols]
newcols = paste('mean_abs_', numcols, sep = ''); colnames(meandt) = newcols
# > meandt
# mean_abs_num1 mean_abs_num2
# 1: 0.8287523 0.8325123
How to avoid using the for loop in the following code to speed up the computation (the real data is about 1e6 times larger)
id = rep(1:5, 20)
v = 1:100
df = data.frame(groupid = id, value = v)
df = dplyr::arrange(df, groupid)
bkt = rep(seq(0, 100, length.out = 4), 5)
id = rep(1:5, each = 4)
bktpts = data.frame(groupid = id, value = bkt)
for (i in 1:5) {
df[df$groupid == i, "bin"] = cut(df[df$groupid == i, "value"],
bktpts[bktpts$groupid == i, "value"],
include.lowest = TRUE, labels = F)
I'm not sure why yout bktpts is formatted like it is?
But here is a data.table slution that should be (at least a bit) faster than your for-loop.
library( data.table )
setDT(df)[ setDT(bktpts)[, `:=`( id = seq_len(.N),
value_next = shift( value, type = "lead", fill = 99999999 ) ),
by = .(groupid) ],
bin := i.id,
on = .( groupid, value >= value, value < value_next ) ][]
Another way:
setDT(df); setDT(bktpts)
bktpts[, b := rowid(groupid) - 1L]
df[, b := bktpts[copy(.SD), on=.(groupid, value), roll = -Inf, x.b]]
# check result
df[, any(b != bin)]
# [1] FALSE
See ?data.table for how rolling joins work.
I came out with another data.table answer:
library(data.table) # load package
# set to data.table
# Make a join
df[bktpts[, list(.(value)), by = groupid], bks := V1, on = "groupid"]
# define the bins:
df[, bin := cut(value, bks[[1]], include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE), by = groupid]
# remove the unneeded bks column
df[, bks := NULL]
Explaining the code:
bktpts[, list(.(value)), by = groupid] is a new table that has in a list al the values of value for each groupid. If you run it alone, you'll understand where we're going.
bks := V1 assigns to variable bks in df whatever exists in V1, which is the name of the list column in the previous table. Of course on = "groupid" is the variable on which we make the join.
The code defining the bins needs little explanation, except by the bks[[1]] bit. It needs to be [[ in order to access the list values and provide a vector, as required by the cut function.
All data.table commands can be chained in a -rather unintelligible- single call:
df[bktpts[, list(.(value)), by = groupid],
bks := V1,
on = "groupid"][,
bin := cut(value,
include.lowest = TRUE,
labels = FALSE),
by = groupid][,
bks := NULL]
I'm starting with the below table dt and try to subset its column by the list keys:
randomchar <- function(n, w){
chararray <- replicate(w, sample(c(letters, LETTERS), n, replace = TRUE))
apply(chararray, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
dt <- data.table(x = randomchar(1000, 3),
y = randomchar(1000, 3),
z = randomchar(1000, 3),
key = c("x", "y", "z"))
keys <- with(dt, list(x = sample(x, 501),
y = sample(y, 500),
z = sample(z, 721)))
I can get the result I want by using a loop:
desired <- copy(dt)
for(i in seq_along(keys)){
keyname <- names(keys)[i]
desired <- desired[get(keyname) %in% keys[[i]]]
The question is - Is there a more data.table idiomatic way to do this subset?
I tried using CJ: dt[CJ(keys)], but it takes a very long time.
What about building a mask and filter dt on this mask:
dt[Reduce(`&`, Map(function(key, col) col %in% key, keys, dt)),]