I want to fit my points with logarithmic curve. Here is my data which contains x and y. I desire to plot x and y and the add a logarithmic fitting curve.
x<-structure(list(X2.y = c(39.99724745, 29.55541525, 23.39578201,
15.46797044, 10.52063652, 7.296161198, 6.232038434, 4.811851132,
4.641281547, 4.198523289, 3.325515839, 2.596563723, 1.894902523,
1.556380314), X5.y = c(62.76037622, 48.54726084, 37.71302646,
24.93942365, 17.71060023, 13.31130267, 10.36341862, 7.706914722,
7.170517624, 6.294292013, 4.917428837, 3.767836298, 2.891519878,
2.280974128), X10.y = c(77.83154815, 61.12151516, 47.19228808,
31.21034981, 22.47098182, 17.29384973, 13.09875178, 9.623698726,
8.845091983, 7.681873268, 5.971413758, 4.543320659, 3.551367285,
2.760718282), X25.y = c(96.87401383, 77.00911883, 59.16936025,
39.13368164, 28.48573658, 22.32580849, 16.55485248, 12.0455604,
10.96092113, 9.435085861, 7.303126501, 5.523147205, 4.385086234,
3.366876291), X50.y = c(111.0008027, 88.79545082, 68.05463659,
45.01166182, 32.94782526, 26.05880295, 19.11878542, 13.84223574,
12.53056405, 10.73571912, 8.291067088, 6.25003851, 5.003586577,
3.81655893), X100.y = c(125.0232816, 100.4947544, 76.87430545,
50.84623991, 37.37696657, 29.76423356, 21.66378667, 15.6256447,
14.08861698, 12.0267487, 9.271712877, 6.971562563, 5.61752001,
4.262921183)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -14L))
I tried this:
single_idf<-function(x) {
durations = c(5/60, 10/60, 15/60, 30/60, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 18, 24)
nd = length(durations)
Tp = c(2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100)
nTp = length(Tp)
psym = seq(1, nTp)
# open new window for this graph, set plotting parameters for a single graph panel
par(mfrow = c(1,1), mar = c(5, 5, 5, 5), cex = 1)
# set up custom axis labels and grid line locations
ytick = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,
yticklab = as.character(ytick)
xgrid = c(5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,30,40,50,60,120,180,240,300,360,
xtick = c(5,10,15,20,30,60,120,180,240,300,360,480,720,1080,1440)
xticklab = c("5","10","15","20","30","60","2","3","4","5","6","8","12","18","24")
ymax1 = max(idf)
durations = durations*60
plot(durations, col=c("#FF00FF") ,lwd=c(1), idf[, 1],
pch = psym[1], log = "xy",
xlim = c(4, 24*60), ylim = range(c(1,idf+150)),
xlab = "(min) Duration (hr)",
ylab = "Intensity (mm/hr)"
for (iT in 2:nTp) {
points(durations, idf[, iT], pch = psym[iT], col="#FF00FF",lwd=1)
for (iT in 1:nTp) {
mod.lm = lm(log10(idf[, iT]) ~ log10(durations))
b0 = mod.lm$coef[1]
b1 = mod.lm$coef[2]
yfit = log(10^(b0 + b1*log10(durations)))
lines(durations,col=c("#FF00FF"),yfit, lty = psym[iT],lwd=1)
But when I run this, the curves stands far away from the points. I want to see curves over the points. How can I arrange this?
Consider this as an option for you using ggplot2 and dplyr. Also added method='lm' to match OP expected output (Many thanks and credits to #AllanCameron for his magnificent advice):
df <- data.frame(x,y)
df %>%
pivot_longer(-y) %>%
stat_smooth(geom = 'line',method = 'lm')
The main problem is that you were plotting the natural log of the fit rather than the fit itself.
If you change the line
yfit = log(10^(b0 + b1*log10(durations)))
yfit = 10^(b0 + b1*log10(durations))
And rerun your code, you get
I am plotting a time series with the timePlot function of the open air package of R. The graph has grey grid lines in the background that I would like to turn off but I do not find a way to do it. I would expect something simple such as grid = FALSE, but that is not the case. It appears to be rather complex, requiring the use of extra arguments which are passed to xyplot of the library lattice. I believe the answer lies some where in the par.settings function but all attempts have failed. Does anyone have any suggestions to this issue?
Here is by script:
timeozone <- import(i, date="date", date.format = "%m/%d/%Y", header=TRUE, na.strings="")
ROMO = timePlot(timeozone, pollutant = c("C7", "C9", "C10"), group = TRUE, stack = FALSE,y.relation = "same", date.breaks = 9, lty = c(1,2,3), lwd = c(2, 3, 3), fontsize = 15, cols = c("black", "black"), ylab = "Ozone (ppbv)")
panel = function(x, y) {
panel.grid(h = 0, v = 0)
As the title says, a single ColorRamp palette when used in two different scetterplots built by plotly, gives two slightly differently looking (note the middle part) colorbars even though the upper and the lower bounds of corresponding data sets are manually set to be identical in both plots.
I'd like to make the plots visually comparable, and for that I'd obviously have to have identical colorbars. Is there a way to do that?
Here's the code:
myxaxis <- list(range = c(16, 44), dtick=2, gridwidth = 1, title = "Length of carbon chain") #setting the visible area of x axis
myyaxis <- list(range = c(0, 8), gridwidth = 1, title = "No. of double bonds") #setting the visible area of y axis
mycolors <- colorRampPalette(c('green', 'red', 'black'))(n = 100) #creating an RColorBrewer palette
ch_new1 <-'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'upper bound', 'lower bound'), c(4.571087, 6.522441, 6.522441, 5.081869, 4.471815, 5.744834, 7.329796, 5.472866, 5.744834, 1, 1), c(10.52337, 16.75454, 16.0976, 16.47356, 18.94973, 17.46351, 10.97607, 18.11186, 11.64033, 0.2085327, 71.18021), c(32, 34, 34, 36, 36, 36, 38, 38, 38, 100, 100), c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 100, 100), c(0.4128963, 16.68394, 26.52718, 23.50851, 16.02339, 3.971546, 6.854153, 3.24342, 2.774968, 1, 1)) #the first dataset
colnames(ch_new1) <- c('Species', 'log_inversed_pval','fold_difference', 'N_of_carbons','N_of_double_bonds', 'rel_abund')
d <- plot_ly(ch_new1, x=~N_of_carbons, y=~N_of_double_bonds, text = ~paste('Percent of total', Species, '=', round(rel_abund, 0)), size=~rel_abund, color=~fold_difference, colors = mycolors)%>% #producing the scatter plot
xaxis = myxaxis,
yaxis = myyaxis,
title = paste('PA', '2b')
colorbar(title="Fold difference", ypad=20)
ch_new2 <-'LPC', 'LPC', 'LPC', 'lower limit', 'upper limit'), c(7.329796, 7.329796, 5.081869, 1, 1), c(2.952345, 5.042931, 3.700331, 0.2085327, 71.18021), c(18, 20, 22, 100, 100), c(0, 3, 5, 100, 100), c(82.87528, 13.56943, 3.555281, 1, 1)) #the second dataset
colnames(ch_new2) <- c('Species', 'log_inversed_pval','fold_difference', 'N_of_carbons','N_of_double_bonds', 'rel_abund')
d <- plot_ly(ch_new2, x=~N_of_carbons, y=~N_of_double_bonds, text = ~paste('Percent of total', Species, '=', round(rel_abund, 0)), size=~rel_abund, color=~fold_difference, colors = mycolors)%>% #creating the second scatterplot
xaxis = myxaxis,
yaxis = myyaxis,
title = paste(unique(ch$Species)[i], fraction)
colorbar(title="Fold difference", ypad=20)
chart #1 with bright red middle
chart #2 with dim red middle
I've solved the problem on my own.
Turns out that by adding one or several "anchoring" dummy points placed beyond the margins of the plot (so they are not shown) helps to make the plot colorbars almost identical.
The initial dataset
ch_new1 <- #the first dataset
should be appended with anchoring dummy points:
ch_new1 <- #the first dataset
ch_new1 <- rbind(ch_new, list('middle anchor point', 1, 50, 100, 100, 1))
ch_new1 <- rbind(ch_new, list('quarter anchor point', 1, 25, 100, 100, 1))
tl;dr anchor the variable responsible for colorbar to multiple reference points (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ...)
Assume the code below (as given in Viechtbauer, 2010):
data("", package = "metafor")
dat <- escalc(measure = "RR", ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg, data =, append = TRUE)
res <- rma(ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg, data = dat, measure = "RR")
forest(res, slab = paste(dat$author, dat$year, sep = ", "), xlim = c(-16, 6), at = log(c(0.05, 0.25, 1, 4)), atransf = exp, ilab = cbind(dat$tpos, dat$tneg, dat$cpos, dat$cneg), ilab.xpos = c(-9.5, -8, -6, -4.5), cex = 0.75)
op <- par(cex = 0.75, font = 2)
text(c(-9.5, -8, -6, -4.5), 15, c("TB+", "TB-", "TB+", "TB-"))
text(c(-8.75, -5.25), 16, c("Vaccinated", "Control"))
text(-16, 15, "Author(s) and Year", pos = 4)
text(6, 15, "Relative Risk [95% CI]", pos = 2)
This gives a forest graph as below:
So how can I change the format of confidence intervals in the graph? Is it possible to replace brackets with parentheses and use "to" instead of ","? How about using "-" or long hypen instead of ","? This should change i.e. [0.13, 1.26] to (0.13 to 1.26) or (0.13 – 1.26)
You need to do some hacking of the code for forest.rma. Several steps:
After displaying the current version of the code by typing the function name:
forest.rma # Copy the name and the code and paste into the console
# Add an assignment operator `<-`
# leave off the bytecode and environment notations at the bottom
Or you can do this in an editor, which would probably be the preferred method since you might then want to save this code to a .Rprofile file.
1) Add parameters to the argument list:
forest.rma <-
function (x, annotate = TRUE, addfit = TRUE, addcred = FALSE,
showweights = FALSE, xlim, alim, clim, ylim, at, steps = 5,
level = x$level, digits = 2, refline = 0, xlab, slab, mlab,
ilab, ilab.xpos, ilab.pos, order, transf, atransf, targs,
rows, efac = 1, pch = 15, psize, col, border, lty, cex, cex.lab,
cex.axis, annosep = " , ", bkt=c("[", "]"), ...)
{ # ....not showing all the _long_ function body
# Scroll down to almost the bottom of the function body
2) Find and change arguments to the annotext cbind-assignment. There are several places where annotext might get constructed, but only one of them matches your "format target". Find the one that looks like this:
# annotext <- cbind(annotext[, 1], " [ ", annotext[,
# 2], " , ", annotext[, 3], " ]")
Change to this:
annotext <- cbind(annotext[, 1], bkt[1], annotext[,
2], annosep, annotext[, 3], bkt[2] )
# hit enter to get the modification to hold in your workspace
3) Now assign the correct environment to the function so it can play well with its siblings:
environment(forest.rma) <- environment(forest.default)
# if you forget this step you see this error:
Error in forest.rma(res, slab = paste(dat$author, dat$year, sep = ", "), :
could not find function ".setlab"
And call it with the new arguments of your choosing:
png(); forest(res, slab = paste(dat$author, dat$year, sep = ", "), xlim = c(-16, 6), at = log(c(0.05, 0.25, 1, 4)), atransf = exp, ilab = cbind(dat$tpos, dat$tneg, dat$cpos, dat$cneg), ilab.xpos = c(-9.5, -8, -6, -4.5), cex = 0.75, annosep=" to ", bkt = c( "(", ")" ) )
op <- par(cex = 0.75, font = 2)
text(c(-9.5, -8, -6, -4.5), 15, c("TB+", "TB-", "TB+", "TB-"))
text(c(-8.75, -5.25), 16, c("Vaccinated", "Control"))
text(-16, 15, "Author(s) and Year", pos = 4)
text(6, 15, "Relative Risk [95% CI]", pos = 2)
Here is a solution that does not require changing the code of the forest.rma() function. I use annotate=FALSE so that the function does not annotate the forest plot and instead add those annotations myself.
data("", package = "metafor")
dat <- escalc(measure = "RR", ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg, data =, append = TRUE)
res <- rma(ai = tpos, bi = tneg, ci = cpos, di = cneg, data = dat, measure = "RR")
### note the use of annotate=FALSE in forest()
forest(res, slab = paste(dat$author, dat$year, sep = ", "), xlim = c(-16, 6),
at = log(c(0.05, 0.25, 1, 4)), atransf = exp,
ilab = cbind(dat$tpos, dat$tneg, dat$cpos, dat$cneg), ilab.xpos = c(-9.5, -8, -6, -4.5),
cex = 0.75, annotate=FALSE)
op <- par(cex = 0.75, font = 2)
text(c(-9.5, -8, -6, -4.5), 15, c("TB+", "TB-", "TB+", "TB-"))
text(c(-8.75, -5.25), 16, c("Vaccinated", "Control"))
text(-16, 15, "Author(s) and Year", pos = 4)
text(6, 15, "Relative Risk [95% CI]", pos = 2)
### add annotations manually
tmp <- summary(dat, transf=exp)[,c("yi","","ci.ub")] ### for the individual studies
tmp <- rbind(tmp, with(predict(res, transf=exp), c(pred,, ci.ub))) ### add model estimate and CI bounds
sav <- apply(tmp, 2, formatC, format="f", digits=2)
annotext <- apply(sav, 1, function(x) {paste0(x[1], " (", x[2], " to ", x[3], ")")})
text(6, c(res$k:1, -1), annotext, pos=2, font=1)
Please consider the following sample polar plot:
testlen <- c(rnorm(36)*2 + 5)
testpos <- seq(0, 350, by = 10)
polar.plot(testlen, testpos, main = "Test Polar Plot",
lwd = 3, line.col = 4, rp.type = "s")
I would like to add lines at angles 30 and 330 as well as 150 and 210 (from the center to the outside). I experimented with the line function but could not get it to work.
The calculations for exact placement are a bit goofy but using your test data
polar.plot(testlen,testpos,main="Test Polar Plot",
You can add lines at 20,150,210,300 with
add.line <- c(30,330, 150,210)/360*2*pi
maxlength <- max(pretty(range(testlen)))-min(testlen)
segments(0, 0, cos(add.line) * maxlength, sin(add.line) * maxlength,
col = "red")
And that makes the following plot
You can just use the rp.type = "r" argument and add = TRUE. So, something like
testlen <- c(rnorm(36)*2 + 5)
testpos <- seq(0,350, by = 10)
polar.plot(testlen, testpos, main = "Test Polar Plot",
lwd = 3, line.col = 4, rp.type = "s")
followed by
pos <- c(30, 330, 150, 210)
len <- c(10, 10, 10, 10)
polar.plot(lengths = len, polar.pos = pos,
radial.lim = c(0, 15),
lwd = 2, line.col = 2, rp.type = "r", add = TRUE)
yields your desired output.