Can't able to fetch the user location in meteor - meteor

I developed a meteor app in which while registering I am fetching the user location at the client side, to do so I have added the packages listed below:
meteor add mdg:geolocation
meteor add jeremy:geocomplete
meteor aldeed:geocoder
meteor add jaymc:google-reverse-geocode
The code written at client side is as follows:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(() => {
v: '3.26',
key: '',
libraries: 'geometry,places'
console.log("is GoogleMaps.loaded",GooglMaps.loaded());
Template.Registration.onRendered(function () {
Tracker.autorun(() => {
if (GoogleMaps.loaded()) {
$('#txt_address').geocomplete({country: "AU", type:
var date = new Date();
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
maxDate : date,
ignoreReadonly: true
'click #btn_findlocation':function(event){
alert('Find Location')
function success(position) {
var crd = position.coords;
console.log(`Latitude0 : ${crd.latitude}`);
console.log(`Longitude0: ${crd.longitude}`);
var lat = crd.latitude;
var long = crd.longitude;
reverseGeocode.getLocation(lat, long, function(location)
Session.set('location', reverseGeocode.getAddrStr());
};// end of function success(position)
function error(err) {
console.warn('ERROR(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message);
};//end of function error(err)
// geolocation options
var options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
maximumAge: 0
};// end of var options
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error,
But I am getting false value for GoogleMaps.loaded() function and the following below error when I click a button to fetch the location.
Can't able to read formatted address of undefined.
Results are inconsistent as sometimes I was able to fetch the location other times not.
Please give any suggestions...


firebase reset password controller

Yesterday my app was launched, Ionic v1, and a few users entered the wrong password and can't log into the app.
The app uses firebase authentication. I have a __refs file that points to the database and have tried numerous things trying to get the reset to work.
I've tried referencing $firebaseAuth, of course my __refs, $firebase then use $firebase.auth()...
I didn't write the authentication of this app so I'm not real sure how it works. I'm hoping that someone can help me.
My reset controller
function($scope, $ionicLoading, $firebaseAuth, __Refs) {
$scope.user = {
email: ''
$scope.errorMessage = null;
var fbAuth = $firebaseAuth(__Refs.rootRef);
$scope.resetPassword = function() {
$scope.errorMessage = null;
template: 'Please wait...'
function showConfirmation() {
$scope.emailSent = true;
function handleError(error) {
switch (error.code) {
$scope.errorMessage = 'Invalid email';
$scope.errorMessage = 'Error: [' + error.code + ']';
My Refs file
.factory('__Refs', function ($firebaseArray, $firebaseObject) {
// Might use a resource here that returns a JSON arrayf
var ref = new Firebase('');
return {
rootRef: ref,
customers: ref.child('customers'),
I can't take credit for the answer it was provide by Abimbola Idowu on HackHands.
Since I paid for the answer I thought I would share it with anyone else that might also be stumped by this.
$scope.resetPassword = function() {
$scope.errorMessage = null;
template: 'Please wait...'
__Refs.rootRef.resetPassword({ email: $ }, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
} else {
This is the __refs service
.factory('__Refs', function ($firebaseArray, $firebaseObject) {
// Might use a resource here that returns a JSON arrayf
var ref = new Firebase('');
return {
rootRef: ref,

Meteor observe not working properly in 1.6

I recently upgraded from 1.2 to Meteors latest version
I was using observe in a publication and an observe on the client to get changes.
in 1.2 no problems at all, but in 1.6 observed changes are not received in a "changed" client callback, but the client does get the ddp message. I can verify that by looking in Chromes dev tools > websocket, see the incoming message, but it's never fired in a client callback. This only happens when changing 2-3 documents at a time.
So when I delete a few documents from the DB, the publication fires off the callbacks, and the client receives them in the websocket messages, but it only fires once in the "observe" callback on the client.
Here is my code.
Client -
CollectionTest = new Meteor.Collection('collectionTest');
added: function (doc) {
console.log("ADDED DOC ", doc);
changed: function (newDoc, oldDoc) {
console.log("CHANGED DOC new ", newDoc);
removed: function (doc) {
console.log("REMOVED DOC ", doc);
Server Publication -
Meteor.publish("ddpPub", function () {
var self = this,
ready = false;
var userId = self.userId;
var subHandle = TestData.find({}).observeChanges({
added: function (id, fields) {
if (ready) {
self.changed("collectionTest", userId, {
type: "added",
data: {
id: id,
fields: fields
changed: function (id, fields) {
if (ready) {
self.changed("collectionTest", userId, {
type: "changed",
data: {
id: id,
fields: fields
removed: function (id) {
if (ready) {
self.changed("collectionTest", userId, {
type: "removed",
data: id
self.added("collectionTest", userId);
ready = true;
self.onStop(function () {
Attached are images from me removing the documents from the DB. The websocket messages, and then my console on the client. Showing it only fires once for 5 documents.
Showing the document id's I am deleting
DDP messages in 'websocket' confirmed they get to client
Single client message in client callback showing only document changed
UPDATE: 12/15/17 - 7:17pm PST
After working on this for a couple hours, finding some related meteor posts with observe callbacks and “” not working inside, the solution or hack is to wrap the “” in a “setTimeout” with the value of 0, and it fixes it.
I tried that here, and it didn’t work, but then I tried throttle the response, and it works! Not sure if it's a reliable fix, but it's the only one I found so far.
I am not sure why this works, or what causes the problem in the first place, any explanation would be welcome.
Server Publication -
Meteor.publish("ddpPub", function () {
var self = this,
ready = false;
var userId = self.userId;
var subHandle = TestData.find({}).observeChanges({
added: function (id, fields) {
if (ready) {
console.log("ADDING PUBLICATION");
self.changed("collectionTest", userId, {
type: "added",
data: {
id: id,
fields: fields
changed: function (id, fields) {
if (ready) {
self.changed("collectionTest", userId, {
type: "changed",
data: {
id: id,
fields: fields
removed: function (id) {
if (ready) {
ratePub(id, function (data) {
console.log("OBJECT DATA IS ", data);
self.changed("collectionTest", userId, data);
self.added("collectionTest", userId);
ready = true;
self.onStop(function () {
var returnPub = function (id, callback) {
console.log("RETURNING PUB ");
id: id,
type: "removed",
data: id
var ratePub = _.rateLimit(returnPub, 10);

How to show documents from multiple remote publication in the template?

I wish to use Meteor to subscribe a few remote publication via DDP. Then show the documents in one template. Here is what I did:
Posts = {};
var lists = [
{server: "localhost:4000"},
{server: "localhost:5000"}
var startup = function () {
_.each(lists, function (list) {
var connection = DDP.connect(`http://${list.server}`);
Posts[`${list.server}`] = new Mongo.Collection('posts', {connection: connection});
This file is at client folder. Every startup, in this example, at browser I have two client collections Posts["localhost:4000"] and Posts["localhost:5000"], both are same schema. I know this format (Collection[server]) is ugly, please tell me if there is a better way.
Is there a way to show these client collections in the same template with reactive. Like this:
Template.registerHelper("posts", function () {
return Posts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
I think Connected Client is a big part of the Meteor. There should be a best practice to solve this problem, right?
Connect to multiple servers via DDP, then observe their collections reactive via cursor.observeChanges.
Posts = {};
PostsHandle = {};
// LocalPosts is a local collection lived at browser.
LocalPosts = new Mongo.Collection(null); // null means local
// userId is generated by another Meteor app.
var lists = [
{server: "localhost:4000", userId: [
{server: "localhost:5000", userId: [
var connect = function () {
_.each(lists, function (list) {
console.log("connect:", list.server, list.userId);
var connection = DDP.connect(`http://${list.server}`);
Posts[`${list.server}`] = new Mongo.Collection('posts', {connection: connection}); // 'posts' should be same with remote collection name.
PostsHandle[`${list.server}`] = connection.subscribe("posts", list.userId);
var observe = function () {
_.each(PostsHandle, function (handle, server) {
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (handle.ready()) {
console.log(server, handle.ready());
// learn from
// thank you cursor.observeChanges
var cursor = Posts[server].find();
var cursorHandle = cursor.observeChanges({
added: function (id, post) {
console.log("added:", id, post);
piece._id = id; // sync post's _id
removed: function (id) {
console.log("removed:", id);
Template.posts.onCreated(function () {
connect(); // template level subscriptions
posts: function () {
return LocalPosts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}}); // sort reactive

Meteor - insert failed: Method not found

I have a problem with my Meteor's JS file. I get this error "insert failed: Method not found" when I try to insert any data to the database and reflect on chart. I've tried fetching data directly from db that didn't work too...
thanx in advance.
LinePeople = new Mongo.Collection("LinePeople");
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
if (Meteor.isClient) {
console.log("in LIne Client");
//LinePeople = new Mongo.Collection(null);
Template.linenvd3.rendered = function() {
var chart = nv.models.lineChart()
.margin({left: 80}) //Adjust chart margins to give the x-axis some breathing room.
.useInteractiveGuideline(true) //We want nice looking tooltips and a guideline!
.transitionDuration(350) //how fast do you want the lines to transition?
.showLegend(true) //Show the legend, allowing users to turn on/off line series.
.showYAxis(true) //Show the y-axis
.showXAxis(true) //Show the x-axis
nv.addGraph(function() {
chart.xAxis.axisLabel('Person number').tickFormat(d3.format('d'));
chart.yAxis.axisLabel('Age (years)').tickFormat(d3.format('d'));'#lineChart svg').datum(
[{ values: LinePeople.find().fetch(), key: 'Age' }]
nv.utils.windowResize(function() { chart.update() });
return chart;
Deps.autorun(function () {'#lineChart svg').datum(
[{ values: LinePeople.find().fetch(), key: 'Age' }]
'click #addDataButton': function() {
console.log(" in line addButton");
var age = getRandomInt(13, 89);
var lastPerson = LinePeople.findOne({}, {fields:{x:1},sort:{x:-1},limit:1,reactive:false});
if (lastPerson) {
console.log(" in lastPerson.. if block");
LinePeople.insert({x:(lastPerson.x + 1), y:age});
} else {
console.log(" in lastPerson.. else block");
LinePeople.insert({x:1, y:age});
'click #removeDataButton': function() {
console.log(" in line removeButton");
var lastPerson = LinePeople.findOne({}, {fields:{x:1},sort:{x:-1},limit:1,reactive:false});
if (lastPerson) {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
console.log("in line Server");
While following the Getting Started tutorial on the official meteor.js website I've had the same problem with autopublish turned on.
Turned out the issue was I created my Tasks collection inside the imports/ folder. Thus it was not implicitly imported on the server.
I had to explicitly import it on the server to solve the issue.
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import '../imports/api/tasks.js';
Meteor.startup(() => {
// code to run on server at startup
As you can see the import is not used by my code but is required anyways.
Thanks for the help... I actually got it worked by publishing the collection and giving it some permissions:
This code is placed in "myapp/shared/collections.js". (Placed them separately to handle all the other collections which I would add for other graphs)
lineVar = new Meteor.Collection("linenvd3");
insert: function () {
return true;
update: function () {
return true;
remove: function () {
return true;
This code is placed in "myapp/server/publish.js"
Meteor.publish('line', function () {
return lineVar.find();
Then, this is modified Javascript made look more simpler and comprehensive.
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.linenvd3.rendered = function() {
var chart = nv.models.lineChart()
.margin({left: 80})
.showYAxis(true) //Show the y-axis
.showXAxis(true) //Show the x-axis
nv.addGraph(function() {
chart.xAxis.axisLabel('Person number').tickFormat(d3.format('d'));
chart.yAxis.axisLabel('Age (years)').tickFormat(d3.format('d'));'#lineChart svg').datum(
[{ values: lineVar.find().fetch(), key: 'Age' }]
nv.utils.windowResize(function() { chart.update() });
return chart;
Deps.autorun(function () {'#lineChart svg').datum(
[{ values: lineVar.find().fetch(), key: 'Age' }]).call(chart);

Internal Server Error trying to update server database in Meteor.js

I've been modifying the example meteor app at As you can see in the code bellow, I'm trying to update the score of players upon someone hitting the reset button. This updated fine on the client side but in my console I noticed the error "update failed: 500 -- Internal server error". Upon further inspection I saw that indeed, the server side database was not being updated. Any thoughts? (relevant code is in the reset function but I've posted the rest here just in case)
// Set up a collection to contain player information. On the server,
// it is backed by a MongoDB collection named "players."
Players = new Meteor.Collection("players");
name: {name: 1, score: -1},
score: {score: -1, name: 1}
var NAMES = [ "Ada Lovelace",
"Grace Hopper",
"Marie Curie",
"Carl Friedrich Gauss",
"Nikola Tesla",
"Claude Shannon" ];
function reset(options) {
if (options && options['seed'] === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) {
Players.insert({ name: NAMES[i], score: Math.floor(Math.random()*10)*5 });
if (options && options['restart'] === true) {
Players.update( {},
{ $set: { score: Math.floor(Math.random()*10)*5 } },
{multi: true});
if (Meteor.is_client) {
Template.leaderboard.players = function () {
var sort_by = SORT_OPTIONS[Session.get("sort_by")]
return Players.find({}, {sort: sort_by});
Template.leaderboard.selected_name = function () {
var player = Players.findOne(Session.get("selected_player"));
return player &&;
Template.player.selected = function () {
return Session.equals("selected_player", this._id) ? "selected" : '';
}; = {
'click': function () {
Players.update(Session.get("selected_player"), {$inc: {score: 5}});
'click input.sort': function () {
Session.get("sort_by") == "score" ? Session.set("sort_by", "name") : Session.set("sort_by", "score");
'click input.reset': function () {
reset({'restart': true});
}; = {
'click': function () {
Session.set("selected_player", this._id);
// On server startup, create some players if the database is empty.
if (Meteor.is_server) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Players.find().count() === 0) {
reset({'seed': true});
This also happened to me, but checking the server log, the problem I had was that the $inc modifier requires a number for the argument for the update method, so I made sure it got it with
Time went by and it now works :) I guess it was some server issue on their demo deploy site.
