Is it possible to transfer GTM and GA set ups from one account to another?
For example, I developed a GTM with GA tracking for the website. Now I would like to set up it for someone else. How can I do it?
Thank you.
You can export the GTM container:
In the top navigation, click Admin.
In the Container section, click Export Container.
Click Choose a version or workspace.
Select the desired container or workspace version.
Click Download.
My website contains a "login" link to the customer dashboard which is on another domain. We are on our way to freshen up the Google Analytics dashboard statistics and want to filter out the traffic which is clicking this link on our website from the dashboard statistics.
We tried a few options through filtering, but I think this has to be custom. Is there anyone who can help us with this?
Well the easiest thing here would be making a bitmap session or user-level custom dimension (or a normal one, I'm just trying to save space) and indicate in it whether the user clicked the login link. It can be done very easily in GTM.
After that, you additionally filter the traffic in your dashboard by that custom dimension.
I had a question about Google Tag Manager. (I also felt bad for having the IT guy fix my mistakes on my simple click tag)
I wanted to track when a user enters a specific url when they click a link button on the homepage.
This is what it looks like
This is my idea on what the Tag and Trigger should look like
But I'm worried about having the trigger be fired when there is another page in the funnel
Also if the only way to do this is in the goal feature of GA that is good to know also. (I currently don't have the permissions here)
Thanks for responses
While it is difficult to achieve exactly what you're describing (it would involve storing data in cookies and then using these cookies to conditionally fire tags), there is a better way to achieve what I assume is your ultimate objective: an analysis of the shopping funnel.
Specifically, the Google Analytics enhanced ecommerce module has a dedicated report (the Conversions > Ecommerce > Shopping Behavior report) that shows you exactly this. It shows you the number of sessions for each stage of your shopping experience (product view -> add to cart -> checkout -> purchase) along with drop-off rates and volumes between each of these steps.
It is a little bit more involved to implement enhanced ecommerce but the final result is definitely worth it for an ecommerce business. Instructions for implementation of enhanced ecommerce (using Google Tag Manager) can be found here.
GTM is hit based without any notion of persistence. So by default this will not work.
You would need a custom HTML tag with a javascript function that sets a cookie, or writes a value to localstorage, when the button is clicked.
Then on your destination page you can check if the cookie exists and fire the tag accordingly.
I don't think the goal feature in GA can do that, either. A goal is registered when you hit a destination URL or event, you cannot specify conditions other than the destination.
I've created dynamic link manually and I would like to collect statistics for it in firebase console.
Is it possible?
Link that I've created contains:
link, apn, utm_source ,utm_medium
I believe you need to shorten the Dynamic Links, for the Firebase console to track clicks for you. From this page:
To help you gauge the effectiveness of your promotions and campaigns, the following Analytics events are automatically logged when you open a short Dynamic Link in your app. You can create short Dynamic Links in the Firebase console.
For your existing manually created dynamic link, go to the Console, click on Dynamic Links, then New Dynamic Link. Select Shorten an Existing Dynamic Link, then paste your existing link there, then click the Create Link button.
It seems that after Analytics got their latest face-lift the AdSense / Analytics connection got a bit left behind.
According to the documentation I need to add the AdSense Analytics code to my page. I already have the regular Analytics code and it's working fine. According to Google help the code should be in the Edit AdSense linking settings link at the top of your account's Overview page. But it isn't. There isn't even an Analytics Settings link in the upper corner, just Settings and that takes you to Edit User Settings.
This is how my Admin panel looks:
Has anyone been able to find it? Where is it? (It's not under Tracking Code)
The adsense code for non-primary domains you can find in analytics. Click in adsense on link domains. Click Admin in the right corner. Click on the account. Click on data sources. Click on the adsense tab. There is the codesnippet for the secondary domain.
I'm having the same issue...
here's what I found out so far:
in Analytics, go to Account Home (this is the list with all your domains and profiles in GA)
from this view, click on "Admin" in the top right corner. (This is a different admin from what you get from inside an account!)
select your primary domain/account
select "data sources"
right below the first menu with Properties, Users, Filters, Data Sources, Account Settings, there is a second menu line with 2 items: Adwords and Adsense. Select AdSense
you should see a list of domains you can get code snippets for
when creating a community/fan page for a Game through the settings in the developer account, you have the option to add a "Play Game" button just below the title image of the page.
Creating a Page in any other way, you do not seem to have that option. Hence my problem:
We created our Community page and started generating likes and traffic to it, before creating a Game App in the developer tool. We have now launched our Game and want to have the "Play Game" button on the community page.
Is there any way of achieving this other than creating an entirely new page and asking people to move their likes there?
I have looked into Migrating the page, but that option does not seem to be available any more, and it is unclear whether it would work anyway. The other option is to just create the new page and ask people to like the new page instead. This would make us lose our vanity URL though, which we do not wish to lose...
Thank you,
I ran into the same problem, and have finally found a solution:
Go into your Page Settings (Edit Page -> Update Info).
Under category, choose "App Page".
Save changes.
Now go to your App settings.
Choose App Details.
(If you have submitted to App Center, cancel the submission).
Choose you page under "App Page".
Save changes.
In FB developer settings, go to your app>advanced settings at the bottom there is a spot to create a community page. That page that you create will have the Play Button you are looking for.
It's a been old question but the solution that is working nowadays is :
go to your facebook page,
Settings > Page Info
there you need to update your category and ONLY have "App Page" selected
Then go to your Facebook developer account , select your app and
Go to Settings > Advanced
In the App Pages part you should see "select from existing" button where you can select and link your existing Facebook page
Done :)