Internal server error in Google Composer web UI [Error code 28] - airflow

We are using Google Composer for workflow orchestration, randomly we are getting An internal server error occurred while authorizing your request. Error code 28 message while opening the web UI. We don't know the cause for this issue. How to fix this?

This issue could be given for users who try to access Airflow UI from certain location. Notice that direct access to the Airflow UI is not supported in Australia, New Zealand, and India as explained here. The product team is working on the resolution. At this moment, the users from these location can use HTTP proxy for that.


Trino server running on Amazon EMR cluster but cannot access the web UI to view the queries execution and other stats that the web UI provides

I've verified my Trino server is properly working by looking at the server.log and observing there are no errors and the message "SERVER STARTED" appears. I've connected to my Trino server using JDBC connection in SQL workbench and can successfully run queries in there with data being returned. However, whenever I try to access the web UI to visibly SEE the query execution I get an error message saying "site can't be reached" "ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE". I've tested this on Trino 360 and Trino 388 and same issue persists. I've tried accessing web UI via DNS and IP address and both return the same result. Also, the same results are displayed whether i have "web-ui.enabled=true" in my or if I omit that property entirely. Has anyone experienced issues accessing Trino Web UI before? Any insight is greatly appreciated.
I am expecting web UI to come up for Trino server

ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method in shiny app

When I load my docker shiny app domain name in the browser, it crashes (greys out) and I get this "ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method".
I have developed an web application that consists of a shiny app (has a login feature connected to an RMySQL database), a website and a mariadb database. I put them together in a docker-compose file and tested it on my local computer and it works fine. I then proceeded to deploy them in a Kubernetes cluster in GCE and that was also successful. I used cloudflare to install a ssl certificate for the shiny app domain (i.e. Now when I load the shiny app domain in the browser it appends the https and loads the app successfully but after about a minute it crashes (greys out). I loaded the shiny app external ip with http and this doesn’t crash.
The closest solution I have come to is but there doesn't seem to be any other solution to my problem. I would be grateful if anyone help me resolve this problem.
This is the error message I get when I check with kubectl log [app pod name], I get this error:
ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method
ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method
ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method
I expect the app not to crash when the shiny app domain ( is appended with the https.
Let's start with the analysis of the error message, it says:
So we know that your app is receiving something, but it doesn't understand what it is (it may be a malformed HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 or even binary data) then we have an
invalid HTTP method
Now we are sure it is not a HTTP/1.X call but a stream of (non recognized) data.
We now know is not the instance since it "deploys" and "delivers" the service, but something inside that is just breaking.
There are a few things that may be happening, since it runs in your local machine (where I am assuming it has access to more resources, especially memory) it may be an issue of resource allocation and that once ran in a container, it could be possible that it empties its allocated amount of resources and breaks (perhaps a library that is called in real time that uses a chunk of memory?) but we won't be sure unless we can debug it inside a container, so could it be possible for you to add a debug library that records your requests to see if it parses all of those and at some point in time it stops and why? I know a person from R-Studio created a httpuv that logs every request this can be done as in:
And after that, maybe share the output and see why the application is behaving like that and killing its own service.
I really thank you in advance, hopefully with those logs we may be able to shed more light into this matter.
Thanks once again!

Alfresco share ClientAbortException

Sometimes when we open folder, Alfresco shows spinning wheel and never opens the folder. The log has below exception.
2016-03-08 11:45:40,652 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-494] Exception calling (GET) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/slingshot/doclib/treenode/site/test/documentLibrary/Books/science?children=true&max=-1&alf_ticket=TICKET_400a73c20348346eed011695af270f837f27a654
2016-03-08 11:45:40,652 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-494] Error status 500 null
ClientAbortException: Connection reset
at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(
If I curl the above URL or open directly in webrowser I am able to get the json response successfully.
I am using only Alfresco Share and not anyother client. The localhost:8080 is working perfectly fine in most of the cases except this one.
Can anyone please tell me what is the issue and why connection is closed or ClientAbortException exception is occurring?
Mostly this is an issue of timeout and you'll need active monitoring on your Alfresco & Share environment to see how Alfresco is running.
Easy check is to install some java monitoring or use Jmeter to load test the system and see how it responds on different load.
Mostly the outcome is more CPU/RAM for Alfresco :).
As Tahir Malik mentioned above, the issue is related to performance.
The ClientAbort error itself occurs when the client (in this case, Share) times out or the user cancels a download. The message on the log is type INFO. More details here:
If you are on SSO and using Alfresco Enterprise 5.2.3 or 5.2.4, there is a chance that you may hit a similar bug, which is discussed in the Alfresco Forum. However, this particular bug would not show the ClientAbortException.

XPage Stack Source database IBM Domino

I have some Domino servers where we run Xpage based applications. I have some issue with some HTTP JVM errors that I can find in the log from time to time can I in anyway get some more debug on the Domino server so that I can see what database this errors is occurring in?:
21-09-2015 11:26:58 HTTP JVM:$ExtendedServletException: Unable to get document page name for 39BCBE02FB280012C1257CE7006DEF2D
21-09-2015 11:26:58 HTTP JVM: CLFAD0134E: Exception processing XPage request. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in D:/Lotus/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
The code is failing on trying to open the XPage associated with the specific document. It's looking to the form and can't find the relevant XPage.
Follow the answer on the question Per links to. Without viewing the logs, there's no way for anyone who does not have access to your server to tell you which database, which Form or which XPage.

MSDeploy issues (WMSVC 500 error)

Having some issues with MSDeploy on a windows server 2008 box, the internal service is throwing a 500 error without putting anything in the server's event logs.
I'm attempting to setup automated deployments using MSBuild/TeamCity/MSDeploy, and this is basically the current halting point, has anyone come across this issue before?
Thanks, Ed
To find out why you are getting this error you should enable logging.
First, enable Failed Request Tracing for the web management service. You can see how to do this by referring to the "Optional: Set Up Tracing" section of this article:
The "frebs" can be found in:
Open each of the frXXXXXX.xml files with IE and it'll use the freb.xsl transform to generate a nice report.
Don't delete freb.xsl when you're done, it doesn't always get recreated.
Then turn on logging for the web management service:
You want to have the following registry entry configured:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IIS Extensions\MSDeploy\1]
You can fiddle with the tracing levels/sources to increase and decrease the verbosity of the logs.
As per the article the management service logs are written to:
