MSDeploy issues (WMSVC 500 error) - msdeploy

Having some issues with MSDeploy on a windows server 2008 box, the internal service is throwing a 500 error without putting anything in the server's event logs.
I'm attempting to setup automated deployments using MSBuild/TeamCity/MSDeploy, and this is basically the current halting point, has anyone come across this issue before?
Thanks, Ed

To find out why you are getting this error you should enable logging.
First, enable Failed Request Tracing for the web management service. You can see how to do this by referring to the "Optional: Set Up Tracing" section of this article:
The "frebs" can be found in:
Open each of the frXXXXXX.xml files with IE and it'll use the freb.xsl transform to generate a nice report.
Don't delete freb.xsl when you're done, it doesn't always get recreated.
Then turn on logging for the web management service:
You want to have the following registry entry configured:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IIS Extensions\MSDeploy\1]
You can fiddle with the tracing levels/sources to increase and decrease the verbosity of the logs.
As per the article the management service logs are written to:


WCF with HTTP on dynamic port number

I have a need to do automated testing of a configuration of WCF bindings. I wrote a test that, in it setup, picks a random port number and binds to it with a WSHttpBinding. The test runs a ServiceHost for the duration of its execution and then shuts it down. This works, but then when the build agents try to run the test, I get this error:
System.Exception: Unable to set up service host ---> System.ServiceModel.AddressAccessDeniedException: HTTP could not register URL http://+:52361/Test/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see for details). ---> System.Net.HttpListenerException: Access is denied
Is there any way to work around this? Can this "urlacl" mechanism be disabled??
UPDATE: This was a wild goose chase, as it turns out. This wasn't the error that was happening on the build agents. I flubbed it when gathering that information. Turns out the build agents are running elevated and don't run into the urlacl problem. The actual problem I was encountering was that a NuGet reference somehow hadn't had its corresponding assembly reference added to the .csproj file. How the tests worked locally, I don't know!
The error is "The process does not have permission to access this namespace".
You can try the following methods.
Make Test public
Run the service as administrator
Run the command prompt as administrator, add URL to ACL netsh http add urlacl url=
WCF ServiceHost access rights

Internal server error in Google Composer web UI [Error code 28]

We are using Google Composer for workflow orchestration, randomly we are getting An internal server error occurred while authorizing your request. Error code 28 message while opening the web UI. We don't know the cause for this issue. How to fix this?
This issue could be given for users who try to access Airflow UI from certain location. Notice that direct access to the Airflow UI is not supported in Australia, New Zealand, and India as explained here. The product team is working on the resolution. At this moment, the users from these location can use HTTP proxy for that.

Alfresco share ClientAbortException

Sometimes when we open folder, Alfresco shows spinning wheel and never opens the folder. The log has below exception.
2016-03-08 11:45:40,652 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-494] Exception calling (GET) http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/slingshot/doclib/treenode/site/test/documentLibrary/Books/science?children=true&max=-1&alf_ticket=TICKET_400a73c20348346eed011695af270f837f27a654
2016-03-08 11:45:40,652 INFO [webscripts.connector.RemoteClient] [http-bio-8080-exec-494] Error status 500 null
ClientAbortException: Connection reset
at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(
If I curl the above URL or open directly in webrowser I am able to get the json response successfully.
I am using only Alfresco Share and not anyother client. The localhost:8080 is working perfectly fine in most of the cases except this one.
Can anyone please tell me what is the issue and why connection is closed or ClientAbortException exception is occurring?
Mostly this is an issue of timeout and you'll need active monitoring on your Alfresco & Share environment to see how Alfresco is running.
Easy check is to install some java monitoring or use Jmeter to load test the system and see how it responds on different load.
Mostly the outcome is more CPU/RAM for Alfresco :).
As Tahir Malik mentioned above, the issue is related to performance.
The ClientAbort error itself occurs when the client (in this case, Share) times out or the user cancels a download. The message on the log is type INFO. More details here:
If you are on SSO and using Alfresco Enterprise 5.2.3 or 5.2.4, there is a chance that you may hit a similar bug, which is discussed in the Alfresco Forum. However, this particular bug would not show the ClientAbortException.

SmartTarget Errors in log file

I don't have any errors with my smart target application, but I do see in the event log, the following error messages:
ERROR 2012-09-19 14:30:09
com.tridion.smarttarget.utils.AmbientDataHelper - can't find defined
trigger-types in claim store (check if your smarttarget cartridge is
up and running)
ERROR 2012-09-19 14:30:11
com.tridion.smarttarget.tags.TimeoutQueryRunner - The fredhopper query
timed out java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException at
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet(Unknown Source) at
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(Unknown Source) at
ERROR 2012-09-19 14:30:11
com.tridion.smarttarget.tags.TimeoutQueryRunner - The fredhopper query
timed out
I would really like to understand what is causing these and how I can remove them. Or some suggested steps to help me debug this would be great :)
As I say, everything is working perfectly, later on in the logs I see the query to ST is correct and the results being generated.
In the event that is helps, I'm running on a 2009 implementation with Smart Target 2010, java 1.5.
Sounds like you might have a trigger configured in ST that does not actually exist in the ADF (or is mismatched). Have you looked through your trigger-types.xml file for anything obvious? Have you disabled an ADF cartridge but not removed the corresponding trigger in the XML perhaps? See the documentation for Defining trigger types.
I think your timeout is coming from the SmartTarget region rather than FredHopper. Sometimes a query that isn't already cached in FredHopper can take a while to return, even though it's ultimately successful. The ST query tag has a timeout (defined in the smarttarget_conf.xml file, or over-ridden with a tag attribute) that it will wait for a response from Fredhopper for before resorting to using the fallback content. This might explain why you see later in the logs that the query is correct and that results are returned. See the documentation for <tcdl:query>.
No conclusive answer for you I'm afraid, but I hope that helps.
The first error is logged if your SmartTarget cartridge is not running -- or if the data that it puts into ADF is lost somehow (e.g. you have disabled sessions in your web server).
In that case, SmartTarget will still do a query but it won't include anything from the Ambient Data Framework in it. If you don't have any triggers based on ambient data, the end result is the same for you.
To get rid of the error, make sure that smarttarget_cartridge is configured correctly.
As for the timeout error, it simply means that the query sent to Fredhopper took longer than the configured time. In that case it will show the fallback content instead. If this is happening a lot, you might want to increase the timeout within smarttarget_conf.xml.
I hope you found the issue, but for future reference, the first error message is raised when the claim "taf:claim:ambientdata:definedtriggertypes" is not set by the SmartTarget cartridge. This can be caused by:
SmartTarget cartridge could not load the the trigger types from the SmartTarget server. The log will show an error "can't retrieve list of defined trigger types from FH".
The HTTP session on your web server is expired during an active visit (the HTTP session expired but the browser is still open) and the claim is "lost".
The server does not support sessions like Peter mentioned.

Tridion broker database connectivity issue

I'm not quite sure what's going on, but several issues are occurring on our website supported by Tridion 2011 SP1 that I can only think is being caused by the broker db
1, Loading the website results in the error with the Ambient Data Module:
[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
Tridion.ContentDelivery.AmbientData.HttpModule.OnRequestStart(Object sender, EventArgs e) +292
System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +79
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +269
2, Audience manager profile synchronisation between the broker and subscription management databases is failing, receiving the following errors from the logs:
Error occurred while fetching a synchronization batch from the presentation system with url: [URL] Profilesync.aspx. Message class java.sql.SQLException No Data Access Object for AudienceManagerProfile java.sql.SQLException: No Data Access Object for AudienceManagerProfile
3, Publishing the website publication repeatedly fails at the transport stage, returning:
Transport failed: Could not transport using HTTPS
I know these sound like several issues happening at once, but my site was running fine up until another web publication was added into blueprinting. Since then we've been getting these errors, and like to think it's all related to an issue with the broker db.
Anyone come across something like this?
UPDATE: Should also add the fact that dynamic linking has stopped working as well, which strengthens my belief there is an issue either connecting to or with the broker database
That's full of loaded questions, oh.. boy.. let's take one by one.
Did you check your license file is valid and did not expire recently.
I would rule the license file out first. If that's not the case then see below.
First, Adding publication blueprinting publication does not have any impact on CDA site. So, I would totally rule this out.
Second, Your site up and running until publication added.. This can't be happening. There should be some configurations changed/added on your web site. Sometimes, the configurations updated but the APPPool did not recycled so you don't see the impact. At later time, when the AppPool restarted/recycled you will notice the errors and might have the impression that the site is breaking all of sudden.
Did you double check your configs and dlls?
Are you able to connect to your database directly with broker user
Any firewall changes happened recently, try connecting to DB from
CDA Server
For #3, I had this same problem... is it possible that adding the new publication caused the package size to increase from less than 30mb to more than 30mb? If so, check IIS Request Filtering >> Edit Feature Settings and look at Maximum allowed content length. This defaults to 30MB and for us increasing this size to something larger than our package size solved the Transport Failed error (since IIS would just reject our transports due to the size being greater than 30mb).
About issue #1: Could it be you have the Tridion.ContentDelivery.AmbientData.HttpModule configured in the Web.config, but are lacking the java installation? Do you have a cd_ambient_conf.xml in your config folder? And a cd_ambient.jar in the lib?
About issue # 2: you seem to be missing the audience manager DAOs (Data Access Objects). Do you have the following in your cd_storage_conf.xml?
<Bundle src="AudienceManagerDAOBundle.xml"/>
About issue # 3: do you have more information in the cd_transport.log or windows event viewer?
I agree with Ram that the added publication couldn't have caused this. It looks like your CD installation was changed somehow. Did you do an upgrade or something?
