Laravel Homestead setup but does not sync hidden files - homestead

Hi I've setup Homestead correctly but when I ssh into my Vagrant instance I can see all my files just not the hidden ones (.env, .git, .gitignore are missing). I'm trying to run webpack-dev-server within my instance and it needs my .env file to run. Is it normal that hidden files are not synced?
My .yaml file:

Hidden files don't show when using the ls command (which I guess is what u're doing). They are still there, however. You can try something like nano .env and you'll see that you can edit your env from the console :)
Another command you could use is ls -a, which should show all files regardless of whether they're hidden or not.


nginx - Failing to load images only, loading css and js

So I setup nginx and uwsgi using this tutorial:
I finished the tutorial completely but for some reason only my images are not being loaded on the page when I run the command...
uwsgi --ini exchange_uwsgi.ini
where exchange_uwsgi.ini is my initialization file for specifying what socket I run on, wheres my project, wheres my virtualenv etc...
Just to re-iterate, the only things not showing up are my images and my images and css are all stored in one folder.
Any reason why this might happens?
I fixed the problem.
Make sure to check the permissions on all of your static files. Only 2 images of mine were not loading and they were the only ones with incorrect permissions.
On Linux, first go to the folder with all your static files in the command window, type "ls -l" for list items with the long parameter so you can view permissions.
I set my permission on each file to -rw-rw-r--
Edit: In order to change permissions look into the command "chmod"

xenserver_don't found /etc/xend/xend-config.sxp file

I am trying to create a bridge network. My problem is I can not find /etc/xend/xend-config.sxp file on my xenserver.
Can someone give me a hand? Someone knows where can I find xend-config.sxp file?
Note: I'm using Xenserver 6.5.
Firstly I assume you have connected to your server through a terminal, likely using ssh.
Use the command cd /etc/xend/ This will change the directory into this folder.
To see the contents of the folder type ls. If there is anything in the folder, such as the xend-config.sxp file it will show up.
If the file does not show up you can create it. It often seems to be the case that configuration files need to be created by one self the first time.
You can do this by running the command touch xend-config.sxp
Running the command ls should now show you the file. Running pwd will show you that it has been created at /etc/xend/
To edit the file you can use an editor such as nano or vim or whatever is your personal choice, e.g. sudo nano xend-config.sxp will open the file xend-config.sxp in a nano text editor.
I hope this helps

Passing environment variables through jar file which app uses

I am currently trying out on the docker link between my app and db containers. I've checked on my app container and environment variables are automatically set when I link the containers together.
What I want to do is for my config file, which is packaged into a jar file, to receive the environment variables and set the required values to it. Any advice or help?
And this is how I create a config file in my jar file to connect to MySQL
database { url="jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR}:${MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT}/mydb" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"}
Updating the config file inside the jar could be quite overkill.
It think you have several choices
read the config environment variable directly in you program
use variable either directly or generate the config file there
create launch script (details of this depends of you guest os in docker how to do it; sh/bash for linux etc..)
that script can generate new config file from environment and put it on classpath before jar so you program sees it.
EDIT: added example
You can save this kind of launcher script on docker image which dynamically creates configuration before launching actual program.
# some default values for testing even without links to other container
cat << EOF > /opt/yourprogram/dbconfig.conf
database { url="jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR}:${MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT}/mydb" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
scala -classpath /opt/yourprogram YourProgram
What I did is that I wrote the sh file in my directory /tmp/restcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin like this:
#!/bin/bash echo "database{url="jdbc:mysql://"${MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR}":"${MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT}"/mydb" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" }" > myconf.conf
jar uf /tmp/restcore-SNAPSHOT/lib/com.organization.restcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /tmp/restcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/myconf.conf
After building the Dockerfile and running the sh file in CMD, I use cat myconf.conf to check the config file and I'll be able to see the environment set.

Exec with PHP-FPM on nginx (under chroot) returns nothing

I've created a nginx server in a chroot at /srv/http with php-fpm. Both services use the http user and it works fine. The problem comes when I try to run an exec command such as
echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/ls');
There is no output at all on the web page or in the errors. I've also tried
and still nothing.
Things I've Tried or Know:
safe mode off
exec enabled
user is http (using phpinfo())
display_errors = on
error_reporting = E_ALL
sudo /usr/bin/chroot --userspec=http:http /srv/http ls works fine
Can create file and read from it using file_puts_content and fopen/fread
tried shell_exec,exec,system, and passthrough - nothing worked
tried appending 2>&1 to the end of the command and nothing
I've copied all the executables and libraries necessary over
all libraries, binaries, and everything under /srv/http/www (where the webpages are) have executable and read permissions
doc_root is www
As far as I know, everything works in the chroot, except shell commands through php-fpm. Anyone have any idea where I went wrong and how to fix it?
This may sound stupid but you must just copy /bin/sh (not /bin/bash!) to you chroot.
For example see this question: How do I change the shell for php's exec()
If you chroot to some directory, then this directory becomes the root for all your PHP scripts. That means, that if you execute /usr/bin/ls from within PHP, it will try to exectue /srv/http/usr/bin/ls instead.
You can copy the executable to that directory - but be aware of the security implications. If you copy critical system executables into the chrooted directory you basically bypass the positive effects of chroot.
I get no output for
echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/ls');
either. Presumably because ls isn't a file but a built-in command. Running:
echo shell_exec('ls');
css demos favicon.ico images js path.php robots.txt routing.php test
which is the list of files in my root directory for the site.

How to change global variable in Solaris?

I've tried to change global variable DSQUERY in Solaris with this command:
but it wasn't persisted. When I entered again in the machine the value was set to the older one.
How can I persist this change?
You have to put this line in your profile file. This file is read when you start a shell, and allows you to set-up some specific settings.
The filename depends on the shell you use and how you connect (with a direct connexion or with a su for example).
It seems you use csh, so you will have to change $HOME/.cshrc and.or $HOME/.login files.
Add your SetEnv command to .cshrc and .login file will do the job.
You have to do it in the user profile files, depending on the shell being used (.login, .cshrc, .bashrc, etc) so that when you log in again, it's executed automatically. There are global versions of those files under /etc for some shells, in case you want that to be applied to all users.
