xenserver_don't found /etc/xend/xend-config.sxp file - xen

I am trying to create a bridge network. My problem is I can not find /etc/xend/xend-config.sxp file on my xenserver.
Can someone give me a hand? Someone knows where can I find xend-config.sxp file?
Note: I'm using Xenserver 6.5.

Firstly I assume you have connected to your server through a terminal, likely using ssh.
Use the command cd /etc/xend/ This will change the directory into this folder.
To see the contents of the folder type ls. If there is anything in the folder, such as the xend-config.sxp file it will show up.
If the file does not show up you can create it. It often seems to be the case that configuration files need to be created by one self the first time.
You can do this by running the command touch xend-config.sxp
Running the command ls should now show you the file. Running pwd will show you that it has been created at /etc/xend/
To edit the file you can use an editor such as nano or vim or whatever is your personal choice, e.g. sudo nano xend-config.sxp will open the file xend-config.sxp in a nano text editor.
I hope this helps


Laravel Homestead setup but does not sync hidden files

Hi I've setup Homestead correctly but when I ssh into my Vagrant instance I can see all my files just not the hidden ones (.env, .git, .gitignore are missing). I'm trying to run webpack-dev-server within my instance and it needs my .env file to run. Is it normal that hidden files are not synced?
My .yaml file:
Hidden files don't show when using the ls command (which I guess is what u're doing). They are still there, however. You can try something like nano .env and you'll see that you can edit your env from the console :)
Another command you could use is ls -a, which should show all files regardless of whether they're hidden or not.

Putty Commands for editing XML file

I need to edit a xml file in a server. How can I navigate to the path where the file is present in the server and edit it using putty commands. I am new to unix so if anyone could help me out.
To move around in linux you need to use the change directory command which is: cd /location/of/directory/. If you then need to edit a file there are a number of editors which you can use. My preference is VIM which can be used by doing the following vi file.xml. Although VIM is not recommended if you are new to unix. Try using nano filename.xml instead if this makes it easier for you.
If you wish to edit a file directly without having to move to it's directory you can just do: nano /path/to/file.xml

Devstack: tempest.conf file

I am new to devstack and was trying to understand the way it works. I have one question regarding generation of tempest.conf file. I can not understand how this file gets generated and which part of the code generates it.
Is it always generated into /opt/stack/tempest/etc/ directory. What if I have a different folder structure and I want to generate my tempest.conf file in suppose /opt/stack/new/tempest/etc/ directory.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
First of all, Tempest framework in the OpenStack is works for openstack development. You can find it in github.
the tempest.conf file is the configuration file of Tempest, from the README.rst, you can know:
To start you need to create a configuration file. The easiest way to create a configuration file is to generate a sample in the etc/ directory
$ oslo-config-generator --config-file \
tempest/cmd/config-generator.tempest.conf \
--output-file etc/tempest.conf
You can just modify the output file path in the --output-file param.

How to recover deleted iPython Notebooks

I have iPython Notebook through Anaconda. I accidentally deleted an important notebook, and I can't seem to find it in trash (I don't think iPy Notebooks go to the trash).
Does anyone know how I can recover the notebook? I am using Mac OS X.
This is bit of additional info on the answer by Thuener,
I did the following to recover my deleted .ipynb file.
The cache is in ~/.cache/chromium/Default/Cache/ (I use chromium)
used grep in binary search mode, grep -a 'import math' (replace search string by a keyword specific in your code)
Edit the binary file in vim (it doesn't open in gedit)
The python ipynb should file start with '{ "cells":' and
ends with '"nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2}'
remove everything outside these start and end points
Rename the file as .ipynb, open it in your jupyter-notebook, it works.
The "delete" functionality now sends the file to OS trash rather than permanently deleting it, see this PR: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/pull/1968. So you can just open your Trash (wherever that is on your system) and restore it.
I think the easiest way (until developers handle this issue) to retrieve your Ipython history is to write them all into an empty file.
You need to check by the date you created your last script. Obviously, it is going to be the last part of your Ipython history.
To write your Ipython history into a file:
%history -g -f anyfilename
On linux:
I did the same error and I finally found the deleted file in the trash
If you deleted it through the OS (rm file.ipynb) then you can probably get it from ~/.ipython_checkpoints/ However, if you deleted it from the browser menu option, it is gone (by design!).
See discussion here: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/405
If you use PyCharm, you can do the following.
Open the Local History view.
Select the version you want to roll back to.
On the context menu of the selection, choose Revert.
Worked for me!
Source: here
For the unlucky ones like me, that delete some files on JuliaBox(jupyter for julia), there is a solution. I successifly recovery all my deleted files.
The browsers strore cache information about the pages you visit. You have to find your cache browser folder (in ubuntu with crhome was ~/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache) and grep for some text of your notebook in the binarys. Then, cut the text part of the file that is correspond to your ipynb.
If you're using windows, it sends it to the recycle bin, thankfully. Clearly, it's a good idea to make checkpoints.
As long as your Kernel is active, the code of each executed cell is stored in input history list. This will come in handy when you accidentally deleted a cell and want to retrieve its content.
_ih[-10:] *# code of the 10 most recently run cells (Even if those cells are deleted now)*
If you are running on Jupyterlab on linux like me. What I did is went into command prompt and went to my trash folder.
Trash directories on linux are typically
If you deleted something as root (e.g. deleted a file using Nautilus invoked via gksu), it is at
I ended up changing directories to /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/files and my deleted notebook was there! depending on how you access your backend you could also try /home/jupyter/.local/share/Trash/
If you are having issues changing directories from Trash to files due to permissions dont forget to become root:
sudo -i
then after sudo -i, go up with:
cd ..
and then
cd home/jupyter/.local/share/Trash
cd files
Best of luck,
Sadly my file was neither in the checkpoints directory, nor chromium's cache. Fortunately, I had an ext4 formatted file system and was able to recover my file using extundelete:
Figure out the drive your missing deleted file was stored on:
df /your/deleted/file/diretory/
Switch to a folder located on another you have write access to:
cd /your/alternate/location/
It is proffered to run extundlete on an unmounted partition. Thus, if your deleted file wasn't stored on the same drive as your operating system, it's recommended you unmount the partition of the deleted file (though you may want to ensure extundlete is already installed before proceeding):
sudo umount /dev/sdax
where sdax is the partition returned by your df command earlier
Use extundelete to restore your file:
sudo extundelete --restore-file /your/deleted/file/diretory/delted.file /dev/sdax
If successful your recovered file will be located at:
I had the very problem and I ended up solving it this way. It might be the case for some of the folks.

How to automate MAMP Pro virtual host creation through a command-line shell script?

I'm writing a script to create virtual hosts in Mamp Pro. I want them to be created and appear in the GUI next to the normal ones I've created manually through the GUI. I've found the following questions on SO:
Automatic Virtual Hosts with MAMP Pro?
Add MAMP Pro Vhosts with script
Here are my findings, so far:
I've found out that the hosts appearing in the MAMP Pro GUI are found in: ~/Library/Application\ Support/appsolute/MAMP\ PRO/settings3.plist; I've tried editing it but I can't seem to get the entries right with the command PlistBuddy -c 'print ":virtualHosts"' settings3.plist which says Print: Entry, ":virtualHosts", Does Not Exist
From the second question I've listed above, I found out that I can edit the httpd.conf files (one found in user library and one in the root library) through the GUI.
The hosts file including all of the IP addressing is in /private/etc/hosts
The questions are dead, even though I commented on the latest one asking for an update on how he solved his scripting problem in the end.
In the end, I can easily add the values into the hosts file and the vhosts.conf files to make the website work. My only problem is getting it to show up in the list with the other virtual hosts in the MAMP Pro GUI.
Update: After further investigation and experimentation, I realized the process in which the virtual hosts are created; when I first create a host through the GUI, the settings3.plist file gets updated, when I hit "save" to save the changes, the hosts and httpd.conf files are updated accordingly. I understand that settings3.plist can be converted to an XML through plutil -convert xml1 -o - settings3.plist > test.txt and then edit it and convert it back to binary through plutil -convert binary -o - test.txt > settings3.plist.
My problem with that is that, even though I got the gist of how the CP$UID works in the XML formats, I cannot create a script to undestand the concept, check for the position of the values through the list, and then put in the values accordingly. I even asked a question about it here: https://stackoverflow.com/q/33775025/1934402
The solution provided in Automatic Virtual Hosts with MAMP Pro? refers to MAMP PRO version 2.x where host configuration is saved in settings.plist which is an XML format property list file while in MAMP PRO version 3.x host settings are stored in settings3.plist which is a binary format property list file.
Even in this format you should be able to do:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print settings3.plist
and still get the contents of the file. Your problem arises from the fact that virtualHosts is no longer there as you will see by running the above command. The above command output is not very helpful for understanding the structure of your plist file so you could run:
plutil -convert xml1 -o - settings3.plist > ~/settings3.plist.xml
and then work out the structure of ~/settings3.plist.xml in order to find out which keys to use in PlistBuddy commands. It is a good idea to check the manual pages for plist and PlistBuddy. Do note that key names have changed and the structure is not that clear even in the xml file.
I hope this helped. I will investigate further into it and modify this answer if I have a full recipe for editing host details.
