Migrating live wordpress to local xampp error - wordpress

I tried to follow this tutorial on how to migrate a live wordpress site to localhost.
I was semi-successful in that when I open the site locally, it appears to be the exact replica of live site.
However, I encountered two issues.
1) When I try to log into wordpress dashboard on local host, it takes me back to live-server dashboard
2) When I click anywhere on the local site, it takes me back to the live site.
Any advice would be appreciated as I have been trying to migrate the site for weeks now,

Most likely the problem is that your database needs updating to reflect the URL change. Via PHPmyadmin, find your database, go to wp_options and update "siteurl" and "home" to reflect your local URL.

A alternative to solve the problem is to export the local database with phpmyadmin in an ascii file and with Notepad++ "Search and replace" fix the urls to show the local host.
Amother alternative it whould be, if you have small site, to usr plugin Duplicator , this produce 2 files an install.pho and a zip. You must take the export from web and then erase tle local and rectreate runing http://localhost/mywp/installer.php. This procedure is going to make everything auto.


Migrating a wordpress site and getting err_connection_refused

I'm transfering a wordpress site from a previous hosting package to our inhouse servers. I've copied the whole directory and taken a .sql backup of the database. Before moving it onto our servers, I want to make sure it works by running the backup locally.
So i've imported the database and changed the siteurl and home fields in the wp_options table to match my localhost. When i go to it, I get a database error, Which is what I wanter so then I entered the correct details in wp_config
But now when I go there, I get err_connection_refused message. I've tried everything I can think of, the url is correct in the database wp_options table so its not that. Any ideas please on what to try next?
Why not leave everything as is, and edit your hosts file to point to your new machine.
Then you can test using the real URL, minimizing the risk that there are URLs in the database that you didn't edit while testing.

Migrating site to wordpress

A client asked me to migrate a website to wordpress. The theme is made, everything is working fine locally and now im thinking the best way to make the migration. I'm thinking on makeing the instalation on a subfolder for testing and then moving it to the root of the server. Is there anything i need to do other than copy the files from wordpress folder to the root? Anyone know a good tutorial or a better way to make the migration?
Take a look at this tutorial from Sitepoint I'm always referring to it when I want to move WP websites and it works.
Example: yourlocalwebsite.com
Example: yourlivewebsite.com
Step 1 Upload you all local files or WordPress setup to the live server.
Step 2 Export your localhost database and edit it with notpad++ editor.
Step 3 find your local website name into notpad++ something yourlocalwebsite.com then go to replace tab and all replace tab your yourlocalwebsite.com with yourlivewebsite.com. now save it.
Step 4 check database name username and password into wp-config.php it should be correct which one you using live server database.
Step 5 go to you live database and take backup it then removes it and then imports your local database now.
Step 6 for making sure go to wp_options table and check the URL it should be now yourlivewebsite.com if not then change it
Step 7 go to wp-admin and set the permalinks to the post name
and check it is working fine or not.
local site comes properly but when we deploy same folder on server ... it shows broken pages
In order to migrate a Wordpress website you should
1. Copy your www folder using FTP Client (FileZilla, Fire FTP or WinSCP).
2. Export you database (important!) and then import the database in your new Web Hosting (Like OVH or other..).
Let me know if you have any others question !
Yes, you have to do lot more things than you specified.
Follow below steps :-
Download "Wp Migrate DB" plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-db/ to your existing site
Open db migrator. When you will try migrating, it will prompt you to give folder path and website url for new site(old site is already filled by plugin so don't change them)
After adding folder path and URL start db migration
Copy files and folders from your local to live
Import migrated db to new database
Copy new credentials for db connect to wp-config file
Re save permalinks, as it may won't work after migration
After this you are all set to go...
Let me know if you need further assistance.
followed this tutorial and worked like a charm. Wordpress installation moved to the root of the server and everythig works fine. Themes and plugins. Just made the test right now.
Thanks for the answers.

Moving WordPress from localhost to a live server

Have successfully moved my WordPress website from my localhost to a live server but the images are not showing and some pages as well. Some pages are still showing the localhost URL while another error message am getting is "That page can't be found".
I already changed my siteurl and Home column in my database table (wp_option) to the live server, but still the images are not showing yet. What should I do?
You have to replace all localhost url in your database.
You should follow the steps below to move your database from local to live server:
Export your database to sql file
Use notepad++ open that sql file
Replace all localhost url to your live domain and save the file
Import the saved file to the live database
Note: make sure that you uploaded all the images to the live server
I would definitely recommend to use an automated plugin for the task. The one I use is Duplicator, by LifeInTheGrid. It is free and works perfectly to move a site from development to production and viceversa. Here is the link to it:
I use it with all my sites and so far it has worked flawlessly.
I finally discovered a wonderful plugin that did it all.
The plugin is called Velvet Blues Update URLs .
Just Download the package. Extract it to the "plugins" folder of your WordPress directory. In the Admin Panel, go to "Plugins" and activate it.
Go to Tools -> Update URLs to use it and then tick all the boxes to replace the old URLs with the new URLs.

moving WordPress over to domain, after working on it locally through MAMP

I've finished the styling changes on WordPress and I'm ready to move it from MAMP to my domain.
Will this involve any changes to the WordPress files or can I just drag it over to my new domain once I purchased it?
The main start you must make is update your wp-config.php
That way wordpress knows what domain it MUST run from.
The reason you do that is because without this you may not be able to access admin, login, etc etc.
When this is working and you have logged in, go to wp-admin and go to your permalink settings.
Make a NOTE of your settings, then change them to default (and woocommerce settings etc).
Go to your home page and a few others, and notice how messed up your urls look :)
Now go back to permalink settings and restore them (the point of this is to make sure your .htaccess file that wordpress depends upon is set correctly)
Finally, have a look at https://github.com/veloper/WordPress-Domain-Changer to change your sql etc if needed.
note this method is very handy for developers so you just update your wp-config.php for localhost or development or production (not for testing purposes, don't use your local pc. copy it all up to a subdirectory of your hosting partner e.g. http://www.mynewdomain.com/mytestarea. Make sure you use a COPY of the mysql database (never point both to the same database). You now can test on the hosting platform without disturbing the live site or your development causing issues to other people.
It's been a long while for me personally, but you'll want to change the SiteURL via the options menu in wp-admin.
Otherwise, just make sure your MySQL database is exported over, your credentials and user permissions are all setup and those work too.
If you still have problems:
The database has to be updated. What always works for me is that I export the database from phpMyAdmin or MySQL (using mysqldump) and open the exported .sql-file with a text editor, like Sublime Text.
Now you want to find any occurence of your previous URL. Let's say on your dev machine the URL to the index of your Wordpress site is http://localhost:8080/wordpress and you want it to be on a website under https://domain.com you simply do a Find & Replace using that and replace everything with https://domain.com.
For older Wordpress versions you have to update the .htaccess files if you have custom URL's.
You have to make a search replace in your database and replace your local domain ( test.lo ) with the live domain ( test.com ).
To do this you can use the script from here: https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/
Add the searchreplacedb2.php file in your route folder and the access test.lo/searchreplacedb2.php and follow the steps there. This will replace your local domain with your live one everywhere in the database.
You can't make a simple search-replace because the local domain might be serialized in some fields in the database, and a simple search-replace will not replace those.

Problems in migration from localhost to my online webserver of a WordPress website

I am finding some problems uploading a WP site from my local web server to the official online web server.
The situation is the following , on my local web server:
I have installed WP website on my computer
I have configured it
I have installed custom a template
After, I have uploaded this site in a folder on my official online web server. I have took the local database export and imported in the online database using PhpMyAdmin (to export the local database on a file and then to import it on the online database)
Finally I have changed the file wp-config.php changing the MySql connection settings and putting here the settings related to the official online database.
When I try to open the website it appears to me, here you can say how: http://www.scorejava.com/wordpress/
Ok...seems good but there are two problems:
If you try to open an article it is not open the article on the online server but in the localhost server, infact open this URL: [code]http://localhost/wordpress/?p=81[/code]
If I try to open the administration panel opening this URL: [code]http://www.scorejava.com/wordpress/wp-admin/[/code] I obtain a white page
I don't know if these two problems are related together but I think that all may depend due to a problem of location path...
I think that somewhere there is some settings that specify the URL (that can't be localhost...), but (if it is so...) where is this setting? in some file or in the database?
Some one have an idea? Can you help me?
Look into this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress
There's a link on there for a "Search and Replace for WordPress Databases Script" tool that's very handy (make sure to read the instructions and have a backup of the db before using it). The problem is that image URL's and other things are stored in the database and will reflect the URL of the dev location. That tool will go through and properly update all instances from the dev URL to the final location.
Normally before you move a WP site you also want to update the site URL in the General settings as well, which may be contributing to your second problem.
