Unable to access WordPress multisite, after assigning a domain name - wordpress

I have installed a WordPress multisite by bitnami on AWS EC2, and then configures Route53 to assign a domain name to the website. I have been unable to access the subdomains created since then.
I get this error whenever i try to access the website. Even, the dashboard can't be reached.
I have updated the .htaccess file as per the setting available in wordpress admin.

I have had a similar issue. You have to add a new CNAME record in the DNS records with the subdomain name, pointing towards the website. Alternatively, you can also add a wildcard '*' CNAME to make sure your multisite works without issues.
Also, make sure where your DNS is being resolved if your DNS is being handled by your domain registrar, then you will have to make changes there.
Hope this helps.


Having problems with ip address showing up on my address bar instead of domain wordpress site

I just recently moved my wordpress website from inmotion hosting to aws lightsail. I used all-in-one migration tool to migrate wordpress to new instance I created. I added DNS A-records, MX, TXT and CNAME. I changed nameservers on my Godaddy domain to point to it. If you go to greeksandscholars.store it shows up store I migrated. So my problem is that if I want to log in to my wordpress(on lightsail) I have to use the ip-address/wp-admin but if I try to use mydomain/wp-admin it sends me to my old wordpress site and I see the following screen.
when I login using domain/wp-admin
I tried to change the siteURL and homeURL but they show up greyed out. I have gone to wp-config to change it there but last time I did that it gave me a white blank screen. I am bit stumped at this point on what else I need to do to fix this issue.
When you add or update your DNS records it takes a couple of hours to reflect. Alternately I feel you may be forwarding your domain to an IP address.

Subdomain install no longer working after domain switch

I have about five different subdomains on my host that are all working fine with wordpress installed.
I recently switched from Godaddy to Namecheap and bought a new domain name.
I changed the domain on my WHM Server which was all fine with my current sites.
The problem I have is when adding a new subdomain and installing Wordpress the site breaks because of DNS issues.
The Wordpress auto install is also weird as it doesn't detect the root like it used to, it puts the sub domain name into a folder above public_html.
So old subdomains are working fine but adding a new subdomain brings dns errors with wordpress installed.
Any ideas please, I've spent a solid five hours on this already.
If I'm following you correctly, you...
Created an account and bought a new domain on Namecheap
In Namecheap's WHM (Webhost Manager), you changed the domain to the one you had with GoDaddy.
When you create a new subdomain in Namecheap's WHM, it's not resolving the subdomain
So based on the above assumptions, it sounds like your domain is still with GoDaddy, and it's still pointing to GoDaddy's name servers. So if you add a new subdomain in Namecheap, it won't do anything, because Namecheap doesn't have control of the DNS. And for that matter, I think your subdomains would still be pointing to GoDaddy's servers.
Again, assuming I followed your description correctly, I'd recommend you migrate your old domain to Namecheap since, I'd assume, you're going to close your GoDaddy account at some point. If you need to urgently create a subdomain, you would need to do that on GoDaddy's end.
Hope this helps.
Fixed the problem myself, for anyone with a similar issue. I even went through Hostgator support who couldn't figure out the problem.
Logged into WHM > DNS Functions > Edit DNS Zone
The sub domain in question was not named correctly, it was named as the directory name instead of the full url.

Changing the Domain for Wordpress Install

I have a domain, www.mysite.com, which is registered at NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC. and currently points to a hosted page at a 3rd party.
I have created a new wordpress page on Hostgator, and I created it using the domain www.mysite.biz.
I want to now point www.mysite.com to the new page on hostgator but without redirecting.
I believe what I need to do is:
change the www record on Network Solutions to the IP address on Hostgator.
I believe There is a plugin I can us to change the domain for all of the wordpress database.
Are these the correct steps? What is the plugin name I can use to change the domain?
Here is a plugin I've used to change a domain name in wordpress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/go-live-update-urls/
When you say you want to point www.mysite.com to your new wordpress site "without redirecting", are you saying you want to use www.mysite.com as the new domain name? If so, you're going to want to go into your account with NETWORK SOLUTIONS, LLC and enter in hostgator's nameservers. See here: Network Solution Link and here: Hostgator Link

How to make plesk subdomain reachable

I'm pretty new to the Plesk AdminPanel. I own a Domain called riggiramone.ch. For a friend's project I'm trying to set Wordpress up on the subdomain mugi.riggiramone.ch. I did set up the subdomain and made it point at a subfolder of httpdocs (httpdocs/mugi). Then I have installes wordpress via the Plesk-own tool there.
My problem is that the subdomain mugi.riggiramone.ch is not reachable! I don't know why, I checked all the permissions.
Is there anything I did forget?
I think you are using external DNS server and due to that you are getting this issue. I will suggest you please check your main domain DNS zone and update the correct "A" record for your sun-domain and once you update it correctly you will not get any issues with your sub-domain.

Putting domain name for wordpress instead of Public domain given by in aws-ec2

I signed-up in AWS(Amazon Web server) for my Wordpress site. I also installed wordpress through AWS-ec2. I followed the steps inside AWs-ec2 documentation like LAMP and others needed.As I go through inside AWS-EC2 environment, I launched an instance where i can work for my Wordpress. Having an instance creates a default public domain name for my wordpress (http://ec2-xxx-xx-xxx-xx.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/).
Now, my problem is I want to make our own domain name like example.com as our wordpress site instead of default domain name given by AWS-ec2. and, what are other requirements or tools needed to deploy it? We bought our domain name in GoDaddy.
Your answers will be highly appreciated.Thank you.
You need to start with setting up DNS. To do this you can use the service provided by Godaddy or use Route53 in amazon. You will set up records to point to your instance.
If you are using Virtualhosts, you will need to set up your Virtualhost to respond to the new domain name. If you are not using virtual hosting, it will return the same site regardless of which domain you used.
Wordpress does save the domain you installed it with in the settings. If you change the domain these settings may cause some issues. If you can't get into the Admin UI to fix this, update wp_options table in mysql.
