Preview PDF in ASP .NET without excuting PDF's embedded JS -

I have a problem previewing a PDF, I use an iframe and when certain PDFs (which have embedded JS) show the print dialog automatically.
<iframe id="Iframepaso1" src="\pdf\test.pdf" runat="server" height="500" scrolling="AUTO" ></iframe>
The PDF has this line:
/Type /Action
/S /JavaScript
/JS (this.print\({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true}\);)

<iframe> has an attribute called sandbox. By default it will:
block form submission
block script execution
disable APIs
prevent links from targeting other browsing contexts
prevent content from using plugins (through , , , or other)
prevent the content to navigate its top-level browsing context
block automatically triggered features (such as automatically playing a video or automatically focusing a form control)
You can remove specific restrictions by supplying special values to it.


Open a link in a frame/lightbox

im using wordpress and want to add a link which open in a frame/lightbox. Cant find a small solution for that.
There should be no new window. Just a content box which appear inside the page where i am. I hope u know what i mean
That should be pretty easy using the Easy Fancybox plugin.
Citing the entry from the FAQ section of the plugin's page:
Can I display web pages or HTML files in a FancyBox overlay?
Yes. First, enable the iFrame option on Settings > Media. Then, in your post or page content create a link to any web page or .htm(l) file in your content. Then switch to the Text tab in the Classic Editor or to Edit as HTML (under More options in the block menu) in Gutenberg, find the link <a ... > tag and give it a class="fancybox-iframe" attribute.
Voilà !
Beware, though, that:
Note: Not all external web pages are allowed to be embedded in an iframe and may be blocked by a server response header or script. The result will be either an empty/blank light box or the target page “breaking out” of the light box and loading in the main browser tab.
And you'd probably face the same problem with any other iframe solution. So that would work better with locally served pages.

Print all content in aspx page including embedded pdf

I have an aspx page that i need to be able to print out. Inside my page i embed a pdf that is displayed using a cdn as the src.
Since it is a pdf and it is embedded but being hosted on another site when i try to print the page even though it displays correctly the element shows as empty. How can i capture everything in the DOM including the embedded pdf?
I have tried to use the jspdf library to no avail.
<embed src='https://image.pdf' style="width: 607px; height: 500px" />
If you are trying to print everything inside the browser window then maybe use print function of window object?

ckeditor add <iframe> tag in editor

I am using ckeditor in a drupal 7 site. I want to put iframe tag inside the editor.
Currently what happen when we put iframe in ckeditor.
<iframe src=""></iframe>
It convert that iframe tag with a img tag with some special attribute and URL.
<img class="cke_iframe" data-cke-realelement="" data-cke-real-node-type="1" alt="IFrame" title="IFrame" align="" src="" data-cke-real-element-type="iframe" data-cke-resizable="true">
Which I do not want. I want to make the ckeditor to print exact iframe tag there not the img tag like this.
<iframe src=""></iframe>
So that If I want to perform a task in iframe so I can do that inside the editor.
Thank you in advance
Addition 2:
I need the iframe should work in editor itself. It should not convert iframe to img on node add or edit page also.
It should like this
Not like this
Finally, I have to make one line change in ckeditor.js at line number 8194:
return m.createFakeParserElement(p, 'cke_iframe', 'iframe', true);
return p;
So it is not creating FakeParser for iframe. And when I put a iframe in edit mode so I see the iframe exactly not the image in place of that.
It is a little hack I used for this functionality.
Thank you Darko for help on this.
Problem solution:
In current newest release of CKEditor (4.5.8) there is a minified file ckeditor.js. In order to have iframe enabled in edit mode you will have to change next line in that file:
return a.createFakeParserElement(b,"cke_iframe","iframe",!0)
return (b)
Due to security reasons that option is by default disabled and this is the way how you can override it.
That is solution for this particular problem. Below are some of possible problem solutions if you have problems with iframe in CKEditor in drupal 7.
Go on:
admin/config/content/formats/filtered_html (assuming you use that text format) and add <iframe> in Filter settings (in Allowed HTML tags).
When you post iframe in ckeditor now make sure you don't post it inside any other tag.
<p some text <iframe src=""></iframe> <br> </p>
that will not work.
<p>some text </p> <iframe src=""></iframe>
that will work
Best way is to go on "source" mode in ckeditor and insert iframe there on place you want.
Addition 2:
From your comments i assume you trying all this on online ckeditor? You can't see final result there (node page view) because there is showed only edit view (which is temporary).
Ckeditor converts all your content based on settings (not just basic settings in texts format). For instance ckeditor converts some HTML reserved characters in they entity names or entity numbers because ckeditor itself using HTML to show you preview in edit mode.
<iframe src=""></iframe>
is converted in:
<p><iframe src=""></iframe></p>
You can see there that "<" is converted in "<" and ">" is converted in >. Browser need "< >" in source to properly load iframe. So solution is to using "source" option in ckeditor.
So i will repeat once more. Enter text, pictures and all content you need in ckeditor edit mode. When you want to add iframe you go on source mode and put it in content (in that way ckeditor will not convert HTML reserved characters, or maybe some else in your url).
Of course you can edit your iframe there and format size, border, scrolling etc...After saving your content you should see iframe properly loaded. In your case:
Addition 3:
Due to security reasons, to prevent users from breaking site layout and/or to avoid posting invalid HTML that possibility is disabled (like iframe working inside editor). If you are so determent to achieve that you can always go with old modules because in new ones that doesn't work.
In new library there is an option you can try:
There you can edit Full profile and under ADVANCED CONTENT FILTER you can try disable Advanced content filter. Flush the cache after that. If that not working go with old modules.
Go disable module ckeditor
Install wysiwyg
Install old ckeditor library (just copy old library in /sites/all/libraries )
You need CKEditor 3.3.1 and older
Go on admin/config/content/wysiwyg and select that library
When you do this you should considering all the risks. Hope this post will be helpful for someone else too. Cheers.

How to add background music in without bgsound and embed

How to add background music when a website loads for the first time without using embed and bgsound.I am using visual studio 2010 and these two are not supported in this.
I am developing website using master page and i want to use the code in master
What is the best practice to to be able when I open my website and some music starts f sometime.I am not much expert in .net with c#.So finding some problem in it.
If browser also matters?
Add the following code anywhere in the body of your HTML document to embed a music file and play it automatically when a visitor browses your website.
<audio src="music/yoursongname.mp3" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop"></audio>
Change the "src" attribute so that it contains the path and filename of the music file that you want to embed.
Note: Add the "loop" attribute if you want the music file to play over and over

How can I use flash files in my SDL Tridion page?

My page is showing regular component presentations very well.
I have a flash/video file in my local machine and i want to upload this file on my page.
How can I achieve this?
I have this code snippet for rendering components on my page:
<!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="Components" -->
<!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="ComponentTemplate == 'HomePageCT'" -->
<!-- TemplateEndIf -->
<!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->
Please provide all details related to flash files and video files.
Placing a Flash file on a page follows exactly the same process as placing any image in the output of your templates. The steps are outlined below:
Create a Multimedia Schema which allows the Flash multimedia type (e.g. Flash Video Schema)
Upload your Flash file using your new Schema
Create a Component Template to render the HTML you want to use to display the Flash file, and actually publish the binary itself. (e.g. Display Flash CT)
Create a page template (you seem to have done this part) which renders the Page, and renders the Components on the page using ##RenderComponentPresentation()##
Create a Page, and place your Flash file on it using the Display Flash CT
Publish the Page
Without details of the output you want to produce, it is hard to provide the sample Dreamweaver Template Building Block code for the DisplayFlash CT, but it might look something like this:
<embed src="##Component.Id##" allowFullScreen="true" width="540"
height="438" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
Make sure you use the Default Finish Actions TBB after this in your Component Template so that the src link is processed and the binary is published.
There is nothing special about Flash files with Tridion. They can be treated just like any other Multimedia Component. You can upload them into the CME (or by using Webdav) and thus you will have a Multimedia Component. Make sure of course, that you Multimedia Schema allows the Flash (and extension) as Multimedia Type.
Regarding how you put the Flash file on the Page - again just like a normal Multimedia Component. In your CT you have to generate the output that will make use of your Flash file URL somewhere. You will have to publish your Flash MMC in order to get its URL. You can use Engine.AddBinary or RenderedItem.AddBinary methods for that, or use the Publish Binaries in Package Default TBB, if your MMC is in the package. Then you can simply refer to your Flash URL as package item. Have a look at this URLs for some inspiration: (your case doesn't have to be that complex) and
There are several approaches to rendering Multimedia with a Tridion-managed page.
Multimedia components can be:
Part of a component presentation, added to a page with a template selected
As a linked-to multimedia component within a "container" component, which is added to a page
In a rich text format (RTF) area within another component
You could also just publish binaries with dynamic component templates and handle the markup and links outside of Tridion. Get creative with the above basic scenarios depending on the markup and/or metadata you need.
Chris addresses #1 and Mihai explains schema setup and .AddBinary. The second option would be similar, except you'd have to get the referenced ID rather than the component on the page. The third option requires you to parse multimedia within RTF which depends on your templating language and multimedia type.
I've seen XSLT (<xsl:template match="">), grep, and various .replace options to parse specific markup such as Flash videos.
