how to avoid symfony 4 for creating default folders in src - symfony

How I can avoid creating folders like Controller, Entity and so on inside of src directory when I'm running composer install as I'm using different folder structure in my application and it's annoying to delete that folders each time I run composer install by the first time on some machine

These folders are created by different flex recipes ONCE.
Example for symfony/framework-bundle:
After successful installation these changes are tracked into symfony.lock file.
Do you have that file? It needs to be added to VCS like composer.json/composer.lock
Then delete the unneeded folders from filesystem. They should not be created again.


What's diff between paches and plugins

I change the code in repo carbon-apimgt, and i run command "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true" , I get a jar from target, what's next to apply this change?
Plugins directory is where we keep all the jars of components that are used in the product. Patches directory is used to track the changes done to each jar. What it does is, when you add a directory (eg: patch0001/) and add a jar to this new directory (eg: patch0001/org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api_9.0.174.jar), this will replace the same-named jar that is found in the plugins directory.
Before this replacement, the server will first backup all the jars that are found in the plugins directory to a new folder patch0000 inside the patch folder.
At each startup, server will first apply the jars in the patch0000 directory and start replacing the jars by increasing the counter of each patch folder. (eg: patch0000, then patch0001, patch0002 up to patch9999).
This is the difference between the plugins directory and patch directory. If you replace a jar in the plugins directory, this is not a backward compatible change. However, if you replace a jar using this patch mechanism, whenever you remove the patch0001 directory from the system, this change will be reverted and the original jar will be preserved.

Sharing .netcore project between windows and linux Keeps adding files

I am working on a group project and we have decided to use netcore for the project. The project was originally created using VS.
When I pull the project and run it using VSCode, I have noticed two things:
I have to navigate to the src folder and run it from there.
Before pushing new changes to the master branch, .netcore on linux has made changes to obj folder and added .vscode folder.
how can I stop this from happening so we don't step over each others toes, and why does this happen?
You should not add the files under obj to source control. It contains artifacts that are regenerated on every build.
If you use git, here's a suggested list of files and folders to ignore:

Meteor.JS: How to Remove All Packages from a Project

I want to remove the meteor installation from my meteor project directory while keeping my source code intact, so that I can archive the project without the installed packages. I also want the package configuration to be retained in the archive so that I can re-install the project without having to re-add and re-remove the packages again.
How do I do this?
Meteor already creates a .gitignore file for you. That file tells you everything that should be archived. So you can simple look at that file and only archive that (either by deleting everything else, or just writing a script that reads the .gitignore file and interprets it). Alternatively, of course, you could just add everything to git (in which case git will interpret the .gitignore file for you), and then create an archive from the git repo.
Of course, that .gitignore file only excludes .meteor/local, so as Kyll already said, you could just delete that folder.

sails.js v0.11.0 assets not being copied

I'm new to node.js, sails.js and grunt.js.
When I run "sails lift" it does not create the .tmp folder and copy the assets to that folder.
However, when I run "grunt" in the project folder, the .tmp folder does get created and the assets do get copied over.
Anyone have suggestions on how to fix so "sails lift" works without calling "grunt"?
Check if the sails process has the right privileges and you're not running short of space.
Also, try manually deleting the .tmp folder and lifting again. Sometimes there can be issues with automatic file removal if any of the files are in use.

How can I clone / create a copy of my local meteor app?

How can I create a copy of my entire local meteor application? I was expecting a command like "meteor clone myapp" but couldn't find any documentation and simply copying the folder doesn't work.
You could use git to clone the whole thing.
If you aren't familiar with git see this reference.
In windows, you can copy and paste the entire project directory and go into .meteor/local directory and delete everything in that directory except the db directory. Then start the meteor server on the new project directory, with everything deleted in the .meteor/local directory, meteor will rebuild the project without altering the logic of your application.
