Android User interface and the custom progressbar - android-progressbar

Hello I am a beginner in android programming Im facing a lot of issues since I had to learn everything by myself . I want to design a progress bar like this one
but I don't know where to start.
My question is how to crate a progress bar like this one and which code to implement in xml and java


Should I use Qt Widgets or Qt Quick to develop a rich text editor?

I am new to Qt in general, and I have been playing with it to get to learn about it since I have to develop a very specific text editor.
I want to know if anyone could help me understand which one is better (or the most indicated) for the development of a rich text editor. I have worked before with C and C++ but Qt Widgets seems like a very step hill for the time being and I am completely new to javascript in general.
Some of the settings that I would need to implement on the text editor for better context are:
Look for the user to be always connected to internet.
Transfer and receive data from another program.
Grant read only to the opened files and then permission to write on them when a button is clicked.
Has to work on linux and windows.
Needs to look great.
My context:
So far I have done a few little applications and even a little rich text editor on Qt Widgets, but since I was having problems with the GUI implementation that I wanted, I started looking for a way to solve it and found that Qt Quick might be the solution.
I have been trying Qt Quick, and for now on looks great, but I do not know if it has the capabilities to do what I have explained before. Or if it is better to use one or another.
I decided to create a new post since the one that I found looking for something similar is from 2014.
Also, the text editor for now only needs to work on desktop, but in a future might be on other devices and embedded systems.

How can i implement a Radal/pie chart in react?

Im looking for a react chart library which have this chart or similar :
i've looked everywhere to find this but i can't find it and i need to implement this for my job , im using apexchart for other parts of my website and if there's any way to implement this with apexchart please tell me .

It is possible to make a pull up menu in Xamarin forms?

I´m starting to develop a application with Xamarin.forms we have the mockups and we need to implement somethink like a pull up menu / accordion menu. This component have to show over the content of the main page. I found a sketch from someone who wants to make the same as I, but no one give him a solution
This is the mockup of the component that I want to implement
I´ve searched a lot but i can not find something similar to the component that I want. Can some one please tell me if is possible to have components like this in xamarin? maybe using a external library
Thanks in advance

Javascript chart example

I saw charts in BSI CRM, and they look awesome. I tried to find online tutorial about making own widgets, everyone reported to look at heatmap example code, but it is confusing. Where to start?
But I would like to see a tutorial to show simple chart or any other javascript widget in scout. I need steps where to start..
Is there any tutorial, can someone write it. Only in few lines?
To use charts in a Scout application you have to choose a chart library and include it into your project. I’ll give you an example with ChartJS. For you it is probably easiest to look at the commit (link below) to do the same in your project. I’ll write a short cheat sheet on ‘How to integrate ChartJS in Scout applications’ within the next days and link it as soon as it is available.
Depending on what you are using, ScoutJS (JavaScript only) or Scout Classic (Java based application model), the integration of external libraries differs.
Commit: 'Added ChartJS example to JSWidgets app.'
Scout Classic:
Commit: 'ChartJS example for classic widget app.'

Is there an orthodox way to develop Android TV apps

I have a few problems with understanding of android tv development. First of all when i had launched android tv project and was trying to create custom interface for new activity, unfortunately i couldn't find any xml elements which could help me. From the example i got some ideas that whole interface provided by android SDK collected in many fragments. I just can modify colors, fonts, fonts size, transparency maybe animation and etc. But if i really need to customize structure of controls and WTF i wanna output "Hello World" inside label!!! Is it possible? I read all articles from this link but it is still useless for me (maybe I am unique :) ). After this suffering with google guide, i have done a conclusion that the platform so new and there is no way to do some thing except only way that was provided by google. Am i right? If not, what should i do to find successful way?
The fragments provided by Google as part of the "leanback" framework are templates designed to make it easy for content providers to start publishing to Android TV without having to worry about the technical details of building a TV UI. The idea is that a content provider can create a channel just by feeding in their video content. This ease of use comes at a cost, customization is difficult or impossible with these templates.
However there is nothing preventing you from creating your own Activities and Fragments from scratch and implementing a completely custom UI for the TV, it works just like any other Android device. Add "android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" to your manifest and see for yourself.
