How can i implement a Radal/pie chart in react? - css

Im looking for a react chart library which have this chart or similar :
i've looked everywhere to find this but i can't find it and i need to implement this for my job , im using apexchart for other parts of my website and if there's any way to implement this with apexchart please tell me .


It is possible to make a pull up menu in Xamarin forms?

I´m starting to develop a application with Xamarin.forms we have the mockups and we need to implement somethink like a pull up menu / accordion menu. This component have to show over the content of the main page. I found a sketch from someone who wants to make the same as I, but no one give him a solution
This is the mockup of the component that I want to implement
I´ve searched a lot but i can not find something similar to the component that I want. Can some one please tell me if is possible to have components like this in xamarin? maybe using a external library
Thanks in advance

Android User interface and the custom progressbar

Hello I am a beginner in android programming Im facing a lot of issues since I had to learn everything by myself . I want to design a progress bar like this one
but I don't know where to start.
My question is how to crate a progress bar like this one and which code to implement in xml and java

I need to create a chart in my enyo project. Which properties are used to do this?

I'm new on enyo, so I don't have yet a full knowledge in this framework.
I've been looking for a property of enyo that I be able to make a chart of bars. But the only things I found in the web, was about using the "enyo.Control", what i think that don't have nothing to do about this.
Can anyone help with some tips?
Enyo has certain widgets available in the Onyx library, but I don't think there are any charting/graph ones. I guess you could use a ProgressBar kind to sort of be a bar graph.
Some developers have used Flot successfully:
Enyo-ified YUI charts are in the pipeline: So watch this issue for updates.

GoogleMap Marker with Picture overlaid on Marker

I am coding a Googlemap Locator system showing your friends, similar to what Apple does with find my friends, However the markers on this system need to have the users profile images as per the visual below.
I am using jQuery plugin for the integration which is really just a simple way to integrate the googlemap, but has all the functionality of the API.
I have been reading the documentation for both the plugin and the Google API, however can't seem to pinpoint any way I can do this, I have seen this type of functionality before, so I'm sure it must be possible somehow. Any help on a way I can do this using gmap3 would be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
I found that I have a solution by using the shadow property for the back pointer and icon for the actual profile image. If that helps anyone else.

Implement Flex Chart in JSP

I have a jsp which displays future sales chart along with other contents(button,textbox.etc) and this chart has been implemented using chartfx.
Now I have a requirement to implement this chart using Adobe flex without modifying other components in the jsp.
How do I start?What would be the correct approach?Am new to flex and hence finding it difficult to arrive at a solution.
Pls help.Thanks
