update failed during plugin installation of wordpress - wordpress

I'm trying to install a woocommerce plugin on my wordpress website(locally) it is giving such error 'update failed' as you can see in picture,
how to fix this?

Go to wp-content/upgrade directory and change folder permission to 777 (chmod) or in windows make sure that the read only box is uncheck.
That only means you allow that directory to read write and execute without any restrictions.

You can also solve this error by increasing the execution time.
Just go to your Xampp Control Panel, Stop Apache server, click on config (Apache), then select PHP(php.ini) option, Press Ctrl+F type "execution" and hit enter, then just increase the size of execution time from 30 to 300, save the file and then start Apache again.
It Works for Me!

see sometimes there is compatibility problem of site effects. If you can not fix, you can install another similar plugin
install a plugin that stop the updates of plugins ot theme according to what you want, to stop only the update of this specific plugin, like
after when you fixed or come new version you restart the update procedure

An alternative that works for the installation of plugin is to upload the plugin via cPanel's File Manager or the FTP client (e.g FileZilla).
Download the WooCommerce Plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/. This will download a zipped file which can be uploaded onto the server.
After download, navigate your way to the wp-content/plugins folder on the cPanel. Upload the downloaded file, and extract the file to folder.
NOTE: remember to remove the version number from the name of the plugin after downloading e.g change woocommerce.4.0.1.zip to woocommerce.zip

It sounds like the files might have been corrupted during the update.
You’d need to access your site FILES, so that you can delete the WooCommerce plugin folder.
Locate the plugins folder, and remove the woocommerce folder from there. Once deleted, you should be able to go back to your site’s Dashboard and install the plugin again.

If you install any plugins/themes, this could be the reason for continuously fails. Add the below line of code in wp-config.php

Download .zip From wordpress org/plugins/woocommerce/


Wordpress won't allow me to download updates, plugins or themes

Two days ago we've received a project to realize for my school. We have to build a website using Wordpress.
As told in the title, I can not manage to install plugins, themes, updates and probably some things more from the admin panel.
When I try to download a theme, for example, I get the following message: "Can not locate themes directory".
However, I've been able to install two themes (actually one theme and its parent one, dont know if it matters) by downloading them as zip, and unzip in the wp-content/themes folder.
I've also added some lines to my wp-config.php file:
define('FTP_BASE', '/wordpress');
define('FTP_CONTENT_DIR', '/wordpress/content');
define('FTP_PLUGIN_DIR', '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/wordpress/wp-content');
define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__). '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', '');
I am using Ubuntu with apache2, mysql and PHP7.2
Any suggestion is welcome.
check your site origin at file manager and left click to make sure that your site has permission to create/upload/etc activities

Wordpress install plugin redirect me to dashboard

When finding a plugin and clicking on install now, I am being redirected to the dashboard and can't install the pluging. Happen when I try to upload the plugin zip too.
download plugin and put extract it into your WordPress plugins directory and then go to wp-admin then plugin and activate .
You have to check in your browser console, may be it is server timeout issue due to plugin large file size. then you have to increase timeout limit in your server. or have to install plugin manually.

WordPress Local Install Error (XAMPP) - Page 2 is Blank

I'm trying to install WordPress for local use with XAMPP. I started off by installing and unzipping both the XAMPP and WordPress folders. I placed the XAMPP folder in my C:/ drive and my WordPress folder within the "htdocs" folder. After that, I made a new "config" file for my local server based on the "config-sample" file.
Here's where things get tricky: when I try to use the "install.php" file, I am brought to a screen that asks for credentials. I give it some generic credentials and then I submit it in order to install WordPress. However, when I submit the form, the loaded page is completely blank and the URL appears as "localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php?step=2".
When I go into the database, it shows me that WordPress created all of the necessary tables, but didn't create any log-in credentials for me. I was doing some research and there were a couple pages that mentioned the need for increased PHP RAM, but I'm unsure of how to increase the RAM for local use or if it's even a problem. If anyone had an error like this happen to them, I would really appreciate some feedback as to what could be causing this problem.
I had the same exact problem, with an almost blank screen on step-2 passage.
Adding in wp-config.php these lines solved everything:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');
I've installed Wordpress 4.0 from a zip file on XAMPP 1.8.3 on my Win7-32bit PC.
Setting up the DB and all, I got the same "blank screen" at the step 2.
So, I went in to phpMyAdmin, and edited the "wp_users" table on my entry. I modified the user_login and the user_password (using an MD5 converter). Saved the entry and got into the localhost url for wordpress. Got into the log in, and everything seems to be working without any issues.
As a note: I installed a fresh/clean install so there were no custom themes nor plugins.
Hope that helps.

how to install downloaded wordpress theme in xampp

I am trying to install a theme I downloaded from this website.
I am using XAMPP and I am not sure how to install this dowloaded theme using XAMPP.
I tried installing this theme with the zip folder (in zip format) in Wordpress but I get the error
” The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme install failed. “
I found a similar on Wordpress website but they mentioned using FTP but I don’t know how to use FTP with XAMPP
I want to install the theme and test it out locally before I make it live or buy a domain name.
This is my first time doing this (I am a student) so I don’t totally know how things work together, don’t know if I am using the description/terms but I hope I described the problem well enough.
How to go about this? Any help will be appreciated.
OK so its a bit weird that the theme you downloaded is missing the CSS file. When you upload it Wordpress is trying to find that file and failing. For now, let's assume that the creator of the theme put the CSS file in a different location than usual.
To install a theme manually via XAMPP do the following:
Locate XAMPP's htdocs folder. This is normally Applications>>XAMPP>>HTDOCs on Mac or My Computer>>C:>>XAMPP>>HTDOCs on Windows (I think - someone might need to correct me on that).
If your site is installed in a sud-directory in htdocs, go there. If not skip to next step.
Open the wp-content folder
Open the themes folder
Copy in your downloaded theme and extract it there (if its zipped)
Go to your Wordpress Dashboard and go to the Appearance button on the left and click Themes from the drop down. Find your newly installed theme and hit Activate.
That should do the trick unless your theme is missing some vital elements
(PS: what your are doing here - moving (theme) files from one location to another - is essentially the same as FTP. Difference is FTP allows you to transfer files accross the internet from computer to computer: say your computer to a web server hosting your site.)
Add this lines to your wp-config.php file
//** To add the direct installation of the themes **//
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
Then go to wp-admin and click on customize your site. Press on change button on the active theme and browse for your favorite theme from wordpress.org and install then enjoy

Wordpress first run show a 404 error

I downloaded the lates wordpress version then uncompressed it.
Because I had already an old version of wordpress, I have wp tables on my local server.
Anyway, I don't think it comes from the old content.
After that, I set up the right server and database values in the "wp-config.php" file.
Then, when I wanted to run WordPress (myblog/index.php), nothing happens and, worse, a 404 error.
I thought it was my easyphp server, so I uploaded the whole database and wordpress on my website.
Nothing but a 404 error page again even if the file does exist!
Can you help me please? should I activate something to enable the first run?
Thank you very much.
Did you
1) Upload the files to the correct location on the server?
2) Upload the correct files? (e.g are the actual WordPress files contained in a sub folder?
3) Ensure the correct privileges are set on the folder and files?
4) Follow the instructions in the downloaded package (e.g. run install.php)?
Did you run the install script? After copying the files to the server, you must run the install script at myblog/wp-admin/install.php
try and go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and just click "Save Changes" and see if that helps
