Wordpress install plugin redirect me to dashboard - wordpress

When finding a plugin and clicking on install now, I am being redirected to the dashboard and can't install the pluging. Happen when I try to upload the plugin zip too.

download plugin and put extract it into your WordPress plugins directory and then go to wp-admin then plugin and activate .

You have to check in your browser console, may be it is server timeout issue due to plugin large file size. then you have to increase timeout limit in your server. or have to install plugin manually.


Unable to add Wordpress plugin

Unable to add wp plugin. It shows an error on page.screenshot
This may be due to the FTP permissions.
Check if the web user has sudo permision to install plugin inside wp-content/plugin folder.
Else the next method is download plugin from wordpress repository and unzip. Then upload inside wp-content/plugin
then go to plugins section on wp backend and click activate

update failed during plugin installation of wordpress

I'm trying to install a woocommerce plugin on my wordpress website(locally) it is giving such error 'update failed' as you can see in picture,
how to fix this?
Go to wp-content/upgrade directory and change folder permission to 777 (chmod) or in windows make sure that the read only box is uncheck.
That only means you allow that directory to read write and execute without any restrictions.
You can also solve this error by increasing the execution time.
Just go to your Xampp Control Panel, Stop Apache server, click on config (Apache), then select PHP(php.ini) option, Press Ctrl+F type "execution" and hit enter, then just increase the size of execution time from 30 to 300, save the file and then start Apache again.
It Works for Me!
see sometimes there is compatibility problem of site effects. If you can not fix, you can install another similar plugin
install a plugin that stop the updates of plugins ot theme according to what you want, to stop only the update of this specific plugin, like
after when you fixed or come new version you restart the update procedure
An alternative that works for the installation of plugin is to upload the plugin via cPanel's File Manager or the FTP client (e.g FileZilla).
Download the WooCommerce Plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/. This will download a zipped file which can be uploaded onto the server.
After download, navigate your way to the wp-content/plugins folder on the cPanel. Upload the downloaded file, and extract the file to folder.
NOTE: remember to remove the version number from the name of the plugin after downloading e.g change woocommerce.4.0.1.zip to woocommerce.zip
It sounds like the files might have been corrupted during the update.
You’d need to access your site FILES, so that you can delete the WooCommerce plugin folder.
Locate the plugins folder, and remove the woocommerce folder from there. Once deleted, you should be able to go back to your site’s Dashboard and install the plugin again.
If you install any plugins/themes, this could be the reason for continuously fails. Add the below line of code in wp-config.php
Download .zip From wordpress org/plugins/woocommerce/

How to fix a HTTP 500 error caused by activating W3 Total Cache plugin?

I installed and activated the W3 Total Cache plugin for WordPress, but then immediately had a 500 error appear on the admin panel. The site is up and running fine but I can't access the plugins to deactivate it.
Has anyone got a solution for this?
Login to your site’s files using the file manager provided by your host or use FTP program such as Filezilla to see files/folders.
Browse to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
Find the folder of the plugin you wish to disable.
Rename that folder as w3-total-cache.deactivate
Once you do this, The plugin will be deactivated.
If you have FTP access than simply rename the W3 Total Cache plugin folder.
You can find it under /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Alternate way to install plugins in wordpress

I am running wordpress on my local using Web Matrix. I am trying to install "Types - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Management." plugin. But this is taking forever I am seeing message "Installing Plugin Types - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Management (1/1)" from last one hour. The problem is I am not even getting error or installation fail notification. Anybody faced this kind of issue? and Is there any other way to install this plugin instead of doing it from UI available?
Hi TolerantCoder,
if you are not able to install plugins from admin than you can download plugins from wordpress plugins Directory than extract zip file and add in you wordpress project plugins directory.
I.e: D:\wamp\www\citicollege\wp-content\plugins\
in plugins directory you can copy paste plugins and activate from admin.

can't install woocommerce plugin on LOCALHOST

can someone who has experience with wordpress help me??
I have been trying to install WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce plugin on my wordpress theme, but since I'm working on localhost I think this is causing me some problems. When I try to download it directly from wordpress dashboard it starts with the normal procedure and then it just stays like this and nothing happens: Downloading install package from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/woocommerce.2.1.12.zip…
while when I download the plugin separately and upload the .zip file in wordpress, I get this message: Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.
when I click on Please try again, I get redirected in the step of choosing the file to upload and then if I do the same I get stuck on an infinite loop of doing the same things which lead me nowhere...
The solution to the problem is as follows:
Download the plugin as .zip
Unzip the .zip file
Copy the plugin files to the plugins folder of Wordpress
Open your Wordpress website and activate the plugin
