Complete example of a PCF Tile with an addon - pcf

Are there any tutorials dealing with Pivotal Cloud Foundry Tile containing addons? I see code snippets of what goes into a Tile manifest but no comprehensive examples or tutorials.

Thanks to all for reading my question and trying to answer. As it turns out, the naming for a Tile manifest must exactly match that in the Release being included. The Tile now deploys successfully.


Google Assistant Assistance find the API End Points that are being used

I am trying to fault find a Google assistant project that has stopped working suddenly. I am not an expert here in fact this is my first time looking at it but it's a needs must! I have also inherited this entire project with little to no documentation (this includes the AWS backend) - so fun! Anyway the first thing I want to do is find exactly which API end points are being used when various phrases are used. For example 'Turn On My Lamp' I am assuming at some point will call one of the (many many) end points on the AWS hosted API. I'm struggling with trying to find what API endpoints Google is using so I can check they resolve correctly. I found the fulfilment URL and that has taken me into the firbase console but from here I cannot find anything. How can I find which endpoints are being called?

Amplify API Reference

I am having a really difficult time navigating the API reference. The old AWS SDK for java used to have all used classes labeled with their proper parameters, errors thrown, and return values. I am not finding this with Amplify.
Currently I am trying to understand the class for Android. The closest reference I can find for it is here,
The problem is that it does not describe the function used by their tutorial, Amplify.Storage.downloadFile()
This all seems to be the javascript implementation of this and not the java based SDK so maybe that is the problem. I've been digging around on google and I can't find anything useful, is there reference material out there that I am just not finding or is this what we have to work with?
As I dig I keep getting linked back to the tutorial which is very frustrating because I want more information than what the tutorial provides.
The Amplify Android project does not currently publish its Javadoc.
I have created an issue for this on the Amplify Android GitHub repo.
For the time-being, your best bet is to read the source code, which does contain JavaDoc. The API for the storage category is here.

Where can I see the SwiftPM Manifest file definition?

It started as simple as that I would like to look up all possible providers. Which ones are allowed?
However, where is the full struct definition?
There isn't a place that I am aware of where the documentation is hosted outside of the GitHub repo here.
I just dig through those and the actual implementation files if needs be to figure out what is available to me if I'm looking for/at new features.
As of WWDC 2019 there is now documentation on Apple's developer website for the package manager. It is here at the time of updating this.

How list all Ratpack endpoints?

What's the easiest way to list all endpoints in Ratpack?
My app includes quite a few modules, so simply scanning Ratpack.groovy is not a good solution. Are there any existing tools to show all the exposed endpoints for the running app?
All routes are lazily generated; from everything that I've seen there isn't a way to do this. There was discussion back on March 10th on the ratpack slack channel about trying to do this for swagger document generation and that was the consensus. There's also an issue on github that hasn't gotten any attention for doing swagger generation.

Cluster image on Google Map v3 is broken

I have been using Google Map v3 since a long time. Few weeks ago, one of my client reported that they are not able to see the cluster image(the default one) on Google map.
I found that the Cluster image is broken. Using Fiddler I got the URL of the image and pasted it in browser. I got 404 Error.
Is anyone is aware about if anything is wrong on Google Map API? Does they have discontinued this feature?
Even on the Demo example of Google Map Cluster, the image is not coming up:
Any help is appreciated!
First of all, the MarkerClusterer library is not part of Google Maps API, it's a third party library called google maps utility library. Anyway this library was moved recently. Somebody probably referenced the cluster image straight from in your project, where it's not available anymore and that's why it's broken.
Check this SO question, user had very similar issues to yours.
Also! check this question and answers on SO!!, there are users who experienced issues with the same library, to get more information. Read all answers, as replacing with is not a correct solution, you should download the library assets (in your case the image) into your project and reference them from there or use CDN (but not git!).
