I am learning Drupal and have to use it for an upcoming project. When I try to install Acquia Dev Desktop, I get an error message:
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. For assistance, please finish the installation and post a new forum message to bit.ly/dd-bugs with these files: C:\Program Files (x86)\DevDesktop/installer.log C:\Program Files (x86)\DevDesktop/piscript.log
This makes me unable to run Dev Desktop. The only error messages I have noticed in those files are:
Running post install script. This may take a couple of minutes.
Executing C:\Program Files (x86) \DevDesktop\common\setup\postInstallPhp.cmd "C:\Program Files (x86)\DevDesktop\common\setup\setup.php"
Script exit code: unknown signal
Script output:
Script stderr:
child killed: unknown signal
according to the Acquia blog, download an older version - https://dev.acquia.com/downloads/releases/devdesktop.
"Issues with Windows and most recent release of Acquia Dev Desktop We
are investigating an issue with the latest version of Acquia Dev
Desktop and Windows. At this time, Acquia recommends that Windows
users experiencing errors with the most recent release revert to a
previous release."
Windows Server 2016
Installed Java JDK 1.8.0_192, and set JAVA_HOME path as directed
Download and install of WSO2 API manager 2.6.0 was all good...
when trying to start wso2server.bat,
briefly get the following error message on screen:
Error: Could not find or load main class
From folder structures, carbon.xml file appears to be in proper place:
C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\repository\conf
Thanks for any pointers!
Using the comment from Rans, I simplified the path with latest install to the following:
I also ran the WSO2server.bat from command line, while in the bin folder, and it completes the startup tasks, and now appears to be running fine.
Am trying to build alljoyn stack cloned from git in win10 using the procedure mentioned in alljoyn link
It starts throwing error for msajtransport.h. I downloaded from git and placed in working directory.
Then it threw error for missing msajapi.lib. I found that too placed in working directory. Still there are more errors.
Can anybody help me in this?
Install windows 10 SDK. Specifically version. I ran into the same problem, after installing that version of SDK, MSAJTransport.h could be found under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.14393.0\um"
I'm trying to run the latest Asp.Net 5 samples (currently 1.0.0-rc1-update1) on my Ubuntu 14.04 VM guest using VirtualBox on Windows 10. The sample code is being run via shared host directory.
I have the active and default DNX set as the CoreCLR x64.
When I have run the dnu restore command against either of the 2 web projects, the restore completes but with an error message. For example, for the HelloWeb project:
Unable to locate Dependency helloweb >= 1.0.0
If I run then command dnx web for the web projects I get the error message:
Error: Unable to load application or execute command 'Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel'. Available commands: web.
I have a related question here as I am also trying to also get the same samples running on my Windows machine. As they are basic and also unmodified, so I can't understand why they are not working. To make things worse, I actually had them running on this VM yesterday in the same manner I am trying here and as far as I'm aware, nothing has changed other than I have restarted the VM in the meantime.
Can anyone suggest why the projects are referencing themselves in this way and how I can resolve it?
The issue was being caused because the source code was being shared and the project.lock.json file had been created by the dnu restore process on Windows. I created a separate set of code samples and the code restored then ran fine.
This doesn't explain why the message was appearing but I assume the message Unable to locate Dependency helloweb >= 1.0.0 is actually a red herring and possibly refers to the fact that it can't replace the lock file.
I am following the installation guidelines as described on mean.js.org Everything seemed to install fine. I have all prereqs installed. I ran npm install after cloning the github repo and then tried to run grunt and I didnt get any errors however It seems to just be stalling on the command line. Last message on the command line is the "debugger is running on port 5858" and then it just sits there.
After some time the message [nodemon] watching 51,839 files - this might cause high cpu usage. To reduce use "--watch" comes up. I am on windows 10 and have all the latest versions of node,npm,grunt and mean.js. I am running the command line as admin.
Mean.js should be running on localhost:3000 but it is not.
This is intended.
There is an application invoked by the grunt command and running in background, watching your files for changes. In default configuration: nodemon and grunt-watch.
This will execute specific tasks based on the files you edited, such as linting JS files or compiling LESS files.
The cmd will probably show something when you edit files in the projects directory.
Fow the last few days I used to work on STS. But today it is not launching and giving following window. So, I reinstalled STS. But the problem still exits. Can some one help in sorting it out?
I found the solution after few hours. Some guy had same problem and solved
Eclipse is trying to get the version of java that is installed on system. you might have installed that latest one but there are possibilities that any upgradation of later softwares has replaced the java.exe files in system32 folder with older version. All you need to do is to run eclipse with clean parameters. Create a batch file in the directory where eclipse.exe is and write this line in it eclipse -clean -vmargs -Xmx256m