drupal move specific field to another field - drupal

I basically have a content type named "articles", and in this content type there is a reference field (that let me put unlimited data) called authorsref and a text field which as well let's me add as many as I want.
Both of this fields are called "authors".
What I want to do is move a specific reference field, to the text field, and then delete that reference field.
So for example, there are a hundred articles already, there are actually thousands and let's say 40 of them have a reference field with the author test1 amongst other reference fields and let's say as well that 60 of those hundred articles have as well a reference field of test2.
what I need to do is to somehow go over all the articles and where test1 and test2 reference fields are present, move them from the reference field authorsref to the text field authors.
I am as well a newbie and I have been trying to get this to work for the last three days and I just don't know how.
Please help, and thanks so much!

I think you need to use hook_update_n + batch.
hook_update_n - With this hook you can update some values in your DB.
Batch - you need to use batch for operations that may take a long time. (You don't want to time out PHP, you wont worry about it with batch).
Some examples here and here.


Merge ACF fields into another ACF field

I'm building an athlete profile database using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields). I have fields for First Name, Last Name, and Full Name. Athletes will be able to enter their first and last names on the front end of the website when they are creating a profile. I don't want them to enter their full name also because that's a bad user experience. But I need the full name on the backend. Is there a way to have the Full Name text field auto-generated by merging the values of First Name and Last Name? I don't want to enter the full name manually. Thanks!
with this kind of thing you are wanting to combine 2 fields into 1 record it may just be easier to ask for the full name in 1 field this is not a bad user experience as much as you may think more people actually find it more annoying needing to put different parts of there name in different boxes.
However if this is what you are wanting to move forward with I did find this which may be of some assistance Wordpress/ACF merging multiple fields value to one

Generate and display html table with user data from wordpress

Update: With the help of the answerer below I figured out how to do this. Basically I used a WP Query to get users and their user metadata and I sorted and placed the data in a for each loop in a table.
I'm new to PHP and I need some help. Basically I want to create a leaderboard with different user data. I want to display it in an html table.
This is kinda what i want:
Username GamiPress Points Time since last login
And I want the table to be populated with these data amongst others automatically. I want two versions one that is sorted with the 15 users who have the most points and one that sorts on the 15 users that logged in last.
Can someone point me to the right place on how I can best implement this?
I basically want to create the GamiPress Leaderboard add-on that I, unfortunately, can't afford, but with some extra fields.
There are multiple steps to do if you want to achieve this:
1) Add meta field to your users, so you can store the points. For example you can use "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin for this.
2) Write a function for adding points to this field. Define when this function will be fired.
3) Query the users ordered by that meta value and display it (get_users($args) might be useful).
4) For the Last-Login value you can use a plugin (google Wordpress Last Login) and write another Query and order results by that meta field. You can also write this by your own, here is a link I found: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-show-users-last-login-date-in-wordpress/
I don't know if this is what you were looking for.
Or did you want to see an example code how you use a wp query and display data in html table?

Adding a user-filled value as well as a pick value for google appmaker

I would like to define a field, where there is a list of allowed values as well as give user the option to type it in. For example, I list a bunch of previous jobs that the applicant can have, plus have them pick other and fill it in as well.
Is it possible to do this with one field or do I need two fields where the user has to type it in? Is there a doc. or sample or tutorial I can look up? Thanks.
Here is a super simple Tags sample:
To cover your exact use case you just need to:
Add logic to check if record already exists
1.1 If record doesn't exist, then create one
Create relation between records
If you don't care about duplicates in your database, then you can skip step 1 and always do 1.1 and 2.

Table input for view

I would like to have the user enter order items on my order form as a table where they input the Qty and Prod #. I've not programmed with that type of field so a blank line would initially display for a new order. They would type a Qty and an item number in the fields and hit enter. When they hit enter from either field, what do I program to check the validity of the two fields. Plus I need the item number to be a drop down/type ahead field. Does anyone have an example of this type of thing they could send me? It would be looking at a view in the product catalog db. Also, after they enter an item to order, that "doc" should get stored/saved and a new blank line should open up.
What type of control do I need to use and should these items be stored in their own form or on the main order document? Could use some guidance here. Thanks.
The question you have is a little broad but I will make a couple suggestions if I can.
You have the main order doc. Then a repeat control with each item. Filter each item by a uniqueID that allows you to join the main doc to the child docs. Each item should be a separate document. You then need to make the items in the repeat control editable.
There is a lot of things going on here and I think you need to get started somewhere. I think the first step is to do a repeat control with response documents.Xpages, Inherited documents in view panel by using #Unique

D6: how to get at node fields in preprocess_page()?

i created a view that displays my homepage fine but now a modification is needed: i load 2 fields (images) in my view but need to only display one of those, depending on the value of a third (date) field and today's date. if date field is later than today, show image y and if its earlier than today show image x. this kind of logic cant be done in a view.
so in my template.php id like to output x or y as $vars['img'] in the preprocess_page function. im just wondering, how do i get at the values of those fields? its not a node but a list of node teasers.
the function gets passed &$vars but a print_r of those just shows the html output.
custom sql seems not the way to go.
when i load the view, i just get the html it outputs but (i think) i need the raw data to make the date comparison.
thanks for any pointers!
I'm sure there are some ways to do this, some more hackier than others. I would:
Make a template specific to your view
Create a preprocess function for the view and create a boolean variable, by checking which img that should be displayed.
Lastly I would alter the template slightly by making an if statement that checks if it should display img x or y.
This solution is pretty easy and straight forward, the downside is that it's not completely general as you most likely will need to know the names of the cck field names you are using. It's doubtful you would be able to generalize this anyways.
To clarify a bit. You can look at the general views template that's being used, it will give you some insight as to how views prints the different fields. Generally getting at the fields is usually not a big problem when you have the $node object. The reason is that cck adds the fields to the $node object so you can access it there. I believe you can do something in the line of $node->field_[the_name] to get to the field. I would suggest that you use the devel module if you don't already and do a dpm($node) somewhere in the template where you loop through the nodes. That will enable you to see what has been defined on the $node object. It shouldn't be a big problem to print the img from there.
How about using preprocess_node() instead?
