Creating char Trie in OCaml - functional-programming

I'm trying to build an initial Trie structure in OCaml where the edges are the char. So the string "ESK" would be mapped as:
[('E', [('S', [('K', [])])])]
My definition for this is:
type trie = Trie of (char * trie) list
However, on implementing an add function with:
let rec add_string str =
let key = String.get str 0 in
if String.length str = 1 then
(key, empty_trie) :: []
(key, add_string (tail str)) :: []
for add (tail str) the compiler gives me:
Error: This expression has type (char * trie) list
but an expression was expected of type trie
I'm a bit puzzled by this as I have not defined a trie as (char * trie) list?
tail is simply let tail str = String.slice str 1 (String.length str) and empty_trie is let empty_trie = Trie([])

Note that a more idiomatic way of writing the function would be
let rec add_string str =
let key = str.[0] in
if String.length str = 1 then
Trie [key, empty_trie]
Trie [key, add_string (tail str)]
Then there are two problems left with add_string: first it reallocates a new string at each iteration. It is simpler and more efficient to keep track of the current position:
let add_string str =
let rec add_string_aux pos str =
if pos = String.length str then empty_trie
let key = str.[pos] in
Trie [key, add_string_aux (pos+1) str] in
add_string_aux 0 str
The second problem is that the function is ill-named since it does not add a string to an existing trie but build a trie from a string: from_string or of_string might be better names.

Resolved. Trie should be explicitly used:
let rec add_string str =
let key = String.get str 0 in
if String.length str = 1 then
(key, empty_trie) :: []
(key, Trie (add_string (tail str))) :: []
This will result in add_string "ESK" producing:
(char * trie) list = [('E', Trie [('S', Trie [('K', Trie [])])])]


F# Generic Map.count using Reflection

This is a follow-up on this previous question, but with a different twist.
I would like to write a function which, given an object oMap, returns its count if oMap happens to be of type Map<'k,'v>, and -1 otherwise. My constraint : oMap type can only be 'discovered' at runtime.
As apparently "there is no built-in way to pattern match on a generic Map." (see link to previous question), I am using reflection for this.
namespace genericDco
module Test1 =
let gencount (oMap : obj) : int =
let otype = oMap.GetType()
let otypenm = otype.Name
if otypenm = "FSharpMap`2" then
// should work, as oMap of type Map<'a,'b>, but does not. *How to fix this?*
Map.count (unbox<Map<_,_>> oMap)
// fails, as oMap is not of any type Map<'a,'b>.
let testfailObj : int = gencount ("foo")
let testsuccessObj : int =
let oMap = [| ("k1", "v1"); ("k1", "v1") |] |> Map.ofArray
gencount (box oMap)
The error being :
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpMap`2[System.String,System.String]' to type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpMap`2[System.IComparable,System.Object]'. at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicFunctions.UnboxGeneric[T](Object source)
My question: How should I rewrite the above to get this to work?
PS : I am not looking for solutions where we know at compile time that oMap is of type Map<'k,'v>, e.g. :
module Test2 =
let gencount2<'k,'v when 'k : comparison> (gMap : Map<'k,'v>) : int =
Map.count gMap
let testsuccessStr : int =
let gMap = [| ("k1", "v1"); ("k2", "v2") |] |> Map.ofArray
gencount2<string,string> gMap
let testsuccessDbl : int =
let gMap = [| ("k1", 1.0); ("k2", 2.0); ("k3", 3.0) |] |> Map.ofArray
gencount2<string,double> gMap
== EDIT ==
Thanks to Asti's suggestion, that's the solution that worked for me :
let gencount (oMap : obj) : int =
let otype = oMap.GetType()
let propt = otype.GetProperty("Count")
propt.GetValue(oMap) :?> int
| _ -> -1
Since Map.count is just defined as let count m = m.Count, we can just go for the Count property.
let gencount<'k,'v when 'k : comparison> map =
let mtype = typeof<Map<'k, 'v>>
let propt = mtype.GetProperty("Count")
if map.GetType() = mtype then
propt.GetValue(map) :?> int
let main argv =
let m = Map.ofSeq [ ("a", 1); ("b", 2)]
printfn "%d" (gencount<string, int> m)
printfn "%d" (gencount<string, string> m)
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
0 // return exit code 0
Using _ in place of a type will simply end up as object if no additional constraint information is available. You use unbox when you strongly know what type your value is, except that the value is boxed in.

Recursively unpack list into elements

I have a list and would like to return each element from it individually. Basically like popping from a stack. For example:
let rnd = new System.Random()
let rnds = List.init 10 (fun _ -> rnd.Next(100))
List.iter (fun x -> printfn "%A"x ) rnds
However instead of iterating, I would actually like to return each integer one after the other until the list is empty. So basically something along the lines of:
Unfortunately my attempts at a recursive solution or even better something using fold or scan were unsuccessful. For example this just returns the list (same as map).
let pop3 (rnds:int list) =
let rec pop3' rnds acc =
match rnds with
| head :: tail -> List.tail(tail)
| [] -> acc
pop3' [] rnds
Would uncons do what you need?
let uncons = function h::t -> Some (h, t) | [] -> None
You can use it to 'pop' the head of a list:
> rnds |> uncons;;
val it : (int * int list) option =
Some (66, [17; 93; 33; 17; 21; 1; 49; 5; 96])
You can repeat this:
> rnds |> uncons |> Option.bind (snd >> uncons);;
val it : (int * int list) option = Some (17, [93; 33; 17; 21; 1; 49; 5; 96])
> rnds |> uncons |> Option.bind (snd >> uncons) |> Option.bind (snd >> uncons);;
val it : (int * int list) option = Some (93, [33; 17; 21; 1; 49; 5; 96])
This seems like a good oppurtunity for a class
type unpacker(l) =
let mutable li = l
member x.get() =
match li with
|h::t -> li<-t;h
|_ -> failwith "nothing left to return"

Propositional Logic Valuation in SML

I'm trying to define a propositional logic valuation using SML structure. A valuation in propositional logic maps named variables (i.e., strings) to Boolean values.
Here is my signature:
signature VALUATION =
type T
val empty: T
val set: T -> string -> bool -> T
val value_of: T -> string -> bool
val variables: T -> string list
val print: T -> unit
Then I defined a matching structure:
structure Valuation :> VALUATION =
type T = (string * bool) list
val empty = []
fun set C a b = (a, b) :: C
fun value_of [] x = false
| value_of ((a,b)::d) x = if x = a then b else value_of d x
fun variables [] = []
| variables ((a,b)::d) = a::(variables d )
fun print valuation =
(fn name => TextIO.print (name ^ " = " ^ Bool.toString (value_of valuation name) ^ "\n"))
(variables valuation);
TextIO.print "\n"
So the valuations should look like [("s",true), ("c", false), ("a", false)]
But I can't declare like a structure valuation or make an instruction like: [("s",true)]: Valuation.T; When I tried to use the valuation in a function, I get errors like:
Can't unify (string * bool) list (*In Basis*) with
Could someone help me? Thanks.
The type Valuation.T is opaque (hidden).
All you know about it is that it's called "T".
You can't do anything with it except through the VALUATION signature, and that signature makes no mention of lists.
You can only build Valuations using the constructors empty and set, and you must start with empty.
- val e = Valuation.empty;
val e = - : Valuation.T
- val v = Valuation.set e "x" true;
val v = - : Valuation.T
- val v2 = Valuation.set v "y" false;
val v2 = - : Valuation.T
- Valuation.value_of v2 "x";
val it = true : bool
- Valuation.variables v2;
val it = ["y","x"] : string list
- Valuation.print v2;
y = false
x = true
val it = () : unit
Note that every Valuation.T value is printed as "-" since the internal representation isn't exposed.

Pattern match against existing variables

I have a structure of nested maps:
type NestedMap =
| Object of Map<string,NestedMap>
| Value of int
I need to prune the structure.
The purpose of the code is to maintain intact the nested structure of the maps and of the map where the key value pair is found, pruning the branches where the key value pair is not found.
Here is the test NestedMap:
let l2' = NestedMap.Object ( ["C"; "S"; "D"] [NestedMap.Value(10); NestedMap.Value(20); NestedMap.Value(30)] |> Map.ofList)
let l3 = NestedMap.Object ( ["E"; "S"; "F"] [NestedMap.Value(100); NestedMap.Value(200); NestedMap.Value(300)] |> Map.ofList)
let l2'' = NestedMap.Object ( ["G"; "H"; "I"; "S"] [NestedMap.Value(30); l3; NestedMap.Value(40); NestedMap.Value(50)] |> Map.ofList)
let l1 = NestedMap.Object ( ["Y"; "A"; "B"] [NestedMap.Value(1); l2'; l2''] |> Map.ofList)
This is my code:
let rec pruneWithKeyValue (keyvalue: string * int) (json: NestedMap) =
let condition ck cv =
let tgtKey = (fst keyvalue)
let tgtVal = (snd keyvalue)
match (ck, cv) with
| (tgtKey, NestedMap.Value(tgtVal)) ->
printfn ">>> Found match : "
printfn " ck = %s " ck
printfn " tgtKey and tgtVal == %s, %i" tgtKey tgtVal
| _ -> false
match json with
| NestedMap.Object nmap ->
if (nmap |> Map.exists (fun k v -> condition k v)) then
printfn "Expanding w keyvalue: (%s,%i): " (fst keyvalue) (snd keyvalue)
let expanded = nmap |> (fun k v -> pruneWithKeyValue keyvalue v)
NestedMap.Object(expanded |> Map.filter (fun k v -> v <> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)))
| _ -> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)
let pruned = pruneWithKeyValue ("S",20) l1
let res = (pruned = l1)
The result is not what desired:
>>> Found match :
ck = Y
tgtKey and tgtVal == Y, 1
val pruneWithKeyValue : string * int -> json:NestedMap -> NestedMap
val pruned : NestedMap =
[("A", Object (map [("C", Value 10); ("D", Value 30); ("S", Value 20)]));
[("G", Value 30);
(map [("E", Value 100); ("F", Value 300); ("S", Value 200)]));
("I", Value 40); ("S", Value 50)])); ("Y", Value 1)])
val remainsTheSame : bool = true
The code says that the output data structure remains unchanged (val remainsTheSame : bool = true). Even more interestingly, somehow the keyvalue tuple that contains the key-value pair the function is searching got modified:
>>> Found match :
ck = Y
tgtKey and tgtVal == Y, 1
This is the problem. In fact, if I hardcode the keyvalue tuple:
let rec pruneWithKeyValue (keyvalue: string * int) (json: NestedMap) =
let condition ck cv =
let tgtKey = (fst keyvalue)
let tgtVal = (snd keyvalue)
match (ck, cv) with
| ("S", NestedMap.Value(20)) ->
printfn ">>> Found match : "
printfn " ck = %s " ck
printfn " tgtKey and tgtVal == %s, %i" tgtKey tgtVal
| _ -> false
match json with
| NestedMap.Object nmap ->
if (nmap |> Map.exists (fun k v -> condition k v)) then
printfn "Expanding w keyvalue: (%s,%i): " (fst keyvalue) (snd keyvalue)
let expanded = nmap |> (fun k v -> pruneWithKeyValue keyvalue v)
NestedMap.Object(expanded |> Map.filter (fun k v -> v <> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)))
| _ -> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)
let pruned = pruneWithKeyValue ("S",20) l1
let remainsTheSame = (pruned = l1)
results in (yeah) the desired result:
Expanding w keyvalue: (S,20):
>>> Found match :
ck = S
tgtKey and tgtVal == S, 20
Expanding w keyvalue: (S,20):
Expanding w keyvalue: (S,20):
val pruneWithKeyValue : string * int -> json:NestedMap -> NestedMap
val pruned : NestedMap =
[("A", Object (map [("C", Value 10); ("D", Value 30); ("S", Value 20)]))])
val remainsTheSame : bool = false
It may be trivial but I don't understand where and how keyvalue ends up being modified, preventing me from getting the right output with parametric key-value tuple.
You can't pattern match against existing variables, in your original code tgtKey and tgtVal will be new bindings, not related to the existing ones which will be shadowed.
So change your match:
match (ck, cv) with
| (tgtKey, NestedMap.Value(tgtVal)) ->
match (ck, cv) with
| (k, NestedMap.Value v) when (k, v) = (tgtKey, tgtVal) ->
or just:
match (ck, cv) with
| x when x = (tgtKey, NestedMap.Value(tgtVal)) ->

Find unique array of tuples

I have 4 arrays of different data. For the first array of string, I want to delete the duplicate element and get the results of array of unique tuples with 4 elements.
For example, let's say the arrays are:
let dupA1 = [| "A"; "B"; "C"; "D"; "A" |]
let dupA2 = [| 1; 2; 3; 4; 1 |]
let dupA3 = [| 1.0M; 2.0M; 3.0M; 4.0M; 1.0M |]
let dupA4 = [| 1L; 2L; 3L; 4L; 1L |]
I want the result to be:
let uniqueArray = [| ("A", 1, 1.0M, 1L); ("B", 2, 2.0M, 2L); ("C", 3, 3.0M, 3L); ("D",4, 4.0M, 4L) |]
You will first need to write a zip4 function which will zip the arrays:
// the function assumes the 4 arrays are of the same length
let zip4 a (b : _ []) (c : _ []) (d : _ []) =
Array.init (Array.length a) (fun i -> a.[i], b.[i], c.[i], d.[i])
Then a distinct function for arrays, using Seq.distinct:
let distinct s = Seq.distinct s |> Array.ofSeq
And the result would be:
> zip4 dupA1 dupA2 dupA3 dupA4 |> distinct;;
val it : (string * int * decimal * int64) [] =
[|("A", 1, 1.0M, 1L); ("B", 2, 2.0M, 2L); ("C", 3, 3.0M, 3L);
("D", 4, 4.0M, 4L)|]
let zip4 s1 s2 s3 s4 =
Seq.map2 (fun (a,b)(c,d) ->a,b,c,d) ( s1 s2)( s3 s4)
let uniqueArray = zip4 dupA1 dupA2 dupA3 dupA4 |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.toArray
