Recursively unpack list into elements - recursion

I have a list and would like to return each element from it individually. Basically like popping from a stack. For example:
let rnd = new System.Random()
let rnds = List.init 10 (fun _ -> rnd.Next(100))
List.iter (fun x -> printfn "%A"x ) rnds
However instead of iterating, I would actually like to return each integer one after the other until the list is empty. So basically something along the lines of:
Unfortunately my attempts at a recursive solution or even better something using fold or scan were unsuccessful. For example this just returns the list (same as map).
let pop3 (rnds:int list) =
let rec pop3' rnds acc =
match rnds with
| head :: tail -> List.tail(tail)
| [] -> acc
pop3' [] rnds

Would uncons do what you need?
let uncons = function h::t -> Some (h, t) | [] -> None
You can use it to 'pop' the head of a list:
> rnds |> uncons;;
val it : (int * int list) option =
Some (66, [17; 93; 33; 17; 21; 1; 49; 5; 96])
You can repeat this:
> rnds |> uncons |> Option.bind (snd >> uncons);;
val it : (int * int list) option = Some (17, [93; 33; 17; 21; 1; 49; 5; 96])
> rnds |> uncons |> Option.bind (snd >> uncons) |> Option.bind (snd >> uncons);;
val it : (int * int list) option = Some (93, [33; 17; 21; 1; 49; 5; 96])

This seems like a good oppurtunity for a class
type unpacker(l) =
let mutable li = l
member x.get() =
match li with
|h::t -> li<-t;h
|_ -> failwith "nothing left to return"


F# How create tree from nested sets?

I have nested sets data from my db and need transform this to tree data structure:
type Item = {
Id: int
Left: int
Right: int
Level: int
type Items = Item list
type Tree = {Parent: Item; Childrens: Tree list}
My my failed attempt:
Get childrens items for root item and create root of tree
Search childrens for each child from step 1, build new tree
Repeat step 2 until transform all items (nested sets) to tree
let predicate p c = (c.Level = p.Level + 1) && (c.Left > p.Left) && (c.Right < p.Right)
let initLeaf item = {Parent = item; Childrens = []}
let initLeafs = (fun x -> initLeaf x)
let getChildrens parent = List.filter (fun x -> predicate parent x)
let build (initList: Item list) =
let sortedList = initList |> List.sortBy (fun x -> x.Left)
let getChildrens2 parent =
let items = sortedList |> getChildrens parent
if not (List.isEmpty items) then items |> initLeafs else []
let root = initLeaf sortedList.Head
let rec loop (tree: Tree) =
let childrens =
match tree.Childrens with
| [] ->
getChildrens2 tree.Parent
| x ->
x |> List.collect (fun y -> loop y)
loop {tree with Childrens = childrens}
loop root
let res = build items
Here's my attempt at this. The example is taken from Wikipedia.
I changed the type of Item.Id to string for better output readability,
but the method is still applicable.
[<StructuredFormatDisplay("'{Id}'(L:{Left} R:{Right})")>]
type Item = {Id: string; Left: int; Right: int; Level: int}
type Tree = {Node: Item; Children: Tree list}
let lst : Item list = [
{ Id="Clothing"; Left=1; Right=22; Level=0 }
{ Id="Men's"; Left=2; Right=9; Level=1 }
{ Id="Women's"; Left=10; Right=21; Level=1 }
{ Id="Suits"; Left=3; Right=8; Level=2 }
{ Id="Slacks"; Left=4; Right=5; Level=3 }
{ Id="Jackets"; Left=6; Right=7; Level=3 }
{ Id="Dresses"; Left=11; Right=16; Level=2 }
{ Id="Skirts"; Left=17; Right=18; Level=2 }
{ Id="Blouses"; Left=19; Right=20; Level=2 }
{ Id="Evening Gowns"; Left=12; Right=13; Level=3 }
{ Id="Sun Dresses"; Left=14; Right=15; Level=3 }
let sorted = lst |> List.sortBy (fun x -> x.Left)
let rootItem :: unassinged = sorted
let isParentOf p c = (c.Level = p.Level + 1) && (c.Left > p.Left) && (c.Right < p.Right)
let rec buildTree (xs : Item list) (item : Item) : Tree * Item list =
let children, rest = List.partition (isParentOf item) xs
let subtrees, rest = List.mapFold buildTree rest children
let tree = {Node = item; Children = subtrees}
tree, rest
let tree, _ = buildTree unassinged rootItem
Output (truncated):
val tree : Tree =
{ Node = 'Clothing'(L:1 R:22)
Children =
[{ Node = 'Men's'(L:2 R:9)
Children =
[{ Node = 'Suits'(L:3 R:8)
Children =
[{ Node = 'Jackets'(L:6 R:7)
Children = [] };
{ Node = 'Slacks'(L:4 R:5)
Children = [] }] }] };
{ Node = 'Women's'(L:10 R:21)
Edit: this is the shortest tail-recursive version I could come up with.
let buildTree1 (root : Item) : Tree =
let rec go (pending : Item list) (m: Map<Item, Tree>) : Map<Item, Tree> =
match pending with
| [] -> m
| x :: xs ->
let children = List.filter (isParentOf x) unassinged
if List.isEmpty children then
let mUpd = Map.add x {Node=x; Children = []} m
go xs mUpd
let pendingChildren = List.filter (fun y -> not <| Map.containsKey y m) children
match pendingChildren with
| [] ->
let subtrees = (fun x -> m.[x]) children
let mUpd = Map.add x {Node=x; Children = subtrees} m
go xs mUpd
| ps -> go (ps # (x :: xs)) m
go [root] Map.empty |> Map.find root
let tree = buildTree1 rootItem
Maybe it could be improved using the continuation-passing style.

How do I concatenate a vector of integers into a single integer?

I'm trying to concatenate all of the contents of a vector into a single number. This would be like [1, 2, 4] -> 124. Here's what I have right now:
fn sumVector(vec: &Vec<u32>) -> u32 {
return vec.to_owned().concat();
This is failing with error
error[E0599]: no method named `concat` found for type `std::vec::Vec<u32>` in the current scope
--> src/
2 | return vec.to_owned().concat();
| ^^^^^^ method not found in `std::vec::Vec<u32>`
As said in the comments by Stargateur, you can do:
fn concat(vec: &[u32]) -> u32 {
vec.iter().fold(0, |acc, elem| acc * 10 + elem)
You can also write the same function in imperative style:
fn concat(vec: &[u32]) -> u32 {
let mut acc = 0;
for elem in vec {
acc *= 10;
acc += elem;
You can follow Ortomala Lokni's procedure if your input vector contains single digit integers.
If the vector contains multi-digit integers, the function may not return the intended value. The following concat_new function handles this case.
fn main() {
let a = vec![10_i32, 20, 300];
println!("{:?}", concat_new(&a));
println!("{:?}", concat(&a));
fn concat_new(vec: &[i32]) -> i32 {
let t = vec.iter().fold("".to_string(), |acc, x| acc + &x.to_string());
fn concat(vec: &[i32]) -> i32 {
vec.iter().fold(0, |acc, elem| acc * 10 + elem)

Pattern match against existing variables

I have a structure of nested maps:
type NestedMap =
| Object of Map<string,NestedMap>
| Value of int
I need to prune the structure.
The purpose of the code is to maintain intact the nested structure of the maps and of the map where the key value pair is found, pruning the branches where the key value pair is not found.
Here is the test NestedMap:
let l2' = NestedMap.Object ( ["C"; "S"; "D"] [NestedMap.Value(10); NestedMap.Value(20); NestedMap.Value(30)] |> Map.ofList)
let l3 = NestedMap.Object ( ["E"; "S"; "F"] [NestedMap.Value(100); NestedMap.Value(200); NestedMap.Value(300)] |> Map.ofList)
let l2'' = NestedMap.Object ( ["G"; "H"; "I"; "S"] [NestedMap.Value(30); l3; NestedMap.Value(40); NestedMap.Value(50)] |> Map.ofList)
let l1 = NestedMap.Object ( ["Y"; "A"; "B"] [NestedMap.Value(1); l2'; l2''] |> Map.ofList)
This is my code:
let rec pruneWithKeyValue (keyvalue: string * int) (json: NestedMap) =
let condition ck cv =
let tgtKey = (fst keyvalue)
let tgtVal = (snd keyvalue)
match (ck, cv) with
| (tgtKey, NestedMap.Value(tgtVal)) ->
printfn ">>> Found match : "
printfn " ck = %s " ck
printfn " tgtKey and tgtVal == %s, %i" tgtKey tgtVal
| _ -> false
match json with
| NestedMap.Object nmap ->
if (nmap |> Map.exists (fun k v -> condition k v)) then
printfn "Expanding w keyvalue: (%s,%i): " (fst keyvalue) (snd keyvalue)
let expanded = nmap |> (fun k v -> pruneWithKeyValue keyvalue v)
NestedMap.Object(expanded |> Map.filter (fun k v -> v <> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)))
| _ -> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)
let pruned = pruneWithKeyValue ("S",20) l1
let res = (pruned = l1)
The result is not what desired:
>>> Found match :
ck = Y
tgtKey and tgtVal == Y, 1
val pruneWithKeyValue : string * int -> json:NestedMap -> NestedMap
val pruned : NestedMap =
[("A", Object (map [("C", Value 10); ("D", Value 30); ("S", Value 20)]));
[("G", Value 30);
(map [("E", Value 100); ("F", Value 300); ("S", Value 200)]));
("I", Value 40); ("S", Value 50)])); ("Y", Value 1)])
val remainsTheSame : bool = true
The code says that the output data structure remains unchanged (val remainsTheSame : bool = true). Even more interestingly, somehow the keyvalue tuple that contains the key-value pair the function is searching got modified:
>>> Found match :
ck = Y
tgtKey and tgtVal == Y, 1
This is the problem. In fact, if I hardcode the keyvalue tuple:
let rec pruneWithKeyValue (keyvalue: string * int) (json: NestedMap) =
let condition ck cv =
let tgtKey = (fst keyvalue)
let tgtVal = (snd keyvalue)
match (ck, cv) with
| ("S", NestedMap.Value(20)) ->
printfn ">>> Found match : "
printfn " ck = %s " ck
printfn " tgtKey and tgtVal == %s, %i" tgtKey tgtVal
| _ -> false
match json with
| NestedMap.Object nmap ->
if (nmap |> Map.exists (fun k v -> condition k v)) then
printfn "Expanding w keyvalue: (%s,%i): " (fst keyvalue) (snd keyvalue)
let expanded = nmap |> (fun k v -> pruneWithKeyValue keyvalue v)
NestedMap.Object(expanded |> Map.filter (fun k v -> v <> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)))
| _ -> NestedMap.Object (Map.empty)
let pruned = pruneWithKeyValue ("S",20) l1
let remainsTheSame = (pruned = l1)
results in (yeah) the desired result:
Expanding w keyvalue: (S,20):
>>> Found match :
ck = S
tgtKey and tgtVal == S, 20
Expanding w keyvalue: (S,20):
Expanding w keyvalue: (S,20):
val pruneWithKeyValue : string * int -> json:NestedMap -> NestedMap
val pruned : NestedMap =
[("A", Object (map [("C", Value 10); ("D", Value 30); ("S", Value 20)]))])
val remainsTheSame : bool = false
It may be trivial but I don't understand where and how keyvalue ends up being modified, preventing me from getting the right output with parametric key-value tuple.
You can't pattern match against existing variables, in your original code tgtKey and tgtVal will be new bindings, not related to the existing ones which will be shadowed.
So change your match:
match (ck, cv) with
| (tgtKey, NestedMap.Value(tgtVal)) ->
match (ck, cv) with
| (k, NestedMap.Value v) when (k, v) = (tgtKey, tgtVal) ->
or just:
match (ck, cv) with
| x when x = (tgtKey, NestedMap.Value(tgtVal)) ->

Strange error in my implementation of in-place graph BFS in OCaml

I am implementing in-place graph BFS in OCaml.
here is my code:
type graph = {s : int list array;num_v:int;mutable num_e : int};;
let bfs u g p =
let marker = Array.make g.num_v false
let q = Queue.create()
Queue.push u q;
let rec add_to_queue v = function
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl ->
if not marker.(hd) then begin
marker.(hd) <- true;
Queue.push hd q;
p.(hd) <- v
add_to_queue v tl
**let rec bfs_go =**
if Queue.length q > 0 then begin
let v = Queue.pop q
print_int v;
add_to_queue v g.s.(v);
I thought the code is fine, but compiler gives me this error:
File "", line 20, characters 4-177: Error: This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of 'let rec'
It seems my implementation of bfs_go has issues ( i have marked with ** **), but why? I can't see any errors.
DFS in functional style
let dfs_better u g p =
let marker = Array.make g.num_v false in
let rec dfs_go current next =
match current, next with
| [], _ -> ()
| parent::[], [] -> ()
| parent::next_parent::rest, [] -> dfs_go (next_parent::rest) g.s.(next_parent)
| parent::rest, node::tl ->
if not marker.(node) then begin
print_int node;
marker.(node) <- true;
p.(node) <- parent;
dfs_go next g.s.(node)
dfs_go current tl in
marker.(u) <- true;
dfs_go [u] g.s.(u);;
You probably mean
let rec bfs_go () =
bfs_go ()
instead of
let rec bfs_go =
Edit: I couldn't resist some improvements.
With your imperative style:
let bfs start graph from =
let marker = Array.make graph.num_v false in
let q = Queue.create() in
let add_to_queue parent node =
if not marker.(node) then begin
marker.(node) <- true;
Queue.push node q;
from.(node) <- parent;
end in
Queue.push start q;
while not (Queue.is_empty q) do
let node = Queue.pop q in
print_int node;
List.iter (add_to_queue node) graph.s.(node)
If you want something more functional:
let bfs start graph from =
let marker = Array.make graph.num_v false in
let rec bfs current next = match current, next with
| [], [] -> ()
| [], (_::_ as next) -> bfs next []
| node::current, next ->
let add parent node next =
if marker.(node) then next
else begin
marker.(node) <- true;
from.(node) <- parent;
node :: next
end in
print_int node;
bfs current (List.fold_right (add node) graph.s.(node) next)
in bfs [start] []
Edit 2:
Attempts at the DFS problem, completely untested (just compiled):
With a data-structure to handle nodes left to visit:
let dfs u g p =
let marker = Array.make g.num_v false in
let rec dfs_go = function
| [] -> ()
| node::next ->
print_int node;
let children =
List.filter (fun child -> not marker.(child)) g.s.(node) in
List.iter (fun child -> marker.(child) <- true) children;
dfs_go (children # next)
marker.(u) <- true;
dfs_go [u];;
Using only (non-tail) recursion:
let dfs u g p =
let marker = Array.make g.num_v false in
let rec dfs_go node =
print_int node;
let go_child child =
if not marker.(child) then begin
marker.(child) <- true;
dfs_go child;
end in
List.iter go_child g.s.(node)
marker.(u) <- true;
dfs_go u;;

Find unique array of tuples

I have 4 arrays of different data. For the first array of string, I want to delete the duplicate element and get the results of array of unique tuples with 4 elements.
For example, let's say the arrays are:
let dupA1 = [| "A"; "B"; "C"; "D"; "A" |]
let dupA2 = [| 1; 2; 3; 4; 1 |]
let dupA3 = [| 1.0M; 2.0M; 3.0M; 4.0M; 1.0M |]
let dupA4 = [| 1L; 2L; 3L; 4L; 1L |]
I want the result to be:
let uniqueArray = [| ("A", 1, 1.0M, 1L); ("B", 2, 2.0M, 2L); ("C", 3, 3.0M, 3L); ("D",4, 4.0M, 4L) |]
You will first need to write a zip4 function which will zip the arrays:
// the function assumes the 4 arrays are of the same length
let zip4 a (b : _ []) (c : _ []) (d : _ []) =
Array.init (Array.length a) (fun i -> a.[i], b.[i], c.[i], d.[i])
Then a distinct function for arrays, using Seq.distinct:
let distinct s = Seq.distinct s |> Array.ofSeq
And the result would be:
> zip4 dupA1 dupA2 dupA3 dupA4 |> distinct;;
val it : (string * int * decimal * int64) [] =
[|("A", 1, 1.0M, 1L); ("B", 2, 2.0M, 2L); ("C", 3, 3.0M, 3L);
("D", 4, 4.0M, 4L)|]
let zip4 s1 s2 s3 s4 =
Seq.map2 (fun (a,b)(c,d) ->a,b,c,d) ( s1 s2)( s3 s4)
let uniqueArray = zip4 dupA1 dupA2 dupA3 dupA4 |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.toArray
