Opengraph css in Facebook description as in attached image - facebook-opengraph

wondering how the "Breaking 1 Hr" icon is achieved in the attached screenshot. I have looked everywhere and on other forums but no one has been able to help.
Thanks in advance. Screenshot attached here


Anchor link with Revolution Slider

Anyone using Revolution Slider can help me?
I added a link the image below
rev-slide screenshot
When I click on this layer, I get the correct link "https://domain/#investigation" but the page don't scroll till the right section.
But if I open in a different window the same "https://domain/#investigation", the link works as expected!
There's something I can do?
Thanks for the help guys!
I was able to find a solution linking to the row's ID and not to the anchor link.

WordPress Assistance

I have a problem with a WordPress website I am developing. The main menu on the header used to be transparent as shown in the photo attached however I was changing something and it changed to be not transparent as shown to in the picture attached can someone please help me getting it back to the same look.
The menu look for now which i need to changeThe old menu look i want to restore
It'pretty difficult to answer your question, at least explain what you were changing - theme settings / css or what?
Better you can share the admin where you were trying to change the settings.

What slider plugin is this site using?

Check this page please
If you scroll, you´ll see a box slides from the right with a facebook like box. I'm going crazy to figure what plugin is this.
Can someone help me please?
The plugin's been written by themselves but if you looking for a similar then this is :

Hover on a href view screenshot of site

I have some links like "domain"
i want to have a preview image of the url link when i mouseover it.
is this possible with something like an iframe?
can someone help me with this?
sincerely Rene,
You are probably looking for a mouse over that displays an image (thumbnail of For the mouse over, there are many scripts available: search for "javascript tooltip" (jQuery tools for example).
To get a thumbnail of "", you need to use a web service like URL2PNG or Browshot.

Thumbnail hover popup on wordpress

Graphicriver uses a "Thumbnail hover popup" technique on it's thumbnails.
When you hover on a thumbnail a bigger image is displayed as you can see on my screenshot below:
I believe they are using this:
How can I achieve this on my wordpress blog?
Any ideas guys?
Thanks in advance
You'll need to know how to use jQuery to achieve this effect. Then follow the plugin's instruction here
You may also dig into the demo source code to see how the plugin used.
Sorry, no step by step walkthrough because it is so long and depending on your wordpress setup.
Good luck pal.
