WordPress Assistance - wordpress

I have a problem with a WordPress website I am developing. The main menu on the header used to be transparent as shown in the photo attached however I was changing something and it changed to be not transparent as shown to in the picture attached can someone please help me getting it back to the same look.
The menu look for now which i need to changeThe old menu look i want to restore

It'pretty difficult to answer your question, at least explain what you were changing - theme settings / css or what?
Better you can share the admin where you were trying to change the settings.


Finding source of logo slider

I seen this logo slider on a lot of websites and i need help to either locate where to get it or any ideas to make it.
I tried to look through the sourcecode and can't how it is made.
I guess it is some sort of plugin or theme but not sure?
Example of one of the websites: https://www.webfx.com/

Wordpress - Elementor pro nav align issue

if anyone could help that would be much appricated. in the elementor editor it is all aligned and fine. but as soon as i update and view live version the menu looks like this.
when i hover over policies it appears like this. i have not had an issue before as it has always aligned under the dropdown in the correct position. also the text is aligned to the right and will not change to the left.
Do you have a link to the live page to check the code?
What do you mean with "live view" - are you working with some kind of staging/deployment tool?
Maybe it's a cache problem of either your browser or the server, did you try to clear them? Did you try to view the page still logged into WordPress and not logged in, does that make a difference?

¿How can I edit the main theme of my Wordpress theme with King Composer?

I'm trying to customize a theme that I bought for WordPress.
My knowledge in PHP is null, because I use King Composer as the editor that comes with the subject.
I am starting to modify parts of the theme, but the main cover, which I show in the capture, I can not change the background image of the beginning of my site.
They are two different images that alternate, and the text that each one has.
I leave the link to my site, I guess I offer them a lot so they can help me, but looking for the files I do not know how to edit, so I use King Composer.
I've seen tutórales, but they focused on blog and I did not find a way to solve this, like changing the images of the slider.
Sorry to offer you just this, if you give me more ideas so you can help me.
Thank you.
Your slider is controlled by a plugin called Revolution slider.
You should see an option for this in the wordpress admin menu on the main side bar to the left. You can change the image by finding the correct slide (as i presume there will be multiple) and editing it.
You can find the documentation here: https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/slider-revolution-documentation/

wordpress woocommerce image size - container is stretching the image

First of all, i will apologise for my badly written english, never really went to school. So please be nice.
I have some problems with the website im building in wordpress.
I'm are using "the7" theme.
i have set the size, of the images in the product settings, and regenerated the images, with the plugin that there is recommended. And it it's working fine in the product page. But not in my custom "webshop" page. The container, where the images is stored, is simply to big. and i cant find any way to fix it.
The URL http://www.imobile.dk/webshop/
i would like the image to be 150x150. and it is, but it's is stretched. on my computer (617x617) original is 150x150.
dose anyone has any idea, how to fix this?
i think the theme it self, is overwriting the default settings.
i really need you're guys help.
You can try the following: In your wp-admin go to "appearence" -> "Editor" and then put this in your style.css file:
.woo-buttons-on-img {
max-width: 150px;

Images won't appear in wordpress.org site

Here is the site that I am working on.
Here is an example of the logo image that I want at the top
The theme is mayashop, and I am having issues with the images loading. In the media library I am able to see all the images. In the theme options menu in the backend, it asks me to enter the url of the logo image/ favicon/ etc. into the text field. So for the logo, I am simply pasting that second url from above, save, but I still get the placeholder box, not even the correct size.
I was having a redirect issue earlier and couldn't even view any of the images.
It just kept taking a while to load and coming up with a redirect loop. I found online someone had switched the permalink, so I switched mine from "month and name" to "default" and now I can at least see the images on the second link, but I still cannot figure out why they don't show up in the proper places. I hope this makes sense.
I will also mention that I don't really know any php so if this is what it takes, please be very specific for me, thanks!
You're using the wrong urls for the header image and, possibly, the other images that are giving you trouble as well. Instead of referencing http://afinderskeeper.com/?attachment_id=64, you want to edit that image from the media library and get the file url. It will be something like http://afinderskeeper.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/afk_header_logo.jpg
I am just a random stranger on the internet, but I have to thank you guys! Your solution fixed a problem on my site that has bugged me for ages!
