UIKit 2 (getuikit) - Lightbox - Previous / Next on Touch-Enabled Decives - getuikit

I am using UIKit (getuikit.com version 2, cannot use the version 3 RC at the moment) to display a Lightbox. All works fine except that on iPhone/iPad (I assume it might be all touch-enabled devices), the previous/next arrows don't show, which makes it rather difficult to navigate. How does one enable these arrows either permanently or when I touch the Lightbox somewhere?

Arrows are hidden as on touch devices swipe action is available by default allowing your users to change images by swiping do left or right as they normally do in any other gallery app.
If you still want to show arrows to them, you need to override the class .uk-hidden-touch
.uk-notouch .uk-hidden-notouch,
.uk-touch .uk-hidden-touch {


Full screen in Safari

I am developing a H5 Canvas game using PIXI js.
I am struggling in implementing the ios Safari swipe up to full screen message.
Added a new div with window.width + 1000 px.
It does remove the safari address bars but i am not sure when to remove the div. i.e. i am not able to identify if i am in full mode or not.
Also, what should i do to get back the div enabled if someone accidentally or forcefully comes out of full screen mode?
I am open to use any opensource lib as well but wasn't able to find one except screenfull.js which doesn't supports safari mobile

JavaFX 2 - Autoscroll to last item in exceeded toolbar

I am creating File Manager like Miller column app for windows in JavaFX for learning purpose.
Check the screenshot below:
As you can see, when toolbar exceeds, there comes a double arrow button for more items to select from popup.
I already did auto scroll for miller column, which works as expected.
I would like to auto scroll toolbar to last item and show double arrow on left side.
I am adding adding clickable buttons in toolbar for traversing like manual BreadCumBar.
Tried ControlsFX BreadCumBar, it doesn't even show arrows or popup when exceeds, Bug here : https://bitbucket.org/controlsfx/controlsfx/issues/810/no-double-arrow-popup-like-when.
If its not possible to do so with toolbar, I would like to know how to customize toolbar popup only via css. Or any other way that improve usability easiness.
Also I would love to know suggestions for whole app from expert designers.

2sxc shake edit buttons remain in sight

I installed 8.8. And shaking my phone like a maniac but the edit buttons remain in sight. Is that a known issue or should I be doing something different (like adjusting templates or something).
Kind regards
If a button is visible or not is configured at various levels. So it can be that your buttons are set to always visible - in which case the shake has no effect.
But if you're just using normal buttons which only appear on float, and they already appear (on desktop and mobile) without float/shake, then it's probably something different.
Best to do some more testing to corner the issue.

Bootstrap: Scroll Model to Center Focused Field

Is there any way to make a modal automatically scroll when a form field inside it is focused in order to center it? I think it would be useful when dealing with form in mobile devices with virtual keyboards
Try this bootply http://www.bootply.com/2tPE0xj7GX# with your smartphone and fill the form fields. You will notice the keyboard overlaps the fields
As I said. On every sane mobile OS the focussed input should get perfectly centered in the remaining screen portion. It at least does so on iOS.

iPad SplitView Master View shows but with minor (and incorrect) variation

I'm practicing development of a simple iPad Split View app (Stanford's Hegarty online class). And everything works for the most part. However, the Master side ('left side), although working in landscape mode looks a little different than what I expect it to as a 'popover' in portrait mode. The 'popover' covers the left side of the screen including the toolbar button item that triggered it where normally it should not cover that button.
Unfortunately I can't post images so I'll try my best to describe in more detail. Normally the 'proper' popover will be hovering right below the bar item button that triggered it with a thick arrow-ish thingie (the 'anchor') pointing to the button and not covering that button. The popover can be dismissed by clicking on that button again (or elsewhere on the screen).
What's happening to me, however, is that when I click the bar item button to show the popover, the resulting popover 'covers' the button and essentially fills up the left portion of the screen (the detail view is under it and most of it is showing) with its designated width (so, again, it doesn't cover the entire detail view). The is no 'anchor' arrow pointing to the bar item button since it is obviously covering it instead. The popover is dismissed normally once I click anywhere else on the screen.
So why is my popover covering the button and not simply hovering under it with an 'anchor' pointing to it as it should?
I don't think it it makes much sense to post code at this point because I don't think it'll help and more importantly not sure what portion to post considering this might be a problem with how I wired it in the Builder. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated!
I believe its a change that came in IOS5.1
If you want the same behaviour you probably need to set the master up as a popover segue, from a toolbar button or similar in the detail view, and set the split view delegate to not show the master in portrait.
I'm on the move now but if you want any more info let me know and I'll try and get back to you later.
