LinkedIn member profile plugin isn't working - linkedin

I'm trying to use LinkedIn member profile plugin, but didn't get lucky in making it working reliably.
The issue is that without any visible reason (as far as I can tell) sometimes it's working and displaying profile card (with or without me being logged in into linked in), but sometimes it makes requests behind the scene but displays nothing.
I've noticed though, if I don't have open LinkedIn session, most likely it will fail to display. In case I logged in before, it shows my profile most of the times, but sometimes fails as well. In documentation they didn't say anything about requirement of having an open session, so I assume it should work the same way for all the cases.
To test it I created a simple html file, in a body of which I put a code generated on Linkedin website. See a plunker below as an example of code. I run it on local webserver under http or https, trying different domains, the same thing.
I noticed when result is unsuccessful one of the responses looks like that:
Example of code I'm running:


Google Tag Manager on localhost

I was asked to implement the Google Tag Manager scripts into the React application. I've added the scripts to head and body of my html file. I've tested the site in the Preview mode of GTM and everything seems to working fine. Clicks and route changes are tracked correctly.
I have one doubt... What about the localhost development ? Is it going to generate unnecessary logs on the analytics (which I have no access to)? Or maybe it's just enough to paste the snippets and that's it?
I can't find an answer so that's why I decided to ask here.
If someone has some experience on that topic - please let me know :)
I would advise you to map separate Google Analytics property IDs by either a datalayer variable, URL or custom JavaScript to return a separate property ID based on whether users are accessing your website from either your localhost development environment, your UAT environment (if any) and then your production environment (or others as applicable).
Essentially you're looking at having something that says "if the URL contains "localhost", return my development property ID", then use this variable name in your Google Analytics tag(s) instead of a static value.
Yes, unfortunately all your existing testing is all in your profile because if you had the production property ID configured and fired off a bunch of events and pageviews, it absolutely collected and sent there as part of the debugging experience. Generally though, that's a low concern on a production app because you make up such a small portion of overall traffic; you're just a couple of blips in the larger dataset.

Jmeter Performance test on form losing session

Hi guys i have a very strange problem. I am tasked to conduct several performance tests on an old Webpage (2004 - something).
The module that is under test is created with forms.
Im using Jmeter for the task.
I have used Chrome extention (Blazemeter) to generate the starting script.
But a very strange problem occurs all other pages of the form are fine and dandy... except a page for file upload where upon trying to proceed(Make a POST request) it loses its session and you are redirected to another screen with generic- Would you like to continue last session type of messages appear.
In order to try to debug the problem i wrote a simple Post request on IntelliJ and everything works fine when executed.
I then returned to Jmeter and punched in everything identical to the script and i still get the same problem.
I then decided to try the Jmeter recording proxy ( in case the blazemeter is faulty and assigns some values incorectly) And while i was manualy browsing the form the problem Appears! - when i click on proceed on that specific upload form with the jmeter proxy turned on, it loses session and it shows the "continue last session screen". And i am baffled as to how a simple proxy that records could mess up the sessions. I tried it with a normal proxy (not the Jmeter one) and everything works. So it seems that the problem is in Jmeter or some settings.
Have you guys ever encountered such a problem , or have some insight as to what might cause such behavior. Additional info:
I have worked on form before and i am extracting __VIEWSTATE __EVENTARGUMENT and a couple of other hidden variables from the previous response and passing them to the request.
I am using the Multipart/form-data for the upload file module POST and passing the file properly.
As a standart i am using KeepAlive and Follow Redirects but i have tried Redirect Automatically or all of the above switched off.
There is a Cookie Manager set up on Test Plan level and it is working in HC4 - compatibility(tried all others too) based on the requests its working properly.
Cache Manager to 5000 elements.
Certificates seem to be properly imported (for the Jmeter proxy).
I am at this point baffled as to why Jmeter refuses to act properly and i would be very gratefull if someone could help me.
Hi guys il just post an update since i found a work around. So if i record everything with blazemeter (since jmeter proxy doesnt allow me) and after on the upload step i delete the steps and just write a manual request in the body with multipart/form tick turned off and just write the multipart stuff in the headers it seems to work. I still have no idea why it behaves this way.

I've just bought PAW and registered with their site. How do I use PawPrints?

I've just bought Paw and, while exploring the app found a mention of pawprints, which appear to be some sort of saved snippets or requests or something. I registered with the website and it tells me I have no saved pawprints. I've searched all over the help files and documentation and can't actually see how to create a pawprint, or even a clear definition of what a pawprint actually is.
So my questions are, what are pawprints and how do I use them?
Okay thanks Micha,
From the Blog Post (which Google couldn't find when I searched)
Last May, we launched Pawprint, a quick way to share the requests you tested in Paw. The idea of a getting a short link that you can paste anywhere, sharing what you just see on screen, was very appealing and something we wanted to do almost since the beginning of Paw.
That's handy to report bugs to the API provider (often those backend guys sitting on the other side of the room), or to show to the consumers (often the client folks playing with smartphones and web browsers) how your PATCH endpoint works.
In Paw, just hit ⌘/, and a permalink will be copied. Paste it anywhere from Slack and GitHub tickets, to StackOverflow answers.
You'll also get client code generated in many languages, plus cURL or HTTPie command lines, to run the same request from code.
Apparently the Paw website is being updated now to make this clearer.

Running Canvas app in a Tab

This is my first Facebook app and I'm on quite a tight deadline so forgive me if any of this is a dumb question.
I've set up a Canvas app, I've got it to authenticate by passing the parameters to the facebook URL:
I can then get the user_id and name of the user, which for this particular app is all I need. It runs fine in the Canvas page.
Problem is I can't get it to run in a tab, it always redirects to the Canvas, which is not what I want - I need it to run within the context of my client's Facebook page. I've been trying to find examples of setting it up but everything seems to be out of date compared to what I'm seeing in the App settings.
My settings at the moment are:
App on Facebook
Canvas URL: http://localhost/facebook/
Canvas Page:
Page Tab
Page Tab Name: My test app
Page Tab URL: http://localhost/facebook/
I presume I'm missing something obvious, so if someone can advise I'd be grateful. For what it's worth I'm using .Net webforms and have the C# SDK installed, but don't think I'll need to really use it for this example.
I'm sure its to do with the authorization - I've followed the guide here on how to redirect the page back with the authorization payload, but obviously doing that has kicked it out of the tab and into the main Canvas again. I need to to stay where it is, if such a thing is possible.
localhost points from your local machine to itself. Facebook does not know what localhost relates to and cannot load the app. You need to make your app accessible from outside of your machine.
It was the fact that I was still redirecting the url, when you run in a tab you don't need to redirect to another url to get the user data, it's just there waiting.

IE Security Warning with widgets

I'm creating an ASP.NET application which uses Facebook Connect and fbml tags. It also uses the LinkedIn widget. When I run this app in any browser, there are no warnings and everything works. However, in IE, a message like this comes up:
Security Warning:
The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?
Current site:
Trusted site:http://localhost
(same for I know how to fix this from a client perspective and to stop the security warning showing up. However, is it possible to ensure this message doesn't come up as it could be off putting for users who don't know how to suppress this warning? I haven't tried uploading it to my webhost, so not sure if this message will appear for everyone in production. However, I always get it on my local machine.
(None of my pages use SSL, so I don't think that's the issue. I tried using FB's HTTPS urls but that didn't make a difference).
I have come across the IE message many times. Whilst this might not be the case here I always check in Firebug to see if any requests are going to Https (using Net tab). If may be the case that something you are referencing is itself making a call to something else.
Often you get that message if you are serving an https page and then going to fetch an image over http.
Might not help but is the first thing I do in this situation.
