Jmeter Performance test on form losing session -

Hi guys i have a very strange problem. I am tasked to conduct several performance tests on an old Webpage (2004 - something).
The module that is under test is created with forms.
Im using Jmeter for the task.
I have used Chrome extention (Blazemeter) to generate the starting script.
But a very strange problem occurs all other pages of the form are fine and dandy... except a page for file upload where upon trying to proceed(Make a POST request) it loses its session and you are redirected to another screen with generic- Would you like to continue last session type of messages appear.
In order to try to debug the problem i wrote a simple Post request on IntelliJ and everything works fine when executed.
I then returned to Jmeter and punched in everything identical to the script and i still get the same problem.
I then decided to try the Jmeter recording proxy ( in case the blazemeter is faulty and assigns some values incorectly) And while i was manualy browsing the form the problem Appears! - when i click on proceed on that specific upload form with the jmeter proxy turned on, it loses session and it shows the "continue last session screen". And i am baffled as to how a simple proxy that records could mess up the sessions. I tried it with a normal proxy (not the Jmeter one) and everything works. So it seems that the problem is in Jmeter or some settings.
Have you guys ever encountered such a problem , or have some insight as to what might cause such behavior. Additional info:
I have worked on form before and i am extracting __VIEWSTATE __EVENTARGUMENT and a couple of other hidden variables from the previous response and passing them to the request.
I am using the Multipart/form-data for the upload file module POST and passing the file properly.
As a standart i am using KeepAlive and Follow Redirects but i have tried Redirect Automatically or all of the above switched off.
There is a Cookie Manager set up on Test Plan level and it is working in HC4 - compatibility(tried all others too) based on the requests its working properly.
Cache Manager to 5000 elements.
Certificates seem to be properly imported (for the Jmeter proxy).
I am at this point baffled as to why Jmeter refuses to act properly and i would be very gratefull if someone could help me.

Hi guys il just post an update since i found a work around. So if i record everything with blazemeter (since jmeter proxy doesnt allow me) and after on the upload step i delete the steps and just write a manual request in the body with multipart/form tick turned off and just write the multipart stuff in the headers it seems to work. I still have no idea why it behaves this way.


URLRewrite rules randomly not being loaded - Intershop

EDIT1: intershop.urlrewrite.CheckSource is turned off already
We are recently having quite big problems with URL rewrite rules not being loaded in test and production multi-node environments.
The problem started happening after introducing another organization and it's related application onto the servers.
From then on we have tried multiple changes and debugging methods to try to figure it out, but without any result.
Also the major problem is that it doesn't happen all the time and server restart can fix it but not always.
Here are the details so far how the problem manifests (this has been going on for more than a month now on our production system):
Most of the time it starts happening after the deploy of new code and starting up the server
Then multiple people from multiple computers and locations try opening the website and some open it and others get either 404 or "URL invalid" page, so its 50/50.
On the PC where someone successfully opens page, if you try again in incognito mode then you may get again 404(probably connects to another node/appserver).
Usually the problem is resolved either by server restart or by restarting a single node(no code or configuration changes) although this is no reliable way and on the last occurrence we tried multiple restarts and it didn't help. After a few days one of the team members restarted only a single node for debugging purposes and then it started working normally again.
After setting up more detailed log messages and turning on debug messages for URL rewrite classes we have come to the conclusion that the rule loading fails. We have come to this conclusion because we have added debug message on the very start of our applyExpand() method and it never gets shown. This can be observed on the image below:
All of this leads to conclusion that iterator on line 149 is empty.
Please advise on possible causes of this problem and how to resolve it.
The rule loading is implemented so that it's possible to edit/add/remove rules on-the-fly without need to restart the web server. This happens when the property intershop.urlrewrite.CheckSource is set to true. For this, the last-modified time of the file is evaluated. Maybe this doesn't work correctly.
I would recommended to set this property to false and test again if the problems still occur.
With the help of IS support, we have managed to figure out that the problem was that the URL rewrite rules were in a cartridge that wasn't part of every possible application on server which would result in undefined behavior when loading them (it would load on one appserver and on another it wouldn't).
The fix was to add a new common cartridge for all possible applications which would then hold urlrewrite rules and which would definitely be loaded on server startup.

Can't navigate through ASP.NET website while Jmeter recorder is running

The title pretty much says it all. When I'm running HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, one particular page becomes unresponsive - when I click on something it just reloads. The recorder itself is working fine, it is recording every step. And the problem is not proxy related. I've successfully recorded other pages of the same website. When I'm not recording, there are no problems.
It's a .NET 3.5 project.
The page itself has a lot of forms, file uploads, etc, but as far as I know, it should not interfere with recording or even more - with browsing the page. When debugging the project, no breakpoints are hit, so I assume that something gets lost before reaching the server.
Browsers that I've tried: tried FF, Chrome, Edge, IE.
Tried recording the web locally and online. Same thing.
Played around (reinstalled and whatnot) with certificates, didn't help.
Has anyone encountered such a problem? What could be done to fix this? I'm more interested in finding the solution, than a way around (blazemeter, badboy). Any help would be very appreciated.
EDIT: I tried recording with blazemeter and it worked. But when looking at view results tree I noticed that the request path and parameters don't change, even when in the HTTP Request Sampler they are different. So there's no solution yet
This often happens to me and what I've found is that JMeter changes the root certificate in the bin folder every week. So usually the HTTP traffic is fine but certain HTTPS traffic won't work. So make sure that your browsers are seeing the latest JMeter certificate and not using an old one that doesn't exist anymore. On Windows, Chrome and IE use the certificates in Internet Options, while Firefox needs to have it added to it manually.
It turns out that in Test Script Recorder HTTP Sampler Settings choosing Type: Java was all that was needed. I suspect that the issue was related to file upload being involved.

Strange GET/POST requests in firebug

I have just started a MVC project and I faced with a very strange behavior.
When I run it it displays me some empty Home/Index
But when I go to firebug I see tens of very strange and endless requests, like this one:
GET http:// localhost :58567/3a5679dd22ba46d1993...%00101+Firefox%2F33.0&tid=7&_=1417193472430
And such the requests go one after another one and don't stop, although I don't trigger any action.
I don't understand where they come from. My app does not send any request and previously I've never faced with such the behavior. In my previous experience firebug showed me only the requests I made.
Please advise.
These requests come from the "Browser Link" feature in Visual Studio, they're not something you'll have manually added. There's more detail on the feature at , including how to disable it if you don't need it.

ASP.NET 2.0 website white screen of death

I am encountering a strange issue which is only affecting several users from an over 7000 user-base. Having searched the web for several hours to no avail, I'm hoping someone here can help!
I have an ASP.NET 2.0 website and when certain users try to access the home page (Default.aspx) they receive a white screen with no content loaded. This issue is occurring both in production environment and if I run the solution against a copy of production data. So I am able to replicate the exact same issue when I pseudo the problematic users.
When debugging the application in VS2005 and set a breakpoint in the code behind in the Default.aspx, the breakpoints are fired/hit so I know the request is working. The problem seems to be once the server has finished serving the request, the response back to the client/browser is empty.
Here's another strange thing I've noticed. If I alter the HTML in Default.aspx by adding a new white line or whitespace, the page will load fine for the same set of users. I thought I had resolved the issue with this fix but unfortunately the white screen issue just manifests itself once again.
Within Default.aspx, there's some AJAX requests using jQuery .load function but this can't be the issue because this functionality exists for every user of the site. The only variable is the amount of content returned within this request can vary depending on the user. But why would it resolve itself when I put a whitespace or whiteline in the page and then manifest itself hours later?
Another thing to note is it's only Default.aspx that is encountering this issue. If I browse to another page by typing in a page in the address bar, the page is served OK.
Hope someone can point me in the right direction on how I can debug or even resolve the issue.
It sounds like your ajax is the cause but without seeing some code, it's difficult to know why.
It could be a timeout, or an error that is preventing the ajax from completing it's function.
You need to use a tool like Charles or Fiddler to debug what is happening whilst the page loads whilst logged in as these users. In a nutshell, a tool like Charles will display all the detail surrounding requests made and responses served to the browser, including any failed responses.
I think it has to do with http headers, caching or encoding. But I cannot tell more without code.
Is output caching enabled for this page?
Can you give us the raw http headers for both the request and response?
If a white screen appears, will it be fixed by pressing ctrl+f5?

How to Test an AJAX Installation

Is there a simple and foolproof way we can test an AJAX installation? We have a problem in calling a webscript using AJAX form a JS file. The error is 'ServiceLib' is not defined. The error gets a few hits on Google.
We've added some AJAX functionality to a customer's app. This works fine here in the office on dev machines and on our IIS Server, it works fine on the customer's test web site, but when we put the app on the live site, the webscript calls fail.
The customer installed AJAX on their live server a few days ago. We've verified that the service lib files are there and in the right places.
We've already spent hours on this with no solution and still do not know for sure whether there is something wrong with our code, or something is wrong on their server, or for that matter, whether AJAX is even correctly installed. Part of our problem is that we have no access to their live server, so there is not much we can do other than change lines in our own code, give the app files to our contact there, and see what happens. The contact knows less than we do, so we are working blind. A strange situation, I know, but there is beaurocracy involved.
Many thanks
Mike Thomas
Firebug might help - if you can get someone at the far end to install it, it may be able to give you an insight into what is going on with the ajax requests via its console, which logs and gives you the ability to view the return data of all ajax requests.
I'm thinking...
There are three parts to the process:
1) The client-side javascript logic in the browser sends the HTTP request to the server.
2) The server-side ASP.NET page processes it and responds.
3) The client-side logic receives the response and updates the web page, or whatever.
Swap out each part with something simpler and diagnostic to see where in the pipeline the break is.
For example, create a diagnostic webpage that's a substitue for #1 that calls the server-side page directly.
If that seems to work, create a different server-side ASP.NET page that's very simple, just logs something, to prove that the real #1 does what your diagnostic #1 did.
Ya know, your standard debugging binary search...
