How to change the iOS Simulator "window background color" (Full Screen, Xcode 10, Mojave, Dark Mode) - ios-simulator

Mojave (macOS 10.14) is great.
Xcode 10.0 (10A254a) is great.
Dark Mode is great.
What is not so great, unless I'm missing something, is this ugly gray background of the iOS simulator window (when in full screen):
Any idea on how to change that color?

If anybody still struggles with this here is somewhat a solution: toggle "Show Device Bezels" in the window menu of the simulator will do the trick. However this needs to be done each time the simulator is started....

I have the answer you seek.
Boot into recovery mode (Cmd+R while booting) and then open the Terminal.
cd /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD //if your drive is named something different, replace accordingly
csrutil disable //disables System Integrity Protection
mkdir AppleInternal //activates testing and custom commands in Apple apps, including Simulator
csrutil enable //re-enable System Integrity Protection
reboot //back to regular environment
Now there's an "Internal" menu in the Simulator. In here, you can change loads of settings including the window's background color. It uses the regular OS X colour picker so you can even choose a hex code.

The correct answer to this (I'm on Catalina 10.15.7): Change your desktop background to the desired color. The simulator adapts to the color with a different opacity (or alpha?!) value when in fullscreen mode.


Firefox not respecting user media(prefers-color-scheme: dark)

I am using the following css with #media(prefers-color-scheme: dark) in order to display a dark site version to users who have a dark mode selection on OS level. When I switch Dark or Light mode preference via Windows, the site will automatically change in Chrome. However, in Firefox, Opera, Edge it always displays the dark version, no matter the OS preference. Why is this so?
I am of the opinion that you can't do that or only in part to get/read.
You will not get the right settings for the mode selection on OS level with the browser every time for every user.
You got different os's & browser's with different settings what the browser will share.
Check this:
The method by which the user expresses their preference can vary. It might be a system-wide setting exposed by the Operating System, or a setting controlled by the user agent.
Detecting the desire for light or dark color schemes: the prefers-color-scheme feature
How to detect if OS X is in dark mode?
How to detect if the OS is in dark mode in browsers?
How do I detect dark mode using JavaScript?

Why does the keyboard not appear on the iPhone X simulator in Xcode 9?

I just ran an app that I am developing on the iPhone X simulator in Xcode 9.1. The soft keyboard doesn't appear when I tap inside of a UITextView. It works fine in the iPhone 8 simulator. To trouble shoot I ran the calendar app on the iPhone X simulator and selected the search icon. Again, no keyboard popped up.
Anyone else seeing this behavior or have a fix?
The reason this was happening to me was because the hardware keyboard was on, so the soft keyboard wouldn't appear. Shift + CMD + K fixed it. Not sure why that was on by default though.
In my case the keyboard is affected by the blue-tooth selfie stick. Reset iPhone blue-tooth which disconnects the selfie stick fixed the problem.

iOS 7 Simulator showing screen but not phone

Installed Xcode 5 and compiled my app to use iOS 7. However when I run the simulator it only shows the screen of the phone and not the complete phone e.g. the phone body with the home button. Can continue developing my app but would like to understand where I am going wrong. Grateful for any help.
The Retina Versions of the iOS Simulator iPhone does no longer have the iPhone frame, which is kind of sad.
The only way to have the frame back is to run the App in iOS 6.1 mode of the non-Retina iPhone. But I guess, that does not make much sense...
When active simulator device and then select this option
window -> Show Device Bezels
simulator without frame
simulator with frame
In iOS Simulator, Go to Window -> Scale -> 100% or Command-1.
You can adjust the scale size as you wish using Command-2 for 75% and Command-3 for 50%
I lost the iphone frame on the simulator after I plugged into a projector. After messing around with the display settings, I finally was able to restore the iphone frame:
Go to System Preferences -> display and set it to scaled, More Space. Now in your iOS simulator, set the scale to 100% (CMD+1).
Hope that works for you too.
I think you guys need the iPhone frame to press the home button/close background tasks in simulator.
Use Cmd key+shift+H for Home button operation
Use Cmd Key+ shift+H(press H twice holding window and shift) Displays list of background tasks
Are you using the latest XCode build?
In the first Beta-version of Xcode 5, the simulator use to not show the external iPhone frame.

Size of iPad Simulator is too big in XCodes 4.3.2

Now i am using macbook pro with 13 inches.
Yesterday i upgraded XCodes version to 4.3.2.
In that iPad Simulator is too big and iPad Retina Simulator is also too big.
It's not fix my screen.
iPad Retina Simulator size is take all of my screen and it's can only show iPad's dock.
I can't see overview iPad screen.
I always scroll down and up to test.
When i change Simulator's Window > Scale into 75 %, It's still too big.
50% is too small and can't see anything clearly.
When i develop with XCodes 4.2 , iPad Simulator is fix size and okay to test.
I want iPad simulator size fix my screen.
Is there anyways?
If my question is out of question, so sorry for that.
Maybe it's because the iPad 3 have a really large resolution (2048x1536). That's more than most computer screens. You will need to zoom out to display the entire screen just because of this, or you must get a larger (higher resolution) screen for your computer if you don't want to scale the program.
The reason for this is that the iPad 3 have much tighter pixel density than most other computer screens so each pixel on the iPad is smaller than each pixel on your computer screen.
What you can do is make the simulator start by suppressing the title bar and your dock if it happens to be shown.
Follow these steps, please be responsible and back-up your files before editing anything as I do not take responsibility for things going wrong.
Before you start close any running simulators.
In Finder Press CMD+SHIFT+G and enter the folder /Applications/; this folder may differ for you depending on your location of the simulator/SDK.
Backup the file called Info.plist
Copy Info.plist to your home directory.
Double click Info.plist in your home directory. You will be presented with the plist editor.
Select the first entry called Information Property List and click the plus (+) sign immediately to the right.
Enter Application UI Presentation Mode into the Key field of the new entry, tip: it will auto populate after typing Application UI.
Enter 4 in the Value field, this will then change to All Suppressed.
Save and close the file.
Replace the original plist file with this new one, remember to back the original up first.
Now when you run the simulator it will not show the menu bar when it becomes active. The reason you needed to copy the file to your home directory is because you do not have write permission to it. It also stops you mucking it up and preventing the simulator running while editing the file.
You can apply this trick to any application by finding it's plist file, thus I also change to do this too.
You will need to scale the simulator to 75%, however it will now be almost the full height of the screen with no loss of the iPad window.
Now It's more flexible with Xcode 9- Simulator. You can pick & drag any corner or simulator to resize it and set it according to your requirement.
Look at this snapshot.

Chrome renders colours differently from Safari and Firefox

Chrome renders #FF3A00 as #FF0000 for some reason. I included a screenshot from jsfiddle to illustrate the point. The colour that the Color Meter reports (and what I see) differs from what CSS says.
This happens to other colours too. For example, #FFAF00 is rendered as #FFA400 according to the Color Meter.
However, the colours are rendered without problems on Safari and Firefox. I'm on a Mac using Chrome 11, Safari 5 and Firefox 5.
I'm sure there's a logical explanation. Any ideas?
Update: I'm attaching a screenshot of Chrome next to Safari showing the very same page. I checked this image in Photoshop: the colours are #F00 in Chrome and #FF3A00 in Safari.
Ok, as it turned out, I needed to restart my Chrome. I often connect my macbook air to a 24 inch monitor. It looks like Chrome displays the colours incorrectly when I change to a monitor that's different from what was used when Chrome was started.
I found the answer on the Google Help forum : "I should mention that in OS X, every time you change your monitor or monitor profile (e.g. if you switch from your laptop display to your external display), you MUST restart Chrome for it to get the proper monitor profile information from the OS."
By default both Firefox and Safari use the sRGB color profile. You must do the same, if your Google Chrome takes a different color profile as default.
Access at Chrome: chrome://flags/#force-color-profile
Change Force color profile to "sRGB".
Relaunch your browser and testify the rendered colors now.
I recently posted a similar question:
As Andrew Marshall answered there, this is a known issue:
Mac has color correction set up for your monitor. Your browser may or may not use color correction for web content/images depending on its setup. Your color picker reports what your OS thinks it is rendering. Your browser may report something else.
Color on computers. Something many of us take for granted but never bothered to understand how it is rendered.
Chrome color picker works by taking color from current monitor color profile,and the problem may happens by changing color setting or sometime change monitor, please check the below method to solve.
Go to chrome://flags/#force-color-profile and click Reset all to default
In case someone else come here because firefox images looks too colorful (over saturated).
Full guide on how to fix it
Type in about:config on your Firefox address bar
Set gfx.color_management.mode to 1
Set gfx.color_management.enablev4 to true
Restart firefox
Now Firefox will display colors same as Safari, Chrome and all other browsers
I changed the Colour Profile in OS X and that sorted it for me.
See the screenshots below using different Color Profile. Note, in the screenshots I'm trying to differentiate between #ff00ff, #ff1aff, #ff33ff and #ff4dff. It's only when I don't choose the default OS X colour profile that I can differentiate the colours correctly.
Default colour profile:
With a different colour profile:
From: CSS colors on OS X displaying correctly in Firefox but incorrectly in Safari and Chrome (potentially 'solved')
I found Safari and Chrome could not differentiate between #ff00ff, #ff1aff, #ff33ff and #ff4dff. But Firefox could. In addition Inkscape, an X11 app, could. But Gimp and Libreoffice Writer, non X11 apps, could not. Firefox and X11 apps seem to be using their own colour profile somehow.
I have no idea why Mac defaults to Color LCD profile which does not do this differentiation amongst others.
Had this problem with Chrome (Lubuntu) when exporting a PNG in Photoshop. Solution: File -> Save As -> Uncheck "ICC Profile: Adobe RGB (1998)".
