Record set-up in a page in PeopleSoft - peoplesoft

Wanted to ask if someone here knows how to set-up records as prompt table in pages through PeopleSoft.
So I have this EXT_ORG_ID (External Org ID Field) in my Level 0, and an ACCOUNT (Account Number) field in my level 1.
Now my ACCOUNT field has a prompt table named TP_ORG.
Inside TP_ORG are 6 fields:
where EXT_ORG_ID, ACCOUNT and EFFDT are my keys. EXT_ORG_ID as the highest key.
Now it is my understanding that given that EXT_ORG_ID is a key to TP_ORG that it should show some results in my prompt table TP_ORG,
The problem is that it doesn't pull any. It doesn't even show the EXT_ORG_ID value in the level 0.
I dont know if this is enough information to give but can anyone help me about this?


Nested Subquery in Oracle Apex 20.1 chart

for my chart in Oracle Apex 20.1 i want to implement a nested subquery where data shown depends on someones permission in a team.
I have on table (ASSESS_TEAM) with team and the columns:
Furthermore, I have a second table (PROJECT_TEAM) where one can create a new team and add owners and members and rights with the following columns:
For my chart I need to create secure view where only the creator, the team owner and the members can view the assessed team with the results. So I need to check if the logged user is in a project team or not. If so, he can see the chart and vice versa.
My current approach is to use a nested subquery. But although the code seems valid nothing every record is shown in the chart without a filter
The code:
SELECT date, result, department, name from assess_team
where exists
(SELECT creator, owner, member from project_team
name = :PX_ID
(creator= :APP_USER OR owner= :APP_USER OR member= :APP_USER ));
I also tried to join the two table, but then i get multiple entries in my chart, since there can be multiple owners and members in a team.
Any idea on how to solve this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
You can use corrects structure
SELECT date, result, department, name
from assess_team at
where exists
(SELECT * from project_team
WHERE name =
AND name = :PX_ID
AND (creator= :APP_USER OR owner= :APP_USER OR member= :APP_USER ));
More details :

Go to different main table from same field AX 2012

I have a InvoiceAccount field in table. And another field in this table is PackingSlipAXType. If PackingSlipAXType is Sales, InvoiceAccount field value is customer account. If type is PurchReturn, InvoiceAccount field value is vendor account.
When value is customer account, when right click and go to main table i want to go Customer
When value is vendor account, when right click and go to main table i want to go vendor.
How can i do this in same field?
There are two primary ways. One is code and the other is using native MorphX and Conditional Table Relations. Code gives you more flexibility, but conditional table relations are simpler and "just work".
Conditional Table Relations
Using conditional table relations. I created a new table and AccountNum would represent a customer or vendor account, and the base enum SalesPurch is used to indicate if it is a Customer Account (Sales) or a Vendor Account (Purch). Similar to your setup.
See conditional table relations -
See here for more info too.
Custom JumpRef & Lookup
You will likely want both a jumpRef and a lookup to both go to the correct main table and lookup the correct values.. This is code, but you have all the flexibility in the world...but may not need it.
Jumpref -
Lookup -
Jumpref example at \Data Dictionary\Tables\TmpCostAllocationBase_RU\Methods\jumpRefAgreement
Lookup example at \Data Dictionary\Tables\TmpCostAllocationBase_RU\Methods\lookupAgreement

how to send emails to users in data type in PEGA

i have a data table with employee info namely id, name, company, salary and emailaddress. i want to send emails to employees with salary greater than an amount using an activty. please help me with steps.
I have tries obj browse with select salary>amount-> then loop through embedded pages and then tried to property-set .emailid(property to store emailid from table) = pxresult().emailaddress. But the problem is pxresult(x) contain only salary property because of select condition, I don't know how to get the emailid property from table.
Help is very much appreciated.
In the Obj-Browse method you can add all properties. You can include emailaddress property as well.
Check below example
Now you can do pxresult().Email property.

How to search if a value exists in table

I am trying to delete records via GUI. I have a text input in my section mapped with property (.EID) which intakes employee ID (for example 1) and when i click a button 'delete' that particular record should be deleted from DB. I have written an activity that successfully deletes.
But I want to display a message if the entered employee ID is not present in the table. For example if I have already deleted record 1 and the user again tries to delete record 1 it should display a message saying "employee doesn't exist, please enter existing ID". I have used obj-open->obj-delete->commit to delete the records.
Please help me how to achieve this.
I have attached screenshot of my GUI, for example i have already deleted record no 2, so when user again enters 2 and clicks on delete button it should display a message saying "no such user".
You can launch a local action(flow action) on the delete button.
In the pre-processing of the flow action call one activity. Pass the employee id as parameter to the activity.
In the activity do obj-browse on the table and add filter on employeeid column.
Store the count of obj-browse in a property. If the count of the obj-browse is greater than 0 then delete the record.
The section of flow action will display 2 messages based on when condition. One message will become active when count is greater than zero which will display Account deleted and another message will get active when count is zero which will display account does not exist.

Get Requsition ID based on PO

In FSCM I am looking to modify the Search view on Add/Update PO page (Main Menu--> Purchasing--> Purchase Orders--> Add/Update POs) to display the Requisition ID associated with the PO in the search results page. The only table I have found that has both PO_ID and REQ_ID is PS_PO_LINE_DISTRIB however unless I use a SELECT DISTINCT clause I will get multiple PO_ID rows when there are more than 1 line on a PO.
Within Purchase Order Inquiry you can see the related Requisition ID's related to a PO by clicking on Document Status link inside the Purchase Order inquiry details page.
I started looking at the PeopleCode within the the Purchase Order Inquiry to see how they are linking the PO to a Requisition and it appears to use work tables with related PeopleCode function libraries, but I wasn't able to figure our how they get linked. I am hoping someone else may know the answer to this. Thank you.
I'm on an old version of PeopleSoft (SCM 8.80, Tools 8.51), so your mileage may vary. I'm assuming you're familiar with App Designer. If not, comment below and I'll add some details about what I'm clicking on.
Find the name of the Add/Update PO component.
Open the PURCHASE_ORDER component in App Designer. Now let's find the name of the search record. Note that there is a different record for the Add Search Record, so if you want to change that too, do all of this for that record as well.
Open the PO_SRCH record, and add the REQ_ID field to it. Make sure you mark the field as a key. You should consider saving your modified PO_SRCH under a new name in case you want to be able to revert to vanilla PeopleSoft. If you do, change the Search Record in the component to your new record name.
We can see that PO_SRCH is a view. So let's modify the view to pull in REQ_ID from PO_LINE_DISTRIB. As you mentioned above, there doesn't appear to be another table with both PO_ID and REQ_ID, so you'll have to do a SELECT DISTINCT.
We should do a LEFT OUTER JOIN instead of a standard join because if you do a standard join and you enter a purchase order with no lines and save it, then you'll never be able to retrieve that purchase order in this window. Since REQ_ID is a key field, we can't have a null, so we have to do the CASE.
One odd thing that I ran into here was building the view now gave me an error about selecting fewer columns in the SQL than I had in my record definition. I solved it by modifying the view for SQL Server. I've never had to do that before and I don't know why I had to do it for this specific record. But anyway, I entered the same SQL under the record's "Microsoft SQL Server" definition.
In the properties of PO_SRCH, we can see that it has a related language record. If you're only using one language, you can probably get away without changing this, but I'll do it for completeness. Open PO_SRCHLN. Now add REQ_ID to it (mark it as a key field like you did above), and save it as PO_SRCHLN2 (I'm saving it under a new name so I don't break anything else that may be using PO_SRCHLN).
Edit the SQL the same was as you did above. Note: I didn't have to also change the Microsoft SQL Server definition like I did above. I have no idea why.
Now build PO_SRCHLN2.
Go back to PO_SRCH and change its related language record to PO_SRCHLN2.
Now build PO_SRCH.
Hopefully you didn't get any errors and your search page has the requisition ID in it now. My system doesn't use requisitions so they're all blank in the example below, but the new field is there.
