Customizing Asp .Net Identity External Authentication Buttons in Web Forms - css

I am working on a project where I am using the Asp .Net Identity External login functionality.
Using the
I have enabled the external login functionality and it shows the external login buttons on the login page. But they are plain white buttons.
I want to display these buttons instead of the above-displayed buttons.
The CSS file that I am using is available Zocial CSS file link.
I have looked into the contents available at Pretty social login buttons for ASP.NET MVC 5 but code here is being implemented in MVC and it's not working for me on the Asp.Net Web Form.


Browser popup window in angular2 application with mvc

I am a developer and currently analysing our existing web form application to migrate in new client side technology using "MVC with angular2 and Web Api".
In my existing web form application the login and landing (dashboard page after login) open in main browser window other than this all pages are opening as a browser popup window when user clicks on menu, hyper links or buttons, this was the client requirement and they still need same behaviour in new technology as well.
During my study to implement "MVC, angular2 and Web Api" I found some comments like using browser popup window in (SPA) angular2 application is against its concept! even I did not found a single example in angular2 application to open a popup window for same application page! can some one help me on this? I am unable to take decisions to start implementation due to this issue, as the basic need of my application is browser popup window.
We are opening screens like this in popup.

can we build web application without masterpage in it

I want to build web application for a college in Microsoft 3.5 framework which i have actions to database and login controls for each of the college members,but i feel working without master page in it for the web application. Is it possible ?Can you Please Specify
Yes, it's possible. Right click on your project, select Add > Add New Item > Web Form
Web Form does not use a master page while the "Web Form with Master Page" option does.

How CMS handles postback for integrated web applications?

Currently I am working on a project to integrate legacy application (ASP.NET) with a content management system. There are two web servers, one act as cms server which is public facing and other the legacy application website behind the firewall. CMS drive the show to render header, footer, left and right info pans and menu.
My requirement is to show the legacy application aspx pages inside a content area of cms. Everything works fine except postback. The form submits to cms website whereas I want it to postback to legacy application.
How CMS or SharePoint achieve this? For example if a webpart is having a submit button which postbacks,
how SharePoint submit the form to webpart? What is the architecture behind this?
I'm not sure what you are asking. You're talking about a legacy application hosted in some kind of Iframe and it not being able to post back? Well of course?!
In SharePoint when you build a WebPart you can just use any server side method and it automatically posts back - just regular ASP.NET there, nothing special.
Sometimes a PostBack is called via Javascript for which the _doPostBack() Javascript method is used.

how to generate thumnail of my site's home page in

how could i dynamically generate few thumbnail of my site's home page and shows them in another page. please help
it can be done using WebBrowser control in .NET framework 2.0
here are some other links
Build A Self-Caching ASP.NET Web Site Thumbnail Control
Creating Website Thumbnails in ASP.NET
or a third party web service like WebShots or thumbalizr

Create Thumbnail from url using 2.0

Can any one help me on how to create a thumbnail from a url.
when the user saves a link, i want to show the screenshot of the web page as a thumbnail
i am using 2.0
Thank You
If you need to do this yourself, you can use the Winforms WebBrowser control in an ASP.NET application, with a few caveats:
It needs to run in a single threaded apartment thread
It might not work on all pages, such as pages which require Javascript or Flash interaction
Here are a few links to some walkthroughs:
Build A Self-Caching ASP.NET Web Site Thumbnail Control
How To Get Web Site Thumbnail Image In ASP.NET
I'd look at using a webservice like thumbalizr or WebShotsPro.
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