can we build web application without masterpage in it -

I want to build web application for a college in Microsoft 3.5 framework which i have actions to database and login controls for each of the college members,but i feel working without master page in it for the web application. Is it possible ?Can you Please Specify

Yes, it's possible. Right click on your project, select Add > Add New Item > Web Form
Web Form does not use a master page while the "Web Form with Master Page" option does.


I want to use ASP.Net Web form master page in MVC views

I am able to add MVC in my Web form project. From here on wards we have decided to develop new pages in MVC.
Now I want to use master page used in web form into the MVC views.
How I am able to apply web form master page to the MVC view page?
I am using visual studio 2019.
you can use from ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
and #RenderBody is Body of your form
_Layou.cshtml is the same with web form master page.

How to create a new user in aspnetdb, when using asp:login control

I need to add the capability to create a user in an app built using the asp:Login control.
How do I do this?
Have you taken a look at the Web Site Administration Tool?
To access the Web Site Administration
Tool, on the Website menu, click
ASP.Net Configuration.

How to add silverlight project to ASP.NET project?

I have a silverlight application project that I need to add to an ASP.NET Project. I know it can be done because you can choose to have both when you first create a silverlight project, i'm just not sure how you would do it after the fact. Any Ideas?
First of all Add a new website to your Silverlight application(if there are now ASP.NET website in your solution), by Right-clicking on the ProjectSolution >Add>New Website.
Now Rightclick on the ASP.NET website and Click Proporties.Now Click on the Silverlight Applications Tab. Now click on Add , and select Use an existing Project in the solution. Now You wil be able to see the Silverlight Applications name .Now Click on Add again to add the silverlight application to ASP.NET website.
After that , Set the ASP.NET website as Startup Project and ..TestPage.aspx as the Start Page.
Just add the web application to your solution and go to your web project properties and under silverlight tab add your sl app

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint

How to add custom ASP.NET pages into sharepoint?
I am very new to sharepoint but what I realized is that I can only make plain text pages or links. but what if I have a website already built in ASP.NET and want to add it through sharepoint.
Or is it possible to build the website itself from sharepoint including dynamic server side controls like buttons, trees ....
Simple answer: put your *.aspx files in inside the _layouts folder, usually located at
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\
afterwards you can access you page (named page1.aspx for example) through the sharepoint site by:
http://your site name/_layouts/page1.aspx
You can have inline code and/or code-behind, just like in a normal aspx page.
However, please note that pages added through this method are called application pages, meaning that they cannot be customized (easily) by the user and are available under all site collections in your farm.
SharePoint supports another kind of pages, called Site Pages which are site-specific, you can read more about them here.
See these questions which should cover everything you need:
How would you convert an ASP.NET site to work as a SharePoint site?
Moving from custom ASP.NET application to Sharepoint Services
Deploying custom applications to same IIS site as Sharepoint
SharePoint - ASP.Net Controls Integration
Sharepoint controls in ASP.NET application
Also this page on SharePoint Dev Wiki.
This Visual How To walks you through the process of creating an application page step by step.
Creating an Application Page in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
The presenter of the video, Ted Pattison, has a book that is a great resource to help you get up and started with SharePoint development.
Inside Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
If you want some .aspx-Pages in a SharePoint-Website, you can build a SharePoint-Module Feature containing the .aspx-Pages.
See How to: Provision a File and Create and Use a SharePoint Feature Package

Select a Master Page in Web Developer Express

The dialog box for adding a web form to a web project in Visual Studio has a checkbox to 'Select Master Page'. This checkbox doesn't exist in the Web Developer Express Edition. Is there a simple alternative to attach a Master Page while adding a new web form in the Express Version?
You are most likely building a web application project instead of a website project.
Website projects have the "select master page" checkbox option. Web application projects do not; instead you should:
Add new item
Select the "Web Content Form" template (instead of the Web Form template)
Select the master page to use
