Accessing datasets for AutoML Vision API - google-cloud-vision

I have found GET request url for getting datasets from documentation as below: (Concreting is dataset name)
In response I am getting 404 file not found error so there is something missing in url.
can you please provide me correct documentation link which I should refer?

{name} needs to be the fully qualified identifier of the dataset in format projects/{project-id}/locations/us-central1/datasets/{dataset-id}.
Dataset IDs are not unique across projects so you need to specify your Project ID in the REST endpoint URL.
You can find an example in the docs using the analogous DELETE method.
In your case, this should be something like:
projectId=$(gcloud config get-value project)
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \$projectId/locations/us-central1/datasets/Concreting


How to send a file in a url via curl?

I have an image in a URL like and I want to send it over to be stored at Could I send it directly as a URL instead of a file from a path? I tried the below but it only stores the image URL.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIwetertyrtyUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ikp" -H "Content-Type: image/png" --data "" --url ""
P/S: I'm testing on windows curl.
According to the API docs (, it will accept multipart/form-data for this type of POST.
You can try using -F/--form instead, for which a good example exists on the curl man page (
curl -F "web=#index.html;type=text/html"

How do I access Firestore using CURL with an API Key and service account token?

I am trying to access my Firestore database using cURL from a terminal session. I have read through the REST API documentation for Firestore and the Authentication documentation for authenticating Oauth and services accounts. I have set up a services accounts and IAM roles in API dashboard. I cannot determine from the documentation what the correct path and syntax and what do use for the API Key and the BEARER token. For example, I am trying to receive a json response for the USER xyz, document field FNAME that is stored in a Firestore DATABASE (note - where do i find the the databaseID?) that is in PROJECT testproject.
Here is the CURL command lists in the documentation -
curl \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
curl --request POST \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{}' \
Questions are - what do I use for the [YOUR_API_KEY] ?
What do I use for the [YOUR ACCESS TOKEN] -
I have tried the following from credentials for a Service account that I set up
Service account - Key - 3......................e76
Unique ID - 1............39
for the API KEY and the ACCESS TOKEN and get a 403 error back
I also have a Oauth credentials -
Client ID -
Client Secret - L......lq
Which didn't work either...
Again, I am trying to access and read and write data to my Firestore database using CURL - as a proxy for what will be my REST API's. Any help and assistance much appreciated.
From the curl commands you have pasted I understand that you want to export your firestore collections to a Cloud Storage bucket. Furthermore I understand you obtained the curl commands from the api explorer of the exports method.
To provide an api key value to [YOUR_API_KEY], you first need to create an api key in your GCP project; here is the process:
Go to the credentials section.
Click on the option at the top called 'Create Credentials'.
Select API key.
Copy and keep safe the value thrown by the Cloud Console (this is your api key).
If you want to know more about API keys, you can visit this.
To provide an oauth token value, you can do the following:
You can open Cloud Shell.
Run command gcloud auth application-default print-access-token.
Copy and keep safe the value thrown by Cloud Shell (this is your oauth token).
Please note that there are several ways to create an oauth token but the one I specified is the fastest one. You may also use the oauth playground to generate your token; keep in mind that the token is valid for 60 minutes.
As per the database id I have used (default) and here I include my curl statement:
curl --request POST \
'[PROJECT_ID]/databases/(default):exportDocuments?key=[YOUR_API_KEY]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"collectionIds":["users"],"outputUriPrefix":"gs://[BUCKET_PATH]"}' \

Gitlab - How to list all merge requests for a branch from a bash shell?

I have a project with many branches and I would like to list all merge requests from a specific branch from the console.
I found the merge requests API and I also found that I need an HTTP request to do it from this issue like this:
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXXX" -X GET ""
But I haven't figured out yet how. The response is this:
{"message":"404 Project Not Found"}
Although the name of the project is correct.
project_name in your example should actually be fully namespaced project name or project ID.
eg: If your project called myproject is under a group called mygroup, the api call would be:
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXXX" -X GET ""
If you want to use project ID instead, you can get it at[project path URL encoded]
HOW to check id of project in gitlab

How to convert Curl to url with headers

I have this command in cURL and it works
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: APP_ID" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: API_KEY" \
-G \
I want create a url that will execute the same way on the browser.
The website that I'm working with is back4app.
There is no way to achieve the same thing with just a URL. This relies on HTTP Headers (both -H parameters) that can't be translated to something else easily. To set these headers in a web browser, you'd at least need to execute JavaScript.
There might be a way if the target API supports reading the same fields from the url in some way (technically, there's no reason not to do this). I haven't found something on that topic in their docs, though.

How do you create a user using RESTServer in Drupal?

Using REST Server 6.x-2.0-beta3, I'm trying to understand how to post to
curl -d 'XX' -v http://localhost/services/rest/service_user/save
I've tried to replace XX with:
account = {'name':'myname','pass':'mypassword','mail':''}
But none of these seems to be right and finding any documention regarding this is next to impossible.
I've also tried the following:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 'account={"name":"myname","pass":"mypassword","email":"123"}' -v http://localhost/services/rest/service_user/save
The error I get in this case is:
HTTP/1.0 406 Not Acceptable: Missing required argument account
Hi I also just started working with this module and wondering how to create content using JSON.
Just been able to create a simple node using this:
Post URL: http://path-to-site/services/rest/node
Request Header: Content-Type: application/json
Request Body: {"type":"story","title":"REST Test","body":"REST using JSON"}
I think you're using the wrong URL
I figured it out:
curl -H “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” -d "sessid=xxxx" -d "account[name]=MyName&account[pass]=mypass&account[mail][conf_mail]" -v http://path-to-site/services/rest/service_user/save
You only have to add -d "sessid=xxxx" if you have configured Services to require a session. Make sure in that case to replace xxxx with your actual session id (from system.connect).
