Pull Artifacts from Nexus into XL Deploy - nexus

We have XLDeploy being used to deploy application. We do not want to use default feature where Nexus pushes new XL deploy whenever it get new artifacts. On the need basis we want to pull the artifacts from Nexus into XL Deploy. What are the steps?

You will need first to Configure XL Deploy to fetch artifacts from a repository, Then you can add an externally stored artifact to a package .. You may also have a look on this tutorial deploy an externally stored artifact using the cli which will show you how to use the XL Deploy (CLI) to deploy an artifact from a Maven repository such as Artifactory or Nexus.

You can also try using the XLRelease and give the configuration details with Nexus repository. That will help you out!


Is it possible to synch from our own Artifactory repo to Maven Central?

For some time, we have published all our artifacts to our own repository, which we host ourselves, using JFrog Artifactory.
We have some open source libraries we want to publish to Maven Central, and have come to the point where can publish every new version to Maven Central as a manual step. Now, we want to automate this, and the two options seems to be to either integrate it into our CI workflow or to sync it from our repository. Synching is the easier solution if we can make it work. Sonatype provide some straight forward instructions for doing so with the Nexus Repository Manager here: https://central.sonatype.org/publish/large-orgs/sync/
However, Nexus does not run on Artifactory, so the question is: How do we sync from Artifactory to Maven Central? (Or is it even possible? A confirmation that this is not possible would also be very valuable.)
The use case is to sync the artifacts in Artifactory to the Maven central and it is not possible from the Artifactory side.

Get Latest Artifact from JFrog - Artifactory OSS

I'm using JFrog Artifactory OSS in a docker container.
I want to download the latest version of an artifact. But it seems that it is not possible in OSS version.
Does anybody know a way to download the latest version of the artifact?
You are right, the Latest Version API endpoint works only in Artifactory Pro.
Working with Maven repositories, you can use the SNAPSHOT support to get Artifactory to return you the latest artifact.
Setting the Maven Snapshot behavior in repo settings to Unique, deploy the artifacts with -SNAPSHOT suffix. Artifactory will assign a unique version to those files internally, but you will always be able to retrieve the latest one using the -SNAPSHOT suffix.
Thanks a lot for your fast answer. I forgot you tell my hole workflow.
I have a jenkins server, building, testing and deploying my stuff.
I want build a spring boot jar file with maven and deploy it to my repository(i use jfrog). This works perfect. In a next step i will create a docker image containing this jar file. So the in the image file ther must be a command to download the execuatbel jar from jfrog. So for this reason i have to know the latest version of the jar file.
I hope you could understand it, this is my first english question.
Thanks a lot for helping me !

Adding artifactory hosted repository to nexus

Trying to figure out how to add an artifactory repository to nexus repository manager OSS..
Specifically, https://software.r3.com/artifactory/corda/
When added as proxy repo, I cannot for the life of me get it to populate 'browse index' or 'browse storage'... 'browse remote' displays all dirs/files just fine.
running Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.12.0-01
Figured this out.
It does not mirror or index the entire repository, it only pulls files specifically asked for by maven during build process.

How to copy specific artifacts across multiple instances in Artifactory?

How can I copy a specific artifact to another instance of Artifactory?
From what I can see the export/import functionality only works for full system or full single repo copying. I don't want to replicate the full repo either. I just want to copy specific artifacts.
Have you tried using the JFrog CLI? It can be used to download artifacts from Artifactory by giving a specific pattern. So, for example, you can download only the "war" files from a specific repository and then import it / deploy it to the rest of the instances that you want. You can also write a script using the JFrog CLI that will download and then publish those artifacts to the other Artifactory instances using the CLI.
You can use CLI for Jfrog Artifactory for copying the file with the new name to another repo:
jfrog rt cp "your-artifactory-repo/artifact.extension" your-new-artifactory-repo/artifact.extension
Note: you can use * if you want to copy all the artifacts from the folder.

Creating release from bamboo to nexus oss

We push the maven project code from bit bucket to bamboo.It gets build in bamboo and generates the artifact which is basically an war file(which includes the bamboo build number ).We have used the curl command to push these artifacts from bamboo to nexus oss.
1.Whether the nexus after getting the artifacts uploaded from bamboo creates any release number
2.Can we create the release number in nexus?
3.How can we create the release in nexus back to bamboo ?
4.Is this possible? Are any plugins available or can we use any kind of scripts?
I'd recommend configuring your maven build to use the maven-deploy-plugin to upload artifacts to Nexus in a consistent manner.
Here's a short blog post that describes pushing a war file: http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/2015/02/27/setup-local-nexus-repository-and-deploy-war-file-from-maven/
