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The columns for both posts and pages (in standard view) have shifted one to the right, so are not under the correct headers. See image.
So for example, the title is no longer under the title column and the author is no longer under the author column etc...
i believe it may have something to so with "manage_posts_columns", but dont know how to fix this nor what caused it.
How can the user correct this ?

Ok. So having removed all the plugins and re-install one-by-one it appears as though the Atomic Blocks - Gutenberg Blocks Collection plugin causes this error.
I have not looked into why, but disabling resolves.


Wordpress Doesn't Like My Page Template Name

Wondering if anyone has ever come across this problem. I've searched and searched and can't find a solution. It's probably staring me right in the face.
I've named a page template (page-exhibitions.php) and for some reason this page name does not display the content on it. It stops loading right after the header and picks back up on the footer, skipping over the entire template, but reading at least my get_header / get_footer.
No matter what else I name this page template, it works fine. I've check spelling until it's made me lose my mind. Any ideas?

WordPress Custom Post Type Functions Effecting Pages

ive got a problem which i cant seem to resole I know something in my function.php is causing my pages to cause 404 and cant find the custom template which is required.. Ive tried and searched High and low and still cant find the answer.. if any one can point me in the right direction that would be amazing. Heres my function.php http://pastebin.com/HFjP9cLh
I think its my custom post type which is causing the problem..
(Back up your file first)
When all else fails... remove all the functions you recently added. You want to get the site back to when it used to work.
Then slowly add in the missing functions one by one. Slowly you will isolate the issue to just one function.
Then do the same thing within the function. Remove all the lines of code and slowly add in the code until you get the part that is causing the issue. Once you know more of the specifics of what is happening you should have more luck.
I didn't look through all of the code but the first thing you need to do is remove flush_rewrite_rules();. That function should be called once and not every time the page is loaded.
Take it out entirely and then flush your permalinks by going to Settings -> Permalinks in the admin and hitting save.

Not all Wordpress pages are displaying menus correctly

I am having a specific issue with my wordpress site that I'm trying to resolve.
The site is at www.dontforgetthebubbles.com
As you will see the homepage looks fine.
But many posts are not displaying correctly. As an example:
The menu columns are all showing simultaneously (hover over 'Clinical' and compare this to the home page to see what I mean)
The 'toggle' button is not working (see http://www.dontforgetthebubbles.com/2013/07/intubating-with-stridor/ for an example of a post where it does work correctly).
I think the issues are related to more recent posts (and the older posts are ok) but it is affecting around 15 posts.
Could anyone suggest what my be causing this?
You must have a CSS or plugin causing conflict. I can see that you're loading many stylesheets. Probably have a lot of plugins? Try disabling them one by one, beginning with the most recently installed to narrow it down.
Check all the Javascript files. Looks like some are missing on the pages with the problems. For example, superfish.js or sprite.js. My guess is one of them handles the dynamic menu features with is why <ul class="sub-menu">...</ul> under Clinical doesn't have by default the display:none property unlike your home page.

Installing a new, custom theme has "broke" current Wordpress installation

I've just finished creating a new custom theme based on the underscores framework, and It's ended up breaking my current wordpress installation after applying it.
Although everything is running fine on the front end, the back end is running really weird.
The following issues have presented themselves:
Trying to add a new post (either regular, or one of the new custom post types I've defined) just results in a blank page. Although the post has been created, the admin section gets stuck on the wp-admin/post.php page.
My media library no longer shows up in the media browser. Although all 6,000+ images are still there, none show up.
When logged in, it takes ages for the page to load in the Wordpress admin bar, as it appears it can no longer display the site stats (it just shows the broken image icon after it's finally finished loading in, when the new theme is selected).
I've tried to refresh the permalinks, but this hasn't worked.
Any ideas? I was hoping to re-launch my website today, but it looks like I might have to put it on hold...
Get ahold of the devs for your framework. Your experience is not an uncommon one. It has happened to my sites several times. Unless you want to tweak the php yourself, they will have to help you.
Managed to sort this out. Turns out a function I had written to add a custom field to menu items broke the entire back end. Thanks for the help everyone!

JQuery Plugin (Hover-Caption) Adding Offset to Images In Internet Explorer (all versions)

I have a Wordpress site that uses a JQuery plugin called Hover-Caption ( https://github.com/coryschires/hover-caption ).
The main page of site: (http://brighidfitzsimons.com) looks good.
However in Internet Explorer 9, a similar page based on Category adds a 282px top offset to the post thumbnail image. (http://brighidfitzsimons.com/category/lifestyle/)
I am new web developer so I am struggling to figure out how to isolate problem. Based on this stackoverflow entry ( How do I get rid of an element's offset using CSS? ) my current train of thought is to add a IE specific CSS sheet to 'reverse' the offset but I can't seem to get at the offending element. Also I'm confused why works on main page but not on category page. If you watch page loading carefully, it initially loads correctly then at the very end the images are moved down. Perhaps this is a clue.
First stackoverflow entry so I hope I have followed correct ettiquete. Please advise if you need me to provide any more information.
Thanks for taking time to read problem.
Regards Simon
It has something to do with the substitutions of the content inside the title, probably some quirk about ie9 which someone else would have more of an idea for me
just so you can take my word for it: http://jsfiddle.net/BXjK3/
the first two i have removed all the greater, lesser and quotes and it works, but I would say the browser does the substitutions before Javascript can see it, and it all goes down-hill
edit: worth mentioning the reason it looks like that is because the text is no longer properly contained, and so the display none is not taking effect on it, pushing all the images down and making it a jumble, due to the way the content is loaded the ie inspection cannot show me how the text is after the javascript, only what was loaded on page load, so i can't give you more help than that
