Wordpress Doesn't Like My Page Template Name - wordpress

Wondering if anyone has ever come across this problem. I've searched and searched and can't find a solution. It's probably staring me right in the face.
I've named a page template (page-exhibitions.php) and for some reason this page name does not display the content on it. It stops loading right after the header and picks back up on the footer, skipping over the entire template, but reading at least my get_header / get_footer.
No matter what else I name this page template, it works fine. I've check spelling until it's made me lose my mind. Any ideas?


Block Theme Template parts - Why saving a part updates the other ones?

I was wondering what could be wrong with this...I am building some parts of "new" Full Site Editing and notice that when I am going to save one of its parts, on the sidebar it shows other parts to save/update.
In the example in the screenshot, I am just editing the navbar template part, but see the other things present to be altered, even if they are not available in this part to be edited. There is another model "Header", there is a page "Home" and seven reusable templates to be saved!
The issue with updating the whole site this way is that I don't know what is being changed.
Do you know any configuration which should be done not to this occur? Or is there any documentation that explains this new paradigm? Or is it a bug to be fixed anytime?
In fact, I did press the button one with all the checkboxes marked and some of the other template parts went away emptied (I gone nuts).
See in the second attachment that I could go back and retore previous state (thank goodness!)

wordpress - ALL pages

The columns for both posts and pages (in standard view) have shifted one to the right, so are not under the correct headers. See image.
So for example, the title is no longer under the title column and the author is no longer under the author column etc...
i believe it may have something to so with "manage_posts_columns", but dont know how to fix this nor what caused it.
How can the user correct this ?
Ok. So having removed all the plugins and re-install one-by-one it appears as though the Atomic Blocks - Gutenberg Blocks Collection plugin causes this error.
I have not looked into why, but disabling resolves.

WordPress Custom Post Type Functions Effecting Pages

ive got a problem which i cant seem to resole I know something in my function.php is causing my pages to cause 404 and cant find the custom template which is required.. Ive tried and searched High and low and still cant find the answer.. if any one can point me in the right direction that would be amazing. Heres my function.php http://pastebin.com/HFjP9cLh
I think its my custom post type which is causing the problem..
(Back up your file first)
When all else fails... remove all the functions you recently added. You want to get the site back to when it used to work.
Then slowly add in the missing functions one by one. Slowly you will isolate the issue to just one function.
Then do the same thing within the function. Remove all the lines of code and slowly add in the code until you get the part that is causing the issue. Once you know more of the specifics of what is happening you should have more luck.
I didn't look through all of the code but the first thing you need to do is remove flush_rewrite_rules();. That function should be called once and not every time the page is loaded.
Take it out entirely and then flush your permalinks by going to Settings -> Permalinks in the admin and hitting save.

Installing a new, custom theme has "broke" current Wordpress installation

I've just finished creating a new custom theme based on the underscores framework, and It's ended up breaking my current wordpress installation after applying it.
Although everything is running fine on the front end, the back end is running really weird.
The following issues have presented themselves:
Trying to add a new post (either regular, or one of the new custom post types I've defined) just results in a blank page. Although the post has been created, the admin section gets stuck on the wp-admin/post.php page.
My media library no longer shows up in the media browser. Although all 6,000+ images are still there, none show up.
When logged in, it takes ages for the page to load in the Wordpress admin bar, as it appears it can no longer display the site stats (it just shows the broken image icon after it's finally finished loading in, when the new theme is selected).
I've tried to refresh the permalinks, but this hasn't worked.
Any ideas? I was hoping to re-launch my website today, but it looks like I might have to put it on hold...
Get ahold of the devs for your framework. Your experience is not an uncommon one. It has happened to my sites several times. Unless you want to tweak the php yourself, they will have to help you.
Managed to sort this out. Turns out a function I had written to add a custom field to menu items broke the entire back end. Thanks for the help everyone!

Drupal6: Theming Node Edit pages / Opening within Lightbox

I'm trying to display all node_edit form neatly within a lightbox without any of the excess content I don't want. No sidebars, footer, header, nothing. Just the content. So I created a page-node-edit.tpl.php file.
I have two problems daunting me, but for now I'll only mention the first since its more important.
1) From any drupal page, clicking on the "edit" link for the node doesn't activate the lightbox like it should. Instead it clicks-thru the link as normal.
With jQuery in the header I added a rel attribute for the lightbox to the links, but the box still doesn't activate. I tested the lightbox on a link I hardcoded into the page, and it activated just fine. For elements generated by Drupal, like the node edit link/button the problem seems to be timing.
I think the rel attribute needs to be built with the page, with the link, rather than appended onto it. The catch is, the link lacks an id and class, so I don't see how the hook_alter_link() function can help me.
I'm willing to try anything. Perhaps someone has done this before? Opened a node/edit form within a lightbox.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've seen the Modal Frame API used in a few modules (Node Relationships uses it to do something very similar to what you're doing); might be helpful...
