What is QScrollBar::add-line? - qt

From the docs,
The ::add-line subcontrol can be used to style the button to add a
line. By default, the add-line subcontrol is placed in top right
corner of the Border rectangle of the widget. Depending on the
orientation the ::right-arrow or ::down-arrow. By default, the arrows
are placed in the center of the Contents rectangle of the add-line
What's the mean of "style the button to add a line"? What's the appearance of a line? How is it shaped? What's the function of such a line?
AFAIK, a scroll-bar is consist of a background rectangle, two arrow buttons and a rectangle act as the handle:

the button to add a line
This is the button that adds a line in your scroll-area (in the direction of your scrollbar, horizontal or vertical), i.e. to scroll one line (down/right, the sub-line control will scroll one line up/left).
This is just the regular button with an arrow that you already identified on your screenshot. The default button and behaviour for scrollbars as we see them in most of GUIs.
This one line is actually called single step in the QAbstractSlider doc.
These stylesheet controls QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal, QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal, QScrollBar:left-arrow:horizontal etc allow to customize the look of these parts of the widget.
The other control QScrollBar::add-page: will allow you customize the widget area that scrolls not just one line but one page.
The size of a page can be defined by setPageStep(int) while the size of the one line can be defined by setSingleStep(int).
There is no button to add/sub one page-step. Instead you have to click in the empty space between the handle and the buttons to add/sub one line.
From what I tested (Qt5.10) this will be processed only if you also customize the QScrollBar as well. The example of the doc given by Scheff Customizing QScrollBar shows a full usage of what you can customize on a QScrollBar.


How to increase the clickable area of a QPushButton in Qt?

The Back button in the top left corner of my touch user interface is a little hard to press on a resistive touchscreen, because the touch events are not so precise at the borders of the screen.
The visual size of the button can't really be increased because the screen space is needed for other things. Thus I would like to increase only the clickable area of the button. So when the user touches somewhere in the top left corner of the screen (as marked in red), the back button should be pressed. Note that the red area also overlaps another button. Ideally, the visual button state would also change to the "pressed" state.
Can anyone give me some pointers in the right direction? I have considered the following things, but I'm unsure which would work.
Overlaying the actual button with a larger, invisible button, painted with a transparent brush. But I have no idea how I could paint the smaller button as "pressed" when the user is pressing the invisible button.
Creating a new class based on QWidget, which has the size of the red area (with invisible background) and contains the actual button. Then relay touch events to the button so that it is pressed when the user touches the empty area.
Subclassing QPushButton and reimplementing QAbstractButton::hitButton to accept points outside of the button's area. But I guess that function would probably isn't even called when I touch outside the widget area.
To occupy more vertical space inside a layout, set buttons vertical policy to expanding.
To increase the clickable area without increasing the visual size, increase the margin.
To have the back button overlapping other buttons, don't put it to a layout. Instead set its parent directly and move it to the corner.
backButton = new QPushButton("< Back", mainWindow);
backButton->setStyleSheet("margin: 30;");
backButton->resize(150, 90);
backButton->move(-30, -30);

GWT DialogBox Has Gaps In Border For Larger Messages

Working with GWT v2.5.1, I'm creating a DialogBox and filling it using HTML by calling dialog.setHTML(...) with this:
<h3>could not start.</h3>
<p>These preferences must all be set before I can start</p>
I have no custom CSS. What appears on the screen is this:
You'll notice that there are big gaps in the left and right borders. Looking at the CSS for the dialogTopLeft and dialogTopRight classes, they extract the border from images/corner.png and the shown length of the border exactly matches the size of that image. In other words, the dialog is too big.
I tried removing the "no-repeat" directive on the background CSS attribute (using Chrome Inspector) but that repeats the entire border image, including the rounded corner at the top, and so does not appear contiguous.
I can't be the first person who's tried to put more than a single line into a DialogBox...
What's the trick to making the borders "repeat" and fill in the holes?
Wrap the HTML in HTMLPanel befor passing it to the DialogBox
DialogBox dialog = new DialogBox();
HTMLPanel panel = new HTMLPanel("<h3>could not start.</h3><hr><p>These preferences must all be set before I can start</p>");
Thanks to #Moh for placing me on the right path.
The proper way to do this is to set only the dialog title using setHTML() and then create the body as a new panel and add it to the dialog.
DialogBox dialog = new DialogBox();
dialog.setHTML("<b>" + title + "</b>");
dialog.add(new HTMLPanel(message));
Adding buttons is left as an exercise for the reader...
GWT Dialoge box already have pre defined CSS.
you have to override or have to set your own style names using set Methods.
Default css names starts with,

Qt overlay(drop-up) box

I am creating a Qt application where I need to display contents in an overlay box(Please refer to the attached image). The box needs to slide up from behind the bottom dock when a button is pressed and slide down by toggling the button. I tried with a QWidget but couldn't achieve what I wanted. Also I don't know how to list the elements in the overlay box. The elements are dynamic or changing.
The widgets stacking order is defined by their order in the QObject hierarchy tree. The first element is the bottom, and every next is on top of the previous. Children are on top of their parents, in widgets confined within their bounds, in QML free.
If you want that sliding element to appear on top of everything else, just put its parent on top of everything else.
After all it is on top of the bottom control bar, which is on top of the playlist, so you have it all worked out for you.
The same applies if you decide to do the wiser thing and use QML instead of QWidget. Animation and states are much easier there. Not to mention more specific designs.

QT - Place Buttons on Bottom Right

I am trying to place a set of buttons so that they are anchored to the bottom right of the screen. My problem is that whenever I resize the screen, the buttons are not anchored to the bottom right, but stay in its current position.
I have placed two Push Buttons inside a Horizontal Layout. I then placed this layout inside a Grid Layout, which contains a Horizontal and Vertical Spacer. I have modified the Grid Layout layoutSize property to SetMaximumSize.
What am I doing incorrectly, so that I can get my buttons to be anchored to the bottom right?
You have almost everything just right here, but you probably overlooked something that is really easy to miss when you first start using Qt Designer.
Your grid layout is sitting inside your widget with a fixed size and position. It too needs to be managed by a layout. If you take a look at the Object Inspector on the top right (that contains your hierarchy) you will probably see your top level widget with a red icon. This indicates that it contains no layout. You have two options to fix this...
Have your existing grid layout placed into another main layout (like a vertical layout). You would simply right click on your top level widget in the Object Inspector -> Lay Out -> [Choose a main layout type].
Have your grid be the main layout. To do this you would need to remove the grid layout and have your child items arranged exactly how you have them in that picture. Then follow the previous option, right clicking on the top level widget (or the blank background) and choose Lay out -> Grid. This will pop your widgets into a Grid at a best visual fit (which you can then fix if needed), and your grid will be the top level layout.
That grid layout will make placing other widgets quite hard. Try this instead:
Add (from left to right) horizontal spacer and the two buttons.
Multiselect them all.
Select "Lay Out Horizontally" (Ctrl-H) from the Qt Designer's (or Qt Creator's) top toolbar (not from the widget box in the left!).
Add vertical spacer on top of the previous widgets.
Select the main window by clicking it (none of the added widgets are now selected).
Select "Lay Out Vertically" (Ctrl-L) from the top toolbar.
It seems that you're doing it correctly. Just forgot to apply a layout to your central widget, right? The Grid layout should be arranged in your central widget. The more convenient way is to remove grid layout widget and lay out the central widget in a grid ;-)

Flex 3 - Custom tab navigator

I'm trying to create a custom tab navigator that has to look like this http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/b470d024c4.jpg.
Also, when there's a rollover, the borders of the arrow have to be in blue (like the label in the current tab).
For that purpose, I've created a custom component: a hbox containing a label and a canvas with 3 images inside (for the arrow tip that has to change depending on the currentState).
Then, I thought of overlapping the components in order to get the blue highlight color (ex: arrow button 3 is over arrow button 4. The image of the arrow tip in button 3 will be transparent outside the arrow, so that we can see the black color of the following button).
I'm now trying to position the components inside the canvas ... but I cannot.
After the creationComplete event, I assign the label text and I was calculating the coordonates of the component but it doesn't take into account the label width... -_-'
Any ideas?
Thanks. Regards,
Read up on the Flex Component LifeCycle. You should be positioning and sizing your child components in the updateDisplayList() method; not in a creationComplete handler.
You should assign the label text in either commitProperties or createChildren depending upon when you know what it is.
If you want to share some code, we may be able to hone in on the exact problem. If you run code like this:
myLabel.text = 'Blahblahblahblah';
I would expect that the width has not changed to reflect the new text because the myLabel has not gone through it's own component lifecycle steps yet.
