I'm learning DataExplorer package in R. I'm using following R code
choco=read.csv('flavors_of_cacao.csv',header = T,stringsAsFactors = T)
#checking the dimension of the input dataset and the time of variables.
I'm getting following plot.
I would like to make output of plot_str() visually more appealing so that I can put it in power point presentation.For example text should be bold with color. Can you suggest me how to do that?
Have you tried this?
plot_str(choco, fontSize = 40)
If you look at ?plot_str, the ... passes arguments directly to diagonalNetwork() and radialNetwork() from networkD3 library. You should be able to customize your charts directly.
Hello I don't have many experience with R but I need help using abbreviated code to specify a custom renderer for the "table1" package in R. I would like to not display the default stats(FREQ,PCT) variable for categorical data and only display the frequency and omit the percent. The code in R Documentations show how to customize this for continuous variables and show some custom statistics for different variables.
This is just for the convenience of displaying a frequency table with the built html formatting of package 1. I do know how to get this information otherwise. I am interested learning how to use more this package in R.
rndr <- function(x, name, ...)
{(what <- switch(name,
c_race = "FREQ",
parse.abbrev.render.code(c("", what))(x))
table1::table1(~c_race|c_ethnicity*c_gender, data = childlearn_demo,
render=rndr, overall="Total",topclass="Rtable1-zebra")
The purpose of "abbreviated code" is to allow flexibility without needing to write your own function. Thus, you can get the desired result by simply using render.categorical="Freq", i.e.:
table1::table1(~ c_race|c_ethnicity*c_gender, data = childlearn_demo,
overall="Total",topclass="Rtable1-zebra", render.categorical="Freq")
(note: I am the table1 package author)
came across this seemingly new package - skimr, which looks pretty nifty, and was trying it out and looks like I'm missing some package installation. Skim works fine except that it doesn't print the histogram, it is supposed to print for numeric variables. I am merely trying the examples given in the documentation.
Link to skimr documentation here - https://github.com/ropenscilabs/skimr#skimr
this is the code I'm using
instead of histograms being printed, I see some ASCII/unicode characters .
A solution that can be used to workaround the above problem is to set the locale of the R system to Chinese and to set the font of the R console to NSimSun.
temp <- tempfile()
cat("font = NSimSun\n", file = temp, append = TRUE)
loadRconsole(file = temp)
Sys.setlocale( locale='Chinese' )
(a <- skim(mtcars))
In RStudio this solution works only partially. Histograms generated by skim can be visualized only using View after setting the locale of R to Chinese
Sys.setlocale( locale='Chinese' )
a <- skim(mtcars)
Hope this can help you.
I am trying to create some R visuals in Power BI using the googleVis and/or plotly libraries, but no matter what I do, I can’t get Power BI to display anything. It always just says “No image was created. The R code didn’t result in creation of any visuals. Make sure your R script results in a plot to the R default device.” The issue occurs with plotly and googleVis libraries, so I think it may have something to do with the fact that they’re both browser-based outputs. Per Microsoft, plotly is supported in Power BI. I was hoping someone could tell me why I can’t get any of these example scripts to work in Power BI.
Example code which works in R, but not pbi.
p <- plot_ly(midwest, x = ~percollege, color = ~state, type = "box")
df=data.frame(country=c("US", "GB", "BR"),
Line <- gvisLineChart(df)
Now, we can create RHTML custom visual in power BI
1) we can use Ploty - to use it you have load you "midwest" data in power BI table
2) then drag it to R script so it will available to R Script .
3) then run R script , it will work
You can render charts created by plotly as PNG:
p <- plot_ly(x = dataset$period, y = dataset$mean, name = "spline", line = list(shape = "spline"))
plotly_IMAGE(p, format = "png", out_file = "out.png")
But the problem with this is that, though rendered by plotly, the visualizations will not be interactive since it's just a PNG image.
If you want to create interactive visualizations using plotly. The only way you can do so far is to create a custom Power BI visualization and import it to your report. See this post for a good introduction.
Summary: my ultimate goal is to use rCharts, and specifically Highcharts, as part of a ReporteRs PowerPoint report automation workflow. One of the charts I would like to use is rendered as html in the Viewer pane in Rstudio, and addPlot(function() print(myChart)) does not add it to the PowerPoint. As a workaround, I decided to try to save myChart to disk, from where I could just add it to the PowerPoint that way.
So my question is really, How do I get my html image into my ReporteRs workflow? Either getting it saved to a disk, or getting it to be readable by ReporteRs would solve my problem.
This question is really the same as this one, but I'm using rCharts, specifically the example found here:
#if the packages are not already installed
install_github('rCharts', 'ramnathv')
#code creates a radar chart using Highcharts
#create dummy dataframe with number ranging from 0 to 1
#muliply number by 100 to get percentage
myChart <- Highcharts$new()
myChart$chart(polar = TRUE, type = "line",height=500)
myChart$xAxis(categories=df$id, tickmarkPlacement= 'on', lineWidth= 0)
myChart$yAxis(gridLineInterpolation= 'circle', lineWidth= 0, min= 0,max=100,endOnTick=T,tickInterval=10)
myChart$series(data = df[,"val1"],name = "Series 1", pointPlacement="on")
myChart$series(data = df[,"val2"],name = "Series 2", pointPlacement="on")
So if I try
> png(filename="~/Documents/name.png")
> plot(myChart)
Error in as.double(y) :
cannot coerce type 'S4' to vector of type 'double'
> dev.off()
I get that error.
I've looked into Highcharts documentation, as well as many other potential solutions that seem to rely on Javascript and phantomjs. If your answer relies on phantomjs, please assume I have no idea how to use it. webshot is another package I found which is even so kind as to include an install_phantomjs() function, but from what I could find, it requires you to turn your output into a Shiny object first.
My question is really a duplicate of this one, which is not a duplicate of this one because that is how to embed the html output in Rmarkdown, not save it as a file on the hard drive.
I also found this unanswered question which is also basically the same.
edit: as noted by #hrbrmstr and scores of others, radar charts are not always the best visualization tools. I find myself required to make one for this report.
The answer turned out to be in the webshot package. #hrbrmstr provided the following code, which would be run at the end of the code I posted in the question:
# If necessary
# Main code
webshot::webshot("/tmp/rcharts.html", file="/tmp/out.png", delay=2)
This saves the plot to the folder as an html, and then takes a picture of it, which is saved as a png.
I can then run the ReporteRs workflow by using addImage(mydoc, "/tmp/out.png").
I am using tableNominal{reporttools} to produce frequency tables. The way I understand it, tableNominal() produces latex code which has to be copied and pasted onto a text file and then saved as .tex. But is it possible to simple export the table produced as can be done in print(xtable(table), file="path/outfile.tex"))?
You may be able to use either latex or latexTranslate from the "Hmisc" package for this purpose. If you have the necessary program infrastructure the output gets sent to your TeX engine. (You may be able to improve the level of our answers by adding specific examples.)
Looks like that function does not return a character vector, so you need to use a strategy to capture the output from cat(). Using the example in the help page:
capture.output( TN <- tableNominal(vars = vars, weights = weights, group = group,
cap = "Table of nominal variables.", lab = "tab: nominal") ,